Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Have they?
Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 15, 2011:
“American University political science professor Robert A. Pastor, whom WND termed in 2006 as “the father of the North American Union,” has written a new book in which he blames WND for the failure to realize his dream.
On page 11 of his Oxford University published new book, entitled “The North American Idea: A Vision of a Continental Europe,” Pastor openly attacks WND by suggesting the news site’s concerns with the plans Pastor advanced for North American integration amounted to nothing more than baseless “conspiracy theory”:
In “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada,” Jerome Corsi makes a conspiratorial case that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, the Council on Foreign Relations and me were secretly conspiring to create a North American Union in the same way that Jean Monnet and others established the European Union – step-by-step. “Our national sovereignty is in danger,” he warned.
Two paragraphs later, Pastor sharpened his attack by a disparaging reference to two unrelated books, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” published in 2004, and “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality,” published in 2008:
Corsi, who wrote a book impugning John Kerry’s service in Vietnam and another attacking Barack Obama, developed arguments that the John Birch Society and Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum used to try to show that the SPP [Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America] was a first step toward a North American Union (NAU). Together, they persuaded conservative legislators to introduce bills in 23 states that condemned the NAU and also a nonexistent NAFTA superhighway.
With these comments, Pastor’s resentment that his notion of a “North American Community” faced serious political opposition is obvious, as is his determination to insist that anyone who disagreed with him must be some type of right-wing fringe conspiracy theorist whose concerns were reducible to an atavistic prejudice that prevented appreciation of the benefits Pastor saw to advancing political globalism in North America.
Similarly, Pastor castigates commentators Lou Dobbs and Pat Buchanan, writing the following in the opening paragraph of the preface to the book: “Every time this dynamic duo [Dobbs and Buchanan] let loose on TV or radio, my email box filled with the most scurrilous attacks.”
Pastor has difficulty accepting that the American people rejected his plan in full appreciation of the fact that Pastor did intend to move NAFTA in the direction of an EU-like political compact, complete with a North American parliament and a North American central bank, complete with the “amero,” a North American currency.
The death of the ‘North American dream’
With his new book, Pastor is attempting to revive the idea of North American integration by repackaging ideas he presented in his many previous books and articles on the subject.
With “The North American Idea,” Pastor appears to be calculating that his idea of North American economic and political regional integration can be more easily sold if he downplays the idea of “Toward a North American Community,” the title of his 2001 book, in favor of “The North American Idea,” the title of his current book.
As recently as 2008, WND reported Pastor had declared that his North American dream was “dead.”
He correctly predicted in the July/August 2008 issue of the Council on Foreign Relations m... that the president following George W. Bush would discard the SPP – the agreement to increase cooperation on security and economic issues made by President Bush with the heads of state of Mexico and Canada following a tripartite summit held in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005.
WND reported that at its height, the SPP had some 20 different working groups composed of policymakers and bureaucrats from the United States, Mexico and Canada working together in joint committees spanning a wide range of issues, ranging from commerce, to aviation policy, to border security and immigration – all implemented without the approval of a treaty by the U.S. Senate and without congressional approval or oversight of working-group participation by dozens of U.S. federal government employees.
The NAU stealth agenda
Before killing the SPP website completely, Obama did follow Pastor’s advice, first by migrating to contain unrelated Commerce Department content, then by killing the website altogether – even though a SPP website yet remains operative in Canada.
Today, under the Obama administration, SPP-like meetings are being held, but under the less controversial “rebranded” and “refocused” struct...
The most recent meeting, scheduled to follow the APEC summit in Hawaii for Saturday, Nov. 20, 2011, had to be postponed when Mexican President Calderon decided to remain home following the helicopter crash that killed Mexican Interior Minister Francisco Blake Mora.
While the 20 working groups appear to have been disbanded when the SPP was formally abandoned, the Obama administration nevertheless continues to advance the NAU agenda below the radar of national public opinion.
On Feb. 4, 2011, for instance, the Obama administration signed without congressional approval a joint declaration with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, entitled “Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Econ...
Then, WND reported the decision to declare a continental perimeter for the United Stat..., designed to effectively combine the two nations in mutual national security and economic efforts – a move dubbed “Beyond the Border.”
This agreement affirmed the Obama administration’s decision to implement the key objectives of the SPP so as to avoid the public scrutiny that dogged President George W. Bush after he openly proclaimed with the SPP his plans for North American integration.
Without doubt, the “Beyond the Border” declaration followed the blueprint Pastor as co-chair published in a 2005 Council on Foreign Relations report, “Building a North American Community.”
That report called on page xvii of the foreword for the “establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security perimeter, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter.”
Notably, the “Beyond the Border” declaration created a new Beyond the Border Working Group, designated by the acronym BBWG.
According to the joint declaration, the BBWG, composed of “representatives from the appropriate departments and offices of our respective federal governments,” was tasked with developing a “Plan of Action” to realize the goals of the declaration and to report annually to the “Leaders,” specified as the president of the United States and the prime minister of Canada.
