We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Devotion: Remembering September 11, 2011


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Comment by FreedomRider on September 20, 2015 at 12:50pm

I finally got the courage to listen to them and I cried all the way through. We can never forget . This horrific act is a prime example of what ISLAM terrorists can do and why we must never be caught up in a Muslim agenda for we will become no more than slaves.

Comment by Love of Country on September 11, 2015 at 6:38pm

I agree, they are heart breaking. I have listened to all of them but cannot do it all at one sitting, they are way too sad. They always make me tear up. Obama is betraying all of America and the memory or these terror victims.

Comment by DeeDee on September 11, 2015 at 12:20pm

These phone calls are heart breaking. This is who Obama is betraying the memory of with this Iran deal.

Comment by Love of Country on September 11, 2015 at 10:34am

Comment by FreedomRider on September 11, 2015 at 10:21am


statue-of-liberty-in-tears2-0.jpg#statue%20of%20liberty%20crying ...

Comment by Love of Country on September 11, 2015 at 8:59am

You're welcome DD. I agree he is working overtime to help the terrorists all he can then he tries to fool all of us that he cares about 9-11. Typical Obama, he is a pathological liar IMHO.

Comment by DeeDee on September 11, 2015 at 8:48am

Thanks for posting this. I see Obama pretending to care on TV about 9-11 right after he is has done everything he could to give all to the terrorists and destroy us and Israel . What sickening sight. Pretend on you traitor you are fooling no one but your stupid followers.

Comment by Love of Country on September 11, 2015 at 8:13am

30 pictures of 9/11 that show you why you should never forget


Up Next

The faces of 9/11


IT WAS unquestionably the most terrible day of our age. September 11, 2001.

Almost 3000 innocent people died when terrorists hijacked four civilian planes. Two of the planes struck the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center. One nosedived into the Pentagon in Washington. And one crashed into a field in Pennsylvania thanks to the brave efforts of passengers who stormed the cockpit.

9/11 "Dust Lady" dies from cancer

As Americans begin their day of mourning, we've compiled 30 images to remind you why this day was so momentous.

Moment of impact: the south tower is hit

Moment of impact: the south tower is hit Source: Supplied

As smoke billows from the north tower, the second hijacked plane bears down on the south tower

As smoke billows from the north tower, the second hijacked plane bears down on the south tower Source: Supplied


There are many shots from different angles of the planes striking the towers, but one reason there are not thousands of different images is that iPhones had not yet been invented and many phones had no cameras. Source: Supplied

The millisecond before the plane strikes the south tower

The millisecond before the plane strikes the south tower Source: Supplied

attention-seeking conspiracy nutters

Here's one for the conspiracy nutters who claim the building was bombed and that there were never any planes. Clue: bombs don't make plane-shaped holes. Source: Supplied


One of the most horrific and enduring 9/11 images was the people trapped in the upper levels of the twin towers. Many jumped. Some held hands while they did so. At least two hundred people are believed to have taken the fateful plunge. Source: Supplied


Another view of the south tower being struck. Source: Supplied


As office workers descend, heroes ascend. Firefighters carrying huge loads had to walk a few floors at a time, rest for a few seconds, then walk a few more floors. Pic taken by John Labriola, who had an office on 71st floor. Source: Supplied


This picture taken by Associated Press photographer Richard drew was deemed too controversial by most newspaper editors. "The Falling Man" became the subject of a documentary, but the identity of the man plummeting to his death is still disputed. Some families refuse to believe it could be their relative for religious reasons, even though no 9/11 victim has been classified as dying by suicide. Source: AP


The south tower of the World Trade Center was the second hit but first to fall. Source: AFP

countless office workers

Strangers became friends as they fled the horror together. Many remain close to this day, including countless office workers who helped each other out of the twin towers. Source: Supplied


This was a day of mourning for all Americans, whether they knew a victim or not. Source: AP

There were also 125 victims at the Pentagon in Washington - 70 civilian and 55 military personnel.

There were also 125 victims at the Pentagon in Washington — 70 civilian and 55 military personnel. Source: Supplied


There is something about this man's dust-covered suit and general demeanour which makes this an unforgettable image. Source: Supplied

The force of the world's highest towers collapsing reduced buildings to ash which coated survivors in a ghoulish cloak.

The force of the world's highest towers collapsing reduced buildings to ash which coated survivors in a ghoulish cloak. Source: Supplied

Many men hugged on a day when over 400 emergency workers were killed.

Many men hugged on a day when over 400 emergency workers were killed. Source: Supplied

Not much left: this would not be one of those searches where victims emerged for days to come

Not much left: this would not be one of those searches where victims emerged for days to come Source: Supplied

Fire soon spread to many nearby buildings

Fire soon spread to many nearby buildings Source: Supplied

And sometimes the heroes needed a little attention themselves.

And sometimes the heroes needed a little attention themselves. Source: Supplied

People had no idea if the dust cloud would kill them, hence the terror.

People had no idea if the dust cloud would kill them, hence the terror. Source: Supplied


No, this is not a still from the latest blockbuster disaster movie. It's yet another 9/11 hero carrying yet another survivor to safety. Source: AP

While for some, words just couldn't describe the horror.

While for some, words just couldn't describe the horror. Source: Supplied


The North tower was hit first and collapsed second, possibly because it was hit higher. Source: AP

The search continued in vain.

The search continued in vain. Source: Supplied

This guy wasn't alone in seeking comfort in a familiar symbol after the attacks.

This guy wasn't alone in seeking comfort in a familiar symbol after the attacks. Source: Supplied


Manhattan was bathed in an eerie smoke for days afterwards

Manhattan was bathed in an eerie smoke for days afterwards Source: Supplied

emergency vehicles

With bridges and tunnels closed to all but emergency vehicles, New Yorkers had no choice but to walk home. The green sign on the left says: Welcome to Manhattan Source: Supplied




Engineers say that the World Trade Centers had an unusual design, where much of the structural load was carried by the exterior shell of the building rather than central columns. So when that shell was pierced, the buildings were weakened significantly, precipitating their collapse. Source: AFP



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