We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Office Depot Connection To ICELI

More on ICELI from Karen Bracken;

Here is an interesting article about Office Depot and their partnership with ICLEI.  Time to hit Office Depot in the pocket book.  Send them an email and let them know we are starting a national boycott until they separate themselves from ICLEI.  See an email below sent by one of our members.  Do it guys.  Post and Pass!!


Contact: Melissa.Perlman@officedepot.com a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="mailto:Melissa.Perlman@officedepot.com">Melissa.Perlman@officedepot.com>
Office Depot is my favorite place to buy printers, computers and supplies. However, I have come across the information
that Office Depot is cooperating with ICLEI. ICLEI operates directly under the United Nations Environmental Programme.
The stated goal of ICLEI is to created a global network of local governments for sustainability. Sustainability is a "hot" new
catch-word for complete top-down control of every facet of human life. Today, the United Nations has come out with a
ICLEI is part of the effort to impose the U.N. Agenda for the Twenty-first Century, commonly called Agenda 21, on America.
The goal of this is to eliminate private property. Please watch this 14 minute video and find out what Office Depot is allowing
U.N. Agenda 21 is as far removed from our founders vision as one can conceive. I hope you will share this with your Board of
Directors. Until your association with this decidedly un-American group is terminated, I will no longer purchase anything from Office Depot and will encourage others to do the same.
Gaye Ellis
607 Overbrook Circle
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547

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