We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Dear Patriots,
Has anyone taken notice lately of One Million Moms’ successful campaigns to clean up television’s airwaves?
This little national group of women who are dedicated to preserving traditional family and Christian values in America are making waves that the ASP’s Jennifer Smith would find daunting.
One after another, OMM are meeting their objectives and are commanding the attention of the PTBs of the airwaves. United and fearless, this group of determined mothers and women are targeting media moguls and challenging advertising giants like Kellogg, Radio Shack, Tyson Foods, Hasbro, Lowes and Geico—and they are winning!
What’s their secret? STRENGTH IN NUMBERS! United We Stand—Divided We Fall.
When advertisers are told that one million mothers and women will no longer purchase their products if they promote programming that undermines Americas’ traditional family values or that proves to be anti-Christian or immoral—the advertisers listen!
Is our government listening to us? Have our tea parties had an impact that is making waves in Washington? Not according to this article: http://kansasprogress.com/wordpress/index.php/2009/05/09/obama-disses-the-tea-parties/
Last time I checked, Glenn Beck’s 9/12 Project had 641,011 members. ResistNet.com, home of the Patriotic Resistance, had 43,690, The United Coalition of We the People USA has 117, OathKeepers.com, has a growing but undetermined number. The Veteran Voice and Newspaper distributes 20,000 copies monthly. The great state of Texas has 1019 members in their Patriotic Resistance. In spite of all of our efforts, are any of us really making an impact?
Where is that magic number, one million?
We the People of the United States of America must unite in our quest for freedom for all and for our God-Given Constitutional Rights. How quickly can we take one thousand here and one thousand there and combine them to make millions?
Who can create that site that will invite, unite, and excite ALL Patriots to action?
Glenn Beck reaches millions