We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Obama Politicians Proved Their Lack of Moral Turpitude

We lived in a poor run down and rough neighborhood in Detroit when I was going to grade school. My family seemed to be the poorest of them all. My father was cruel and abusive to me and my mother. Life was very hard and terrifying for me then. School and reading were all I had to hang on. The stories I learned and read about another life of people with outstanding character and vision are all that kept me going. These were the people who made the world a better place because of the finest within them. I knew one day I would find the finest within me.

Some of the highlights of my childhood experiences were discovering the finest within humanity through the attendance of wonderful concerts of classical music, ballet, and art museums. I could take abuse at home for months after one visit to an art museum. Best of all were the stories of George Washington. Remember why he cut down the cherry tree? Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Abe Lincoln, Patrick Henry, Alexander Hamilton and many others who contributed to the greatness of the American Republic all gave me the courage to aspire to develop the finest within me.

Though I never reached any place of public significance in my life, I always respected and admired those who did climb to a place of major public trust and influence. My belief was they could never have attained their powerful positions with out outstanding good character and the manifestation of the finest within themselves. In my naïve way, I trusted our elected officials and our government as I am certain most Americans who voted for them did also.

Oh yes, I wasn’t quite so naïve as to be unaware of crooked politicians and dirty dealing. The scandals were plastered in MSM. The bad guys were caught, exposed and made accountable. Life went on. They were the exception and not the rule—so I thought. It was my mistaken idealistic belief that 95% of our elected politicians were courageous, patriotic, honorable, loyal to their sworn oaths and fiduciary duty to the public, and above all well educated and learned regarding the Constitution, American & world history, and believed in acting for the highest good of the country above their own political gains. It took me over fifty years to discover I wrong I was. It took the 2008 election to awaken me to reality like a pitcher of ice water thrown over me while in a deep sleep. Maybe most Americans are more sophisticated than I am and already knew and accepted what I finally learned, but not dumb optimistic me. That is why when I finally discovered the whole reality of what happened to America during my fifty years of sleeping, I went into a traumatic shock from which I have still not recovered.

Nancy Pelosi, Hilliary & Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Obama and the Democrats gleefully shout; “We won! Now you have to do it our way.” If these knuckleheads realized what their statement and their so called win revealed about their inner characters they might not be so willing to shout; “We won!” Everything about this Democratic win is a monument to the bad characters of those who participated in supporting Obama. Obama’s win reveals the foulest within these people.

This so called win of the Democrats is the most shameful and heinous win in America’s political history. It was a win upon a slippery slope of BLATANT CHEATING. The dregs of humanity (Obama’s campaign managers, friends and funders) orchestrated this win by a show of willingness to commit criminal conspiracies, lies, cheating, rape of our Constitution, voter fraud, harm to others, and riddled with disgrace of every kind. This past election revealed to the whole world how thoroughly the Democrats lust for power corrupted them. These bottom of the barrel slimy characters have proven themselves to be so totally lacking in moral turpitude by their actions in this election, they were willing to commit any crime and violate any sacred law or American tradition to reach power. They willingly did commit crimes at the price of their own personal decency and integrity. They willingly announced to the world their lack of moral turpitude. Now anyone can get what he want from them by “making them an offer they can’t refuse.”

The Democrats and many Republicans totally under estimated American intelligence. They thought Americans either wouldn’t notice their crimes, not care or simply forget them. In their shameful win, the Democrats and many Republicans continue to commit crimes and violate the US constitution and work towards the destruction of the American Republic.

Any one of the items listed below would be enough to make a person of decency and integrity sick with guilt from a troubled conscious. It appears not one of the items listed below bothers Obama or the Obama camp. Obama’s campaign advisors, any workers, and any elected politicians who were aware of these items and continued to support him should be worried one day they will have to be made accountable for what they did to America in trade for thirty pieces of silver. The whole world is thoroughly aware of all the items mentioned below:

1. Obama stole the delegate votes from Hilliary Clinton who should have been the Democratic Nominee to run. (Moral turpitude, ruthlessness)

2. Obama was never properly vetted to prove he met the three eligibility qualifications to be president. When the ridicules Democrats realized they had a potential winner in Obama, they were so corrupt they didn’t even bother to properly check him out. When they finally realized this was a serious issue, they simply conspired to shove the issue into a closet and conspired with MSM to suppress the story. Nancy Pelosi is the defendant of some law suits accusing her of committing perjury by signing that Obama qualified to be president. (moral turpitude, betrayal, criminal & Constitutional violation)

