We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Iconography And How It Affects Us At The Subconcious Level.


 Iconography is the subtle merging of Graphic Art with Advertising Techniques and Propaganda protocols to affect people on a subliminal level. Like Obama's Logo is supposed to represent the change to a better future with the sun rising on a newer better America, and we all know what really happened with that piece of (insert your own expletive here). Although it is basically pictures with subliminal representations of messages contained within them, it can also be words to produce a mental picture with the same result. In my day it used to be called 'Brainwashing techniques'.


 We need to expose the iconography used by the Administration, and also by the Progressive/Socialist Machine that has been used against us for almost One Hundred Years. We need to educate the General Public on how it evokes a subtle subconscious response in us, to the propaganda it generates.We must learn to recognize and expose it, where ever it is being used. We have to be able to counter it's effects, when it is used against us. It is contained in everything we see on a daily basis on TV and in movies as well. We all know the opposition wants to trivialize us, and cast us into the role of;"Criminal,Violent,Maniac Types", instead of the "Concerned Responsible American Citizens we in reality are.


 The Left controlled, Main Stream Media, uses everything at their command to poison and subtly control the minds of our fellow citizens, using them against us, to make their viewpoints seem the only rational way to do things. The correct and only way to defeat the Ultra-Left, is to show them up in the light of Truth, Logic, and Reason, for the Destructive Fools they are.  


 Here's my attempt to use words, to paint an iconographic mental picture: The Second American Revolution is at hand! It must of necessity be fought at the Ballot Box,not in the streets. We have also engaged the Enemy in the Second American Civil War. this war can only be won by Loyal American Patriots using ballots not bullets.


 America was built on the combined principles of: Liberty, Freedom, Truth, Honor, Equal Justice,and most importantly Individual Responsibility to uphold those principles. We must Reaffirm those principles and use our version of iconography in the interest of Basic Truth.

Chameleon like, the Democratic/Socialists in power, have clothed themselves in the False Mantle of the Legitimacy and Respectability that is due Honorable Elected Officials.In effect they are the modern day wolves in sheeps clothing, but that false front will soon be gone. They will soon show themselves in the true light of their personas.

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Comment by Catherine Linton on April 18, 2011 at 9:31pm

The only way to derail the fundamentally flawed economic and social policies of B. Hussein Obama is to remove him from the Presidency as quickly as possible. Since Reagan, the government has grown like a cancer stripping one right after another from the American people, layering tier after tier of gov. regulation on every aspect of our lives. We've just been too busy living our lives to take note. This isn't the work of one administration, one Congress or any war. This is what we get for falling asleep.  This is what we get when we abdicate our job to vett decent candidates. How many rinos have been voted back in over and over because they SEEMED trustworthy?  This is what we get for not paying attention. What we see today is the product of two evils..not one: 1. Unchecked, unquestioned, unmonitored government, 2. Lazy voters.

What we need to start right now and every time ANY candidate throws their hat in the ring - look up their voting record.  Look at the bills they sponsored.  Look at the earmarks they put in. Look at their spending habits. Call them.  Will they speak to you? Write them about an issue. They have six weeks before they MUST reply, by law, if you're a constituent. Do they? Does their reply seem like they even read your letter?

We have got to stop obsessing over the hair, the weight, what they wear, the voice, the make-up, the tan. Like it or not, many Americans don't see rinos as any better than Obama.

The GOP better wake up and smell the revolution.

Comment by Catherine Linton on April 18, 2011 at 1:04pm
Who's side is the 'Big Mike" on..? I mean, geez, he wants GE to pay their taxes????? He must have skipped breakfast!
Comment by M on April 18, 2011 at 11:39am
If you want to see first hand the spin doctoring, half truths, and outright lies that the Socialist Democrats are spinning about the miniscule cuts that were made, watch this video by MoveOn.org ( http://front.moveon.org/the-best-explanation-of-whats-really-going-... ) This is one of the types of Iconographic Propaganda we are fighting. It's emotional message combined with misleading data and outright lies puts forth a powerful false image of  to enrage the average good natured American. Until the Gop comes out with  Videos of this impact, about the true nature of the problems, we don't stand a chance to get the REAL message across about what needs to be done. Learn from it, so you will be better able to recognize and counter it with the truth in arguments with Liberals.



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