There has been a constant media attack against God, Ronald Reagan and George Bush from the day Obama announced his campaign. And now white people across this nation have been harassed, intimidated, and physically attacked by the mere mention that they do not believe in Obam. And it is not just the African Americans that are guilty of this. Add to all this the destruction of Historical events related to the Confederacy.
Each and every time someone attempts to state facts they are called racialist, Un-American, and hate mongers. What is Un-American is the refusal to state that The United States of America was established with the help of God. It is God in which we trust, and who has protected this Nation from Day One. And the Confederacy is History, not some fantasy. What makes this even more of a tragedy is how many here bend to political correctness, and assault other members for posting facts, especially the fact that we are facing a full blown Civil War unless we can force Obama out of office through legal measures.
Now I have some cold hard facts for Obama, The Clintons, and Gays. They have all said the facts are just not there to justify any Conservative or Republican agenda, or movement. Hillary has even dared people to show proof of the corruption of Obama, The Clintons, and Gays. The reason they feel comfortable with making these statements is much of the proof is no longer easily obtainable via the Internet. Well Miz Clinton, YOU REALLY DO NOT WANT ME TO BRING OUT MY DATA BASE OF RESEARCH INFORMATION!
Although I have retired from the Lecture Circuit some time ago, I have never reduced, or stop maintaining social and historical information. Dates, times, author, media source, and much more. Some of it will make you sick, some will disgust you, and some are facts showing how many members of the Democrat Party have committed treason.
For months these sites here have published media coverage, Obama facts, and other information, but there has been no definitive straight forward facts detailing the history of why we are in the night mare that we are in. In many ways, it looks like there is a cowardness that has grip many members.
Here are just a few examples THAT ARE FACTS, NOT OPINIONS
Chase Manhattan Bank continue to operate in Berlin Germany through out WWII, and assisted Germany in concealing Nazi stolen treasures as they were transferred to Swiss Banks.
Henry Ford was awarded by Adolf Hitler, and published an anti-Semitist news paper.
JFK's father Joseph was a supporter of Adolf Hitler, and was fired as Ambassador to England for his refusal to support Winston Churchill’s request for help from the American People.
JFK not only slept with Marilyn Monroe, but also with a Mafia Princess, and a Known Russian Spy.
Leaders of NAMBLA gave over 1.5 Million Dollars to the Gay Rights Movement between the 1960's and 70's on the belief that once Gay established their legal protection that NAMBLA would be free to LEGALLY rape young boys as young as 8 years old. Supported by the Gay Rights movement, NAMBLA has submitted Resolutions to the State of California for decades demanding the age of consent for sexual activity be lowered to age 8. There slogan was
If not by 8, it's too late.
Bill and Hillary Clinton received over 2 Million Dollars from Communist China.
Bill Clinton received over 1.5 Million Dollars from those he pardoned.
You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother
Teacher," he declared, "all these I have kept since I was a boy."
Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Mark 10: 19-21
You either give all or nothing. I have been called the most hated man in Michigan and in several counties in Kentucky because of my refusal to give up the truth. Many after reading this will no doubt despise, and threaten me. Some will post false or mis-leading information in an attempt to discredit anything I post. So who among you are True Believes in God and America? Who among you wants the truth?
You decide if you want the Truth, or continue with the political correctness that has destroyed this country. I will be awaiting your reply.
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