We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Fantastic news! Attorney Stephen Pidgeon is spearheading a NATIONAL GRAND JURY. This is a major step towards establishing a legal foundation upon which to examine the conduct (or misconduct) of the existing government—Congress, Senate, Supreme Court and President.

“Pursuant to First Amendment (The right of the people peaceably to assemble), the Ninth Amendment (The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people), and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America (The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people), this National Grand Jury is convened by natural born citizens of the fifty several states and of the United States of America, seating 50 jurors pursuant to the duties, powers, responsibilities, qualifications as established hereunder for the following purposes:

 To examine all aspects of the federal government by initiating its own investigations.
 To serve as ombudsmen for the citizens of the country in respect to constitutional rights. and privileges established under the organic documents of the United States of America, as properly amended from time to time.
 To conduct criminal investigations of members of the federal government, and, if the evidence is sufficient, issue criminal indictments. . . .

Detailed information about this endeavor is available at decalogosintl.org or go to StephenPidgeon.com.

As many patriots have sadly come to realize, we are no longer under rule of the Republic of America. An imposter and a usurper is now sitting in the Whitehouse aided and abetted by a corrupt and criminal Congress and Senate. We are now under a tyrannical government. Everything they do is illegal and unenforceable. To date citizens have had no legal umbrella upon which it can declare this coup d’état. The declaration and formation of a NATIONAL GRAND JURY which derives its power directly from the 9th and 10th amendments of our Constitution will give American citizens the sanctity and legal power to officially challenge the legality of the current government under the rules of the Constitution.

While this will not be the all powerful whip to strike down this illegal government it will give steel and motivation to other branches of government and patriots to eventually gain the power to remove this usurper from office and begin to restore America the Republic she is.

Mr. Stephen Pidgeon will be the featured guest on www.blogtalkradio.com/usapatriots-shout this Sunday evening, February 22, 2009 between 8 and 10 pm Pacific Standard Time. You may call 646-727-3865 to ask questions.

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