We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

More Obama Lies......the Electoral College...Truth, Lies and Misdemeanors!!!

Obama indictment, Blagojevich arrest, Patrick Fitzgerald, December 11, 2008, Rezko trial,Obama, Rezko, Levine, Blagojevich, Health Planning Board, Pay for Play, IL Senate, Obama arrest and indictment by USDOJ, US Department of Justice...

Read the entire story here:

I have just received the following from Dean Haskins, the Producer of our New video at: www.democratic-disaster.com





If you're interested in Dean's Facebook event he has created for all day Monday, 15 December 2008, please log on to:


Dean Haskins
Dean Haskins Productions
(434) 525-1479 (studio)

Dean is a very fine Christian man, whom I respect extremely!

I'm asking you to view all of the blog sites, and "Posted" videos, which we recommend to you, and garner all the facts ~ just the "Facts!" and make up your own mind, especially If you're an Elector. Season all that you discover, and read, with prayer ~ asking God for His help and Wisdom in understanding all the "info" that is out there. There is clearly NO reason whatsoever why we as American citizens should he "held in the dark" about anything!!

"Let Us Dare to Read, Think, Speak and Write." -John Adams, 1765

ALL members of the Electoral College have been contacted with "Certified Mail," personal letters, some phone calls, and other letters sent by FED-EX to make sure they are aware of their Constitutionally-bound duty to God and country in keeping sacred this "process" placed in our Constitution by our Founding Fathers.

It appears that all we can DO now is pray, and Pray more, and Hope that God's Holy Spirit will guide each state's electors in this process on Monday, 15 December 2008. I ask that you remember them ALL in your personal prayers, and IF you can, some way, please ask members at your Church, and members in your Synagogue to pray for them in this dear process on Monday.

The Electors in each state will gather in their individual state's Capitol and cast their Elector ballot for the highest Office in our land, the President. We have asked them to NOT cast their vote for Barack Obama until he comes forth with the "Truth" about the questions surrounding his birth, his education, and his "dealings" with "questionable" Marxist friends. At this late date, Obama has NOT "come forth" with those answers ~ and the Truth!!

At this point, because we believe he has Lied, deceived the people, and not been forthright and truthful, we have asked the electors to refrain from voting for him. And now, we just ask you to Pray!

I share with you now some of God's Words which have been helpful to me, inspiring, as well, during this long, hard enduring process:

1 Peter 3:12, "For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil."

Psalm 34:15, "The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry."

2 Samuel 22:7, "In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears."

2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

If you are an Elector, regardless of the state in which you live, and have any questions at all, and need to speak with our Chairman, Dr. Douglas Schell, please feel free to call him:

Dr. Douglas W. Schell
Retired Professor of Business
University of North Carolina -Pembroke
432 Logan Ct.
King, NC 27021

I pray that you will "bind yourselves" to decent and honest, law-abiding, and Constitution-loving citizens in this hour of national distress, and pray that God will once again hear our prayers, and answer them for the good of all Americans.

God bless you this weekend! And I am praying for God to bless you and your family this weekend, and in the coming days and weeks.

Yours for the Constitution,

Charles Lingerfelt, Texas
State Coordinator ~ www.democratic-disaster.com
Member, Executive Board

Chairman, Senate District 2
Dallas County Republicans
Dallas, Texas

Charles Lingerfelt, Founding Co-Director/Teacher
Kurdish American School
Dohuk, Kurdistan- Northern Iraq
"Still Trying to Make a Difference"
972.286.0606- Home/Office
972.400.2898- Mobile

P. O. Box 360722
Dallas, Texas 75336



"To educate a man in mind only, and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." Theodore Roosevelt

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." --John Adams

Quote of the Week:

"The list of crooked politicians is long, and the list of stupid politicians even longer. But if the criminal allegations made yesterday against Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich are proven in court, rarely will a politician have combined the two qualities with such efflorescence. The second-term Democrat knew that a grand jury probe was under way into corruption in Illinois politics, and that one of his fund raisers, Tony Rezko, had been convicted and is cooperating with prosecutors. Yet according to those prosecutors, Mr. Blagojevich talked openly in recent weeks about selling a U.S. Senate seat, trading government favors for campaign cash, and punishing the owner of the Chicago Tribune if it didn't fire members of the newspaper's editorial board. If convicted, Mr. Blagojevich would be the second consecutive Illinois Governor to be found guilty of a felony. We'd ask if it's something in the water, but that would be unfair to the Chicago River. ... Among the remarkable facts of the recent Presidential election is that Barack Obama emerged from this political culture virtually untainted -- and with Chicago's political mores all but unexamined by the press..." --The Wall Street Journal

On cross-examination:

"U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald called the breadth and depth of charges against Blagojevich and his Democratic Chief of Staff John Harris 'staggering.' That's an understatement. ... Fitzgerald says President-elect Obama was not implicated in the plethora of charges against Democrats Blago and Harris. The national media went out of their way to absolve him, too. But declaring Team Obama's hands clean -- especially with Blago crony and indicted Obama donor Tony Rezko in the middle of it all -- is premature. (And if you're wondering why I keep putting 'Democrat' in front of the accused corruptocrats, it's because the mainstream newspapers can't seem to remember to identify their party prominently the way they do when Republicans are nabbed.)" --columnist Michelle Malkin

The BIG lie:

"I think they're more annoyed than anxious about this. But they're not that worried that anything will come up here that will put the president-elect in a bad light." --ABC's George Stephanopoulos, former "fixer" for the Clinton regime.

In closing, We are reminded of 2 Peter 3:16, which says, "There are some things in [the Scriptures] that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction."

Charles Lingerfelt, Texas
State Coordinator ~ www.democratic-disaster.com
Member, Executive Board

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Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on December 13, 2008 at 9:14pm
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