What is a "Moderate"?
Who are these "Moderates"?
What Principles do "Moderates" Stand For?
What is a "Moderate's" Position on Nationalised Healthcare?
What is their Position on Immigration?
What is their Position on Global Warming?
How Do "Moderates" Feel about The Waxman-Markey Climate Bill aka Cap N Trade Bill?
Do "Moderates" Always Agree with each other?
Do "Moderates" have Moral Standards?
Do "Moderates" Believe in a Civil Society?
Do ALL "Moderates" Agree on Abandoning President Reagan's Principles and Reagan's Legacy?
Do ALL "Moderates" Believe Republicans Should Encourage this "Big Tent" that is ALL INCLUSIVE? What is this BIG TENT I keep hearing about all of the time?
How can the Republican Party be a "BIG TENT" Party that is also ALL INCLUSIVE?
I Would Argue that the Republican Party CAN NOT and SHOULD NOT be this "BIG TENT" Party that is ALL INCLUSIVE!
This Party already exists and the Democrats are already claiming it! I Say Let them have it! They can keep it! NO Party can be ALL Things to ALL People ALL of the Time! That is just Ridiculous! You Can Fool ALL of the People Some of the Time but You Can't Fool ALL of the People ALL of the Time!
The Republican Party is Better off Standing on the Right Side of History NOW and when President Reagan was this Nation's Most Popular Modern Day President. Which I Doubt We'll see again until another Brave, Courageous, Smart, Witty, Intelligent, Classy, Principled, Grounded, Proud, Bold, Fearless CONSERVATIVE Candidate comes along who is NOT Afraid to Proudly, Boldly and Loudly Express CONSERVATIVE Values and Principles just as Reagan did in ALL of his Years in Politics. I Know that Reagan's Model/Example is the RIGHT Model/Example ANY Modern Day Candidate Should be Following because Today's Events are NOT unlike the Challenges that Reagan Faced in the Early 80's after Defeating Jimmy Carter and Easily Winning in TWO Landslide Victories!
I Would Argue that Reagan Won Over America in those TWO Landslide Victories based on his Fame, Personality, Wit, Humor, Quality and Clarity of Speech when he Spoke about Policies and Reagan's Consistant Conservative Stances he made on Every Policy he Signed FOR THE PEOPLE!
That is what America Desperately NEEDS and CRAVES For Right NOW! America is Yearning for a President to put his Principles before his Politics.
Many Believed that Politician Would be Barrack Obama. Obama is a Politician who believes in his Principles and fights Well for them Daily. Too Bad for Americans that Obama's Principles are NOT Conservative and Definately NOT anywhere Near what President Reagan's Principles. Reagan Died Believing in CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES!
That was What Reagan Believed in to his last dying breath! Obama believes in HIS LIBERAL Principles as well. Obama's Liberal Political Principles have weaken America in Every Way, Shape and Form. The Damage Done to America under his Leadership is SO Bad that Even if Republicans Win Back Both The House and Senate making Obama's Final Years as President as a Lame Duck Presidency much like President Bush's Second Term when he was forced to work with a House and Senate that was Majority Democrats. Even if a Conservative Republican Wins in 2012, it Will Still Take a Term or Two to Change/Turn things back around from Everything that Obama has ALREADY Done in his FIRST 100 DAYS. It was that way for President Reagan after taking over for Jimmy Carter.
My Hope and My Prayer is that Whoever the Republicans do Nominate to run against Obama in 2012 is a Solid True CONSERVATIVE!
This Country can NOT Survive another FOUR Years under an Obama Presidency or even a "Moderate" Candidate like McCain, Huckabee, or even Romney for that matter.
Only a True Solid Conservative can roll back these sweeping changes that Obama has already enacted. We Need a CONSERVATIVE who can Articulate the Stark Differences between Conservatism and Liberalism. A "Moderate" like McCain, Huckabee or even Romney CAN NOT WIN because they are Moderate Candidates who Confuse People with their Mixed Views which are NOT CONSISTENT unlike a True CONSERVATIVE'S Message/Agenda IS CONSISTENT and EASY TO UNDERSTAND/FOLLOW!
It is Never Changing!
Conservatism is the ONLY Way to Defeat and Rebuild America Back to President Reagan's Heyday!
