We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Let’s Get It Right

We are all mad as hell and don’t want to take it any more. One night we fell asleep secure in the knowledge we were in the United States of America. The next morning we woke up to the madness of an Obama raping, violating, and destroying America at tornado speed. We discovered we have been betrayed by both the government and MSM who suppressed vital facts that would have prevented the horror we our now facing. Nothing in American history has ever prepared Americans to either prevent or stop the treasonous crimes and total destruction from within America is now facing. This is war. We the people are being defeated into enslavement. It is a particularly heinous war because the enemy is our own government, and the strategists, aggressors and many enemies are nearly invisible. They are hiding in the closets, backrooms and cesspools all over the planet. Our only proof they exist are Obama, a usurper in the Whitehouse and the laws, bills they are passing against Americans and their clear objective of destroying America through bankruptcy, a weakening of America’s defense, and the absolute control over our free speech and right to bear arms. These are all symptoms of a government transition from Republic to dictatorship.

When many voters began to realize we needed more information about this strange new Democratic candidate from no where than we were getting from MSM, we began searching the inter net. What came forward was a composite of extremely negative information which led to more questions that we soon learned all information had been sealed. That in itself would have been enough information for rational voters to not vote for Obama. Nothing about this election was rational.

We began venting our suspicions and frustrations on the blogs. Soon a very clear picture came forward as described in the first paragraph. Obama is an imposter supported by an invisible enemy. Now, many brave patriots are stepping forward in many ways to protest America’s destruction. The states are declaring their sovereignty. Philip Berg, Leo Donofrio, Dr. Orly Taitz, and others have brought and are bringing law suits demanding Obama release his sealed documents. Attorney Stephen Pidgeon is spearheading a NATIONAL GRAND JURY. We The People Foundation, CUSC.Org, Citizenwells, USAPatriots-shout and thousands of others have web sites working hard to keep information coming forward. The advice is everything from say “we want to impeach Obama, to write to your Congressman, Senator, or state representative and tell them we don’t want the stimulus plan, or the new budget, or the. . . . .” Finally a group—The Tea Party has found a very innovative way to protest the government.

I couldn’t agree more the idea of PROTEST. The louder, more persistent, and passionate the protest is, the better. Protest by millions of letters. Send them to the Supreme Court, to congress, to the media, to your Senators, and whomever else necessary. Make signs and gather groups and protest loud and clear on every street corner, in front of every TV station and newspaper office. Tell the world—“Hell no! We won’t take it any more.” Write with all your blood and guts on the blogs and send copies to editors or the press and every news castor and TV station you can think of. Throw as many tea parties as you can—everywhere, as often, as loud. Let’s continue to do so until every one in America—Republicans, Democrats, Independents, patriots get on the same page—remove Obama, the usurper from office and restore America to the Republic under the US Constitution.

However, I want to be clear on two issues.

1. Be absolutely certain however you choose to protest is honest and lawful. Do nothing that will give any adversary an opportunity to discredit or use the law in some way to harm or make you look guilty for something you have not done.

2. Do not put the cart before the horse. This means do not give credit, acknowledge, or validate Obama’s illegal presidency in any manner. All protests must be first directed to A. A is A as Aristotle would say. What I am trying to say is—protesting anything Obama does as President-putting the control of the census bureau in Rahm Emanuel’s power, his stinkulus and all spending plans, his funding of Acorn, his housing recovery plans, and the rest of his evil ad sick-a-nitum agenda to diminish America is dumb. What I mean is—if people protest Obama’s actions without protesting his legality to be president, they are inadvertently making his imposter role as president legal by acknowledging him as president which he is not.

Protesting Obama’s bills is a waste of time and energy because it only prolongs the main issue—Obama’s legality as president. Therefore, if all protestors focused on the one and only main issue—Obama’s legality as President then chances of getting him removed as a usurper are stronger. Once removed so will everything he did as president be declared illegal and unenforceable. So all the issues he has created will automatically disappear once Obama is declared a usurper. For this reason, I disagree with the Tea Party Group who only protested Obama’s spending plan and not the fact Obama is a usurper. The Tea Party group needs to focus not on Obama’s issues but on his legitimacy as president. Those who claim “Impeach Obama” need to replace that with arrest Obama. Under the law, a usurper can not be “impeached” as he is not the legal president—he must be arrested. Therefore all protests in order to be truly effective need to concentrate on A. Obama is not a legal president.

