We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Like Ben Franklin Warned Us; Join Or Die

 The Cardinal Sin 50% of the public makes, is the unforgivable sin of Complacency. If that shortcoming is not overcome soon, it will be the reason behind the downfall of the Republic and of us. The 50% that sits back and either can't face the truth, or refuses to face the harsh realities, are just as much a threat as the traitors who are bent on making America a Socialist/Marxist Nation
 It is the IMPLIED DUTY of EVERY American Citizen to protect and defend the Constitution that we have agreed to live under. Those that would bring it down, or ignore it's requirements, are in fact TRAITORS to America and her people. They should be dealt with accordingly by the legal system. Unfortunately That has been co-opted by Socialist forces too.
 So, where do we stand? As I see it we have two choices. Choice 1 we can lie down, roll over, and play dead by agreeing to every whim and happenstance of the current Administration. Letting the Greed totally destroy our Country through redistribution of the wealth, until those still working decide to stop, and let the system and everything else collapse.
 We need to opt for Choice 2. We can band together like our forefathers did during the Revolution, and the Grand Army of the Republic did during the Civil War, and our Grandfathers and Fathers did during both World Wars, Like we did in Korea and Vietnam. Like our sons did and are still doing in the Mid-East conflicts. We must defend this Great Nation by Waging our own War, the War of Ideologies at the Ballot Box in 2012. YES, it will be a war at the Ballot Box. We can only win that War of Ideologies at the Ballot Box, and not in the streets. Never in the streets. The left is slavering for us to try that way, so they can really crack down on and enslave us, for our own 'protection' of course.
 I have heard that during the times at the beginning of the Revolutionary War, about 50% of the population stayed neutral until there was a clear cut victory by either side. That is happening now, with about the same percentages. If that continues it will have disastrous results. In this fast paced age we have to block and eliminate the threats before they become the law of the Land, and are next to impossible to remove.
We need several things to happen soon.
 1. We need all the help that a majority of numbers can deliver. So get active.
 2. We need to use that majority of numbers to Dominate the Primary Elections First so we don't split the vote in the general elections. Then we have to follow through to dominate the general election. We need to get the highest concentration of true conservatives into seats in Congress as fast as we can, and keep them there.
 3. All the National Tea Parties and affiliated groups that are working individually to bring about a return to a true Republic must of necessity Join Forces and approach that goal through a simple direct plan that all groups can agree to, like taking over the Republican Party and stacking it with Conservatives, by throwing out all the RINOs and Establishment Professional Politicians.
4. We need to rid the Congress of every single Democratic Socialist no matter which Party they are Hiding in, and keep them out of any semblance of political power at any level from Local on up to Federal. If we don't get rid of the Socialist influence soon, the Socialists will do what Nikita Kruschev said they would do, and bury us as a Capitalistic Free Nation.
 5. We need all the State Coordinators for all the Tea Parties, and all affiliated or like groups to hold a summit within the next two months and forge a plan we can all work towards for the final victory. After that, we must put in place safeguards that will prevent the subtle takeover by nefarious forces for as long as the United States is in existence.
When I am talking about the Tea Parties and affiliates I mean the TPP, Tea Party Express, and every other National or Local Tea Party in existence in this Country. The Affiliates are groups like the National Taxpayers Union, the DAR, SAR, & every other patriotic group that objects to what the Socialists are doing to us. We need to Join forces or Die like Benjamin Franklin warned the feuding Colonies. His sage advice is as valid today as it was then. After we take back the Republic we can iron out our differences.
To truly make a difference in 2012 we must bring together every single person and group that objects to the UnAmerican treatment that the Administration and the Last Congress has inflicted us with. We have to put our differences aside and Dominate the Primary and then the Election. The only thing that should save any incumbents job is a long standing background of voting Conservative on all the previous issues. Remember the opposition has been organizing since last November when we first showed our unified power to stand against the oppressors of Liberty.

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