Pastor’s grand ‘North American Idea’
In a clear effort to avoid the type of publicity that killed the SPP, Pastor’s new book suggests the agenda to advance North American economic and political integration beyond NAFTA can best be achieved by promoting what he now describes in his latest iteration as the “North American Idea.”
How exactly the North American Idea differs from the North American Community is hard to distinguish, unless we are to assume the North American Idea is the articulation of the grand scheme that to Pastor and other globalists justifies moving from NAFTA to a new stage of regional integration, evidently still designated as the North American Community.
“Without a vision of a future North America, minor incremental reforms are not worth the energy, and bolder proposals will not be taken seriously,” Pastor writes on page 167, as an introduction to his blueprint of 20 proposals “that could be the building blocks of a North American Community,” in policy areas dealing with 1) the North American economy; 2) national and public security; 3) transnational issues, like immigration and climate change; and 4) institutions.
Regarding institutions, Pastor returns to his familiar recommendation that a North American Advisory Council consisting of non-governmental policy experts be constituted to advise the heads of state of the three nations and that the existing U.S.-Canadian Inter-Parliamentary Group and the U.S.-Mexican Inter-Parliamentary Group should be combined into a North American Parliamentary group to prepare a North American legislative agenda.
“If the leaders explain to the people how our individual countries will grow as we integrate a North American Community, then many things become possible,” Pastor concludes on page 201.
“If the three countries can view themselves as part of a region in which each has a challenge that requires cooperation to succeed, then North America becomes larger than the sum of the parts.”
Interestingly, this time around, when the survival of the euro as a regional currency is in question, Pastor avoided advocating explicitly the creation of the amero as a North American currency, a proposal he openly urged in the pages of his 2001 book on the North American Community.
Old wine, new bottle
What is remarkable about this book if nothing else is that Pastor persists with his dream of North American integration.
Still, this time around, he remains as careful as ever not to claim he truly aspires to create a North American Union, along the EU model.
Even today Pastor evidently believes the distinction is meaningful.
He seems yet convinced some readers will buy the notion that he means to stop short at creating a North American Community, without advancing to a North American Union, because he says so – despite clear evidence the EU was itself created by stealth methodology, as documented by Christopher Booker and Robert North in their 2003 book entitled “The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European U...
Evidently unable or unwilling to accept defeat even today, Pastor refuses to consider seriously that the citizens of the three nations rejected the SPP not because President George W. Bush and the leaders of Mexico and Canada fumbled the process, but because an informed citizenry in each of the three nations preferred retaining strong national sovereignty, rather than embracing Pastor’s idea of creeping globalism realized through regional integration.
Pastor’s new book proves the dreams of the globalists do not die easily, at least not as long as university presses are willing to bet Pastor’s warmed-over polemic might yet sell a few books to those elitists among us still longing for continental identity.
In the final analysis, Pastor continues to look at the map of the United States, Mexico and Canada and see not three nations, but an arising North American something-or-other – call it “Community,” or call it “Union” – what exactly is the difference?
Perhaps most importantly, Pastor’s book serves to remind opponents that we must remain ever more vigilant to prevent presidents such as Obama from using stealth methodology to implement piecemeal what George W. Bush at least had the courage to proclaim openly that he was trying to accomplish.”
Note: What follows is an article and/or blog post that contains a WikiLeaks Cable that reveals the “North American Initiative” as being part of the New World Order agenda, along with an article and/or blog post that relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
WikiLeaks: 'North American Initiative' no 'theory': 'Most believe the incremental approach most appropriate at this time'-Posted on Bob Unruh-On May 21, 2011:
'North American Parliament' under way: ‘Some hope exercise of U.S., Canadian, Mexican reps becomes reality!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 28, 2008:
Note: The following website reveals that George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) funds organizations that favor global government, which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations-You Decide:
Organizations that favor global government, which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations or other international bodies:
Guide to The George Soros Network-Posted on
Note: What follows is a “Soros Files” website that was recently launched by Cliff Kincaid, President of America’s Survival, Inc. that does a meticulous job of revealing other deplorable actions by the anti-American hedge fund billionaire that I believe, if not stopped now, will ultimately destroy this great country of ours as we know it:
Note: The following videos and article and/or blog post reveal the New World Order, along with the role of the U.S. in the New World Order-You Decide:
Video: The Power Behind the New World Order (Full Movie)!
Video: Fall of the Republic!
Video: The Obama Deception!
Video: Illuminati Obama and The New World Order!
Video: Illuminati New World Order Martial Law!
Video: The President who told the Truth about illuminati!
Video: New World Order End Game!
Video The NWO Agenda Exposed!
The U.S. Role in a New Global Order: Obama’s Speech Before the British Parliament-Posted on Brookings Institution-By Bruce Jones, Director, Managing Global Order, The Brookings Institution-On May 27, 2011:
Note: This is a powerful message from a former C.I.A. Agent to all Americans-You Decide:
Video: YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE!-Posted on in5d-On May 6, 2010:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
New World Order By Executive Order!
The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!
Powerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
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