We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Letter to our NM U.S. Senator regarding our illegal immigration issue w/speedy response

What follows is a letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Bingaman on May 23, 2010 regarding the illegal immigration issue:

How the “Illegal Immigration” issue affects our everyday lives!

“May 23, 2010

Dear Senator Bingaman:

As I’ve stated before, I am a proud American Citizen, who has honorably and unselfishly served his country as a Marine for twenty years, like many before me.

Although I am a registered democrat, I have to admit that in the past sixteen months this President, his Administration and allies, with the help of the Main Stream Media, have been systematically eroding our Constitutional rights, which seems to be just fine with the President as evidenced by his numerous deplorable actions that will permanently divide our country to a point of no return.

I also believe that if they are allowed to continue without restraint their actions will more than likely cause civil unrest and/or an uprising, which may be his ultimate goal because it would allow him to declare “Marshal Law,” as a means of completely doing away with our “Constitutional Rights” and ultimately take over as our country’s life-long dictator.

Note: These recent articles and/or blog posts support my statement above-You Decide:

Is Obama fomenting a race war? “Fanning the flames of racial tension in Arizona is deliberate”-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On April 30, 2010:


From One Hispanic to Others — Arizona, You’re Being Had By the Media-Posted on BigJounralism.com-By Alicia Colon-On April 29, 2010:


I also believe that, as an American Citizen, who also happens to be Hispanic, I have a God given right and/or duty to stand up for and defend those rights given me under our Constitution and have chosen to do this under my “Freedom of Speech Rights” by laying out my numerous concerns as professionally as I can.

I realize how extremely sensitive the “illegal immigration” issue is in our country simply because it deals with and affects human lives that I know for a fact have been forever oppressed by their country. And, although I know in my heart and soul that we must show some compassion for these individuals, which I do, as I do for many others around the world that live in oppressive regimes, I also find myself to be extremely concerned and disgusted about how our government leaders in Washington have unjustly and unfairly dealt with the issue of “illegal immigration” in our country. I also believe that not every “illegal immigrant,” regardless of what oppressed country they come from, has been treated equally, and, most importantly, their inaction to deal with this sensitive issue has not only hurt and/or destroyed human lives in the past and continues to this date, but has created what I consider to be a grave “security” issue for our country.

My main concern on this issue is one of “homeland and national security,” which has been exacerbated by our country’s 9/11 terrorist attack and truly believe that our government leaders have not done enough to secure our boarders, although our country’s tax payers continue to flip the bill for failed security measures, as evidenced by the recent Times Square terrorist plot and Christmas day attempted terrorist airplane attack in Detroit.

And with that being said, what follows is my recent blog post that reveals a letter that I forwarded to one of our City Councilors in 2005 regarding the issues that some of my co-workers and I experienced with un-documented workers (illegal immigrants), along with those employers that hired them, while employed with a State Government Agency and am taking the liberty of sharing it with you as a means of giving you an insight into some of the issues that most of our U.S. Citizens shy away from sharing with anyone, to include their employers, for fear of being labeled as a “racist,” which I find extremely disturbing because we should not have to live and/or work in this environment as American Citizens, who supposedly live in the “land of the free.”

What I find even more deplorable is that some of our City, State and National elected officials seem to deliberately ignore the illegal immigrant issue for fear of being labeled as “racists” and are more concerned about their political careers than taking care of their employees and/or constituents, with the exception of the Governor of Arizona that has recently signed the “Illegal Immigration Law” in her state and I truly admire her for listening to over 70% of her constituents by having the fortitude to deal with the issue, which is more than I can say for some of our elected officials in Washington-You Decide:


Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this time sensitive and urgent issue.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the residents of the Land of Enchantment and our state’s Veterans and current members of our armed forces.


Jacobo L. Martinez

Note: What follows is a letter that I received from our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall on May 26, 2010, in response to my letter of May 23, 2010 regarding the illegal immigration issue:

“May 26, 2010

Dear Mr. Martinez:

Thank you for contacting me regarding illegal immigration. I appreciate knowing your views on this important topic.

As a senator who represents a border state, I understand the need to reform our broken immigration system and enhance border security. I am pleased that additional resources have been deployed in New Mexico, and I am encouraged that border security agencies are now staffed at record levels. However, we must face the reality that while we are making some headway, more still needs to be done, and various proposals are currently being discussed. I continue to believe that maintaining border security is critically important, and I will continue to support efforts to secure our nation's borders.

I have consistently supported efforts to strengthen security along the Southwest border. Back in 2003, I helped establish a Border Security Task Force that has brought together border residents and federal, state, and local law enforcement to make recommendations regarding ways we can improve border security. In implementing these recommendations, we have significantly increased the number of Border Patrol agents assigned to our state, constructed a barrier along most of New Mexico's border with Mexico, and vastly expanded the deployment of tactical assets, such as surveillance and inspection technologies. In addition, at my request, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently created two multi-agency investigative task forces located in New Mexico to focus on border-related criminal activity. Over the last five years, I have secured over $16 million for the New Mexico National Guard Counterdrug Program for border security related projects and anti-drug efforts.

With respect to the increased violence along the U.S.-Mexico border, I have been working with stakeholders on both sides of the border to determine the steps needed to bring a stop to the lawlessness in Mexico and prevent any spillover into the United States. Last year, I obtained $15 million to support Project Gunrunner, a program to stop the illegal flow of weapons from the U.S. to Mexico, and $30 million for local law enforcement agencies operating along the Southern border to combat drug trafficking. I also recently wrote to Secretary Napolitano requesting that DHS establish a Forward Operating Base (FOB) in the state's boot heel to allow agents to patrol closer to the actual border. For your review, I have attached a summary outlining some of the things I have been doing to strengthen security.

Nationally, the Border Patrol is staffed at record levels, with the number of agents doubling from about 10,000 in 2004 to its current size of over 20,000. The Department of Homeland Security has nearly completed congressionally mandated fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, with almost 700 miles of the proposed fencing in place. As a result of these and other security efforts, we have seen a significant reduction in the number of people illegally entering the country through our state-since 2005, the apprehension rate has dropped by nearly 90 percent in New Mexico. Furthermore, the seizure of illegally smuggled goods, drugs, weapons, and currency have all significantly increased as we have stepped up inbound and outbound inspections.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again regarding this or any other matter of importance to you and your community.


United States Senator

Phone: (202) 224-5521
Toll-free in NM: 1-800-443-8658
Website: http://bingaman.senate.gov
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Semper Fi!

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