We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

LTC Terry Lakin Released from Prison

BALTIMORE, May 6, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin, Decorated Army Doctor, Imprisoned for Challenging Constitutional Presidential Eligibility, Gets Early Release and Returns to Baltimore on May 14, 2011.

Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin will be returning to Baltimore on Saturday, May 14, 2011, after serving five months in Fort Leavenworth. Terry was sentenced to confinement with loss of rank, pay, benefits and pension due to a series of events resulting from his request for confirmation of the president's eligibility to hold office.

Those interested in greeting LTC Lakin when he returns from prison are invited to join with fellow supporters at Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI) on Saturday, May 14, at 10:30 am. Those planning to attend should use the free pre-event registration on the TerryLakin.com website. After registering, they will received detailed information concerning his homecoming event.

For more than two years Terry tried to get confirmation of the Commander in Chief's eligibility. He followed every proper procedural means at his disposal as a senior officer and Army doctor. In late 2010 LTC Lakin chose to invite his own court martial with the hopes that the normal processes of legal discovery would provide some answers. Instead the court refused all requests for discovery. Nor did the court allow any witnesses. With no defense, Terry was found guilty of the charges resulting from his refusal to deploy.

The details of Terry's initial action and his thoughts on the two pre-trial hearings are outlined in two videos available on the TerryLakin.com website. The videos and case timeline can be viewed at www.terrylakin.com/videos and www.terrylakin.com/timeline.

Terry has received thousands of letters of encouragement and tens of thousands of visitors on the TerryLakin.com website and FaceBook sites.

While some have disagreed with Terry's method, none can fault his purpose. He is simply upholding the oath that every officer has sworn, ". . .to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; [to] bear true faith and allegiance to the same; [and to] take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that [he would] well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which [he entered]. So help me God."

LTC Lakin said, in his first video, "The Constitution Matters. The Truth Matters." The Constitution has served our country well for more than 200 years. It is the responsibility of every citizen to protect and uphold it and that is all Terry was seeking to do.

This is not the end of Terry's ordeal. He is still without pay, pension, and benefits. His employment future is unknown. The appeal begins shortly and could run more than two years. Terry made a great sacrifice. He needs continued support from those who appreciate what he has done in defense of the Constitution. The TerryLakin.com website explains how to support his family.

For more information about Terry, his trial and incarceration, and the homecoming event please visit www.terrylakin.com. Press inquiries please email requests to: media@terrylakinactionfund.com or call 443-451-4334. Be sure to include contact information and a description of your request.

Contact: Marco Ciavolino,

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Comment by M on May 6, 2011 at 6:56pm
What happened to LTC Lakin is unacceptable. It must be reversed when we kick the traitors out of office in 2012



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