3. Obama made clandestine deals with Hillary to get her to support him instead of oppose him (which Hilliary should have done.) Obviously Mrs. Clinton chose career over country. (moral turpitude, betrayal)

4. Obama violated the election rules and accepted millions of dollars of foreign money to finance his campaign. Not one Democrat seemed to have a problem with that—as long as he won. (moral turpitude & lawlessness)

5. Obama has a long and exclusive list of nefarious characters with whom he was and is associated—most who belong in jail--Some who are in jail and others who are going to jail. Obama made the real estate deal of the year through some of those suspicious characters. That also didn’t bother one single Democrat whose actions proved that obtaining power was more important that protecting the American People. (moral turpitude & lawlessness)

6. Obama went to Europe when he was campaigning and tried to supersede Bush’s powers by attempting to make a deal with the government of Iraq to stall the withdrawing of American troops until after he was elected. It is treason for any politician but the president to make deals with foreign governments on behalf of America. That was soon suppressed and forgotten. That also didn’t seem to bother one Democrat as long as Obama could become president. (moral turpitude, lawlessness, treason)

7. Then the big attack on America came in the form of a Cloward-Piven sabotage of a falsely created economic crisis in America. How convenient for Obama that came just at the time he needed it most to turn the American voter away from McCain to Obama. Not one Democrat seemed to care about the major harm this caused America and the world. (moral turpitude, lawlessness, & intent to harm America)

8. When Obama was challenged in the judicial system to produce his birth certificate and other records to prove his presidential eligibility, he paid a small fortune to attorneys to buy off judges to dismiss cases on technicalities at he price of our NATIONAL SECURITY. Now America is in the greatest Constitutional and National Security Crisis in her history. Did the Democrats care as long as they could steal power? (moral turpitude, lawlessness, recalcitrance, treason, intent to harm America)

9. Obama had the gall to pull a cheap shot and produce a forged document calling it his proof he qualifies. What is worse are the number of Senators and Congress people who have actually conspired with this forgery to claim Obama is qualified. These idiots refused to challenge Obama on January 8, 2009 when the electoral votes were counted because they “were afraid they would be laughed out of their careers.” Isn’t it comforting to the trusting American people to know the people they elected to office to work for them placed their careers above our country and our rights. (moral turpitude, disloyalty, breach of duty, ignorance of the Constitution, and conspiracy)

10. Let us not forget Acorn (about to receive 5.2 billion dollars from Obama’s stinkulus plan) that has been indicted in 15 states for voter fraud. These cases—to the best of my knowledge—are still in the courts today. Another issue Democrats seems to have no concern or embarrassment over. (moral turpitude, conspiracy, lawlessness)

11. When his opponents posted ads Obama didn’t like he tried to get the DOJ to have them removed. (moral turpitude)

12. Remember. America is still the greatest country in the world and even the poor have a better life standard than many in other 3rd world countries. Obama through exaggeration and convolution of the truth belittled, berated, and hurt America to persuade the gullible that America is such a terrible country it needed change. His change. (moral turpitude, betrayal, ruthlessness)

13. Obama is himself a living violation of the US Constitution. He is not qualified to be president. So what does this pillar of society do? Obama perjurers himself by taking the oath of Presidency with Justice Treasonor Roberts. Now there is an imposter and usurper in the Whitehouse aided and abetted by the Supreme Court. (moral turpitude, criminal conspiracy, lawlessness)

14. Obama created a false image of himself when in went to Germany where he gave free beer and a great rock&roll band to attract a crowd to make it look like the Germans came to see him. There were also other issues about Obama’s visit between him and the German Chancellor. (moral turpitude, conspiracy, lawlessness)

Now the Democrats are in a great big rush to continue passing laws, bills, directives, plans, and orders to obtain total dictatorial control before Americans actually take them out of office for breach of the US Constitution. What on earth makes these gangsters in congress thing we the people are going to continue turning the cheek in the face of all the slaps the American people have received this past year? What makes these knuckleheads think they are fooling us? Everyday and in everyway, we the people are growing more knowledgeable, stronger, and more determined than ever to take back our country and return it the Republic under rule of law of the Constitution it was designed to be.

Therese Daniels c March 1, 2009

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