It Will ONLY Require a True CONSERVATIVE to get America Back to where America can be seen as a "Shining City on a Hill" with "Bold Colors! NO Pastels!" Any Watered Down or Weakened so called "Moderate" Will Never get this Job done and will ONLY do More Harm than GOOD. Kinda of Like what President Bush did all throughout his Second Term. President Bush had SOME Conservative Principles that he Never Veered Away From which Were Extremely Important and Every American Should be Thankful/Appreciative For. Bush's Strong National Defense and Pro-Life Stances Were Very Conservative Principles America Truly Needed. However, His Big Government, Spending, Immigration, Energy and Environmental Positions Really Hurt the Republican Party. So Much So, that Obama did NOT have to Fight Long or Hard to Defeat the "Moderate" Candidate in McCain who the Rank and File Republicans all Lined up in Favor for. All Obama had to do was make Promises and NOT say anything stupid. He Failed Horribly at the both but STILL Managed to Defeat the "Moderate" Candidate running against him. Nobody Really Wanted to see another President Bush in the White House and McCain's Moderate Stances gave his Republican Supporters Mixed Messages. Especially The CONSERVATIVE BASE of the Republican Party that wanted Whole Heartedly to Support McCain but in the end, just couldn't bring themselves out at the ballot Boxes. McCain DOES Represent so Called "Moderates" for all of his "reaching across the aisle" and "Bipartisan" voting that he did while he was a Senator in a Very Red Conservative State of Arizona! (Barry Goldwater Territory)
It is My Thought/Opinion that his Stands in favor of Immigration Reform and his Weakness in Economics that finally did him in. McCain's Age and Running away from his Conservative Base didn't Help Him Win Favor either. Republicans Ran the OLDEST Republican against the YOUNGEST MOST Hip Democrat.
You Don't have to be clairvoyant to see how that Future would play out. I Give Major Credit to Sarah Palin for doing her BEST to Win Over Conservatives for McCain! Palin's Presence and Speeches Turned Out Millions of Supporters/Voters for McCain that he Would've Surely LOST if he didn't select her to run with him as his Vice President. The Crowds took to her Immediately and even I was caught off guards and surprised when McCain Picked her as it seemed Out of Nowhere! Palin was the RIGHT PICK and Probably Could've Beaten Obama if she Ran Head-to-Head Against Him. The Problem was that she had to Play by McCain's Rules and Follow his Lead since he was the Top of the Ticket and she was her Second in command. McCain Impressed Most Conservatives SO MUCH by Selecting this Little Known and WELL LOVED Candidate from Alaska that he was ALMOST Successful in Convincing Conservatives to Vote for him. Unfortunately for McCain though, he was the TOP OF THE TICKET and he still Couldn't Convince MOST if NOT ALL Conservatives he wouldn't be another Bush. Palin would only be allowed so Much Influence on him from the Vice President's Role. So the Turnouts Favored Democrats in almost every state except for in the South where Christian Values/Morals usually Vote Conservative NO MATTER WHAT.
They Still Showed up and Supported/Voted for McCain even though they knew that McCain probably wouldn't deliver the Conservative Principles he sometimes claimed to Champion like being Pro-Life and a Strong National Defense but Like I Mentioned earlier in this Note about Bush, We have Seen that before from Bush and he still hurt the Republican Party. As Bad a Candidate as McCain may have been, McCain Would've made a Much Better President than Obama is Today. His Military Experience and Years spent up on the Hill in the Senate would've served him Well to deal with enemies who mean to harm Americans and also the Democratic Majority that is in the House and Senate. Obama is so Inexperienced and Naive about ALL THINGS NOT LIBERAL. Obama signs anything and everything as soon as he possibly can right now because ALL of the Bills that land on his desk come from his Liberal Friends in the House and Senate. Why Would he have ANY Doubts or Question their Bills?
Enough about that and back to My Original Axe to Grind with Anyone Claiming to be "Moderate"
I Challenge ANYONE and EVERYONE to Show ME 10 Universally Agreed Upon "Moderate" Positions on Important American Issues such as Strong National Defense, Pro-Life, Gay Marriage, Immigration, Gun Control, Economy, Big Government or Small Government, Big Spender or Fiscally responsible, Energy Independent or Environmental Friendly, Plans to Fix Social Security, Plans to Fix Medicare, Plans to Fix Medicaid, Education, and HealthCare.
Once I have Definite Concrete Answers to all of those Major Issues by So Called "Moderates" then I can take them Seriously as a Presidential Candidate.
Let's ALL Hope and Pray that GOD brings us a True CONSERVATIVE Candidate to Follow and Support in 2012!
That is Really What America NEEDS Right NOW!
Nothing Else Can or Will DO!
That is My Take on it......How about You?
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