Since Dr. Vieira explains better than I ever could, l include these excerpts from his wonderful article “Stand Up or Step Down.”

“Fourth, if he turns out to be nothing but an usurper acting in the guise of “the President,” Obama will not constitutionally be the “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States” (see Article II, Section 2, Clause 1). Therefore, he will be entitled to no obedience whatsoever from anyone in those forces. Indeed, for officers or men to follow any of his purported “orders” will constitute a serious breach of military discipline—and in extreme circumstances perhaps even “war crimes.” In addition, no one in any civilian agency in the Executive Branch of the General Government will be required to put into effect any of Obama’s purported “proclamations,” “executive orders,” or “directives.”

Fifth, as nothing but an usurper (if he becomes one), Obama will have no conceivable authority “to make Treaties”, or to “nominate, and * * * appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not * * * otherwise provided for [in the Constitution]” (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2). And therefore any “Treaties” or “nominat[ions], and * * * appoint[ments]” he purports to “make” will be void ab initio, no matter what the Senate does, because the Senate can neither authorize an usurper to take such actions in the first place, nor thereafter ratify them. One need not be a lawyer to foresee what further, perhaps irremediable, chaos must ensue if an usurper, even with “the Advice and Consent of the Senate”, unconstitutionally “appoint[s] * * * Judges of the Supreme Court” whose votes thereafter make up the majorities that wrongly decide critical “Cases” of constitutional law.

“Seventh, if Obama does become an usurper posturing as “the President,” Congress cannot even impeach him because, not being the actual President, he cannot be “removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” (see Article II, Section 4). In that case, some other public officials would have to arrest him—with physical force, if he would not go along quietly—in order to prevent him from continuing his imposture. Obviously, this could possibly lead to armed conflicts within the General Government itself, or among the States and the people.”

The underlying problem will not be obviated if Obama, his partisans in the Democratic Party, and his cheerleaders and cover-up artists in the big media simply stonewall the issue of his (non)citizenship and contrive for him to win the Presidential election. The cat is already out of the bag and running all over the Internet. If he continues to dodge the issue, Obama will be dogged with this question every day of his purported “Presidency.” And inevitably the truth will out. For the issue is too simple, the evidence (or lack of it) too accessible. Either Obama can prove that he is “a natural born Citizen” who has not renounced his citizenship; or he cannot. And he will not be allowed to slip through with some doctored “birth certificate” generated long after the alleged fact.

On a matter this important, Americans will demand that, before its authenticity is accepted, any supposed documentary evidence of that sort be subjected to reproducible forensic analyses conducted by reputable, independent investigators and laboratories above any suspicion of being influenced by or colluding with any public official, bureaucracy, political party, or other special-interest organization whatsoever.”

Dr. Vieira wrote this before the election. I believe even he could not fantasize that the Supreme Court and MSM would have allowed an issue as vitally important to America to get this far. Now all we have left after being betrayed by Congress, Senate, MSM, and the Supreme Court is us—WE the People. That is why it is so important we get it right. Time is of the essence. The longer Obama is in office, the harder it will be to undue all the damage he is doing. Therefore we must focus our energy and protests on the main issue. We must unite in one voice and one message. OBAMA IS NOT A LEGAL PRESIDENT. HE IS A USURPER. HE NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED AND REMOVED FROM THE WHITEHOUSE. THE SOONER THE BETTER.
Therese Daniels © 3/5/2009

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Comment by Jeff on March 5, 2009 at 7:11pm
I agree, the usurper is pushing things through fast for a reason, so no one has time to read what they are voting for plus the usurper is pushing several things through which is overwhelming to congress so they are confused...This is planned so the usurper can slip some things through that matter to us so he can sign off on it and make it law before we know it...This usurper is very slick.
Comment by joyce on March 5, 2009 at 5:02pm
Has anyone here had this thought..... The reason why Obama administration has been moving at the speed of light, even before January 20th of this year, is perhaps he is attempting to do as much destruction as he possibly can before he is found out not to be an American citizen at all? I have never, never seen any administration build a cabinate or push legisation though as fast as he has done. Is it just me folks, or are your heads spinning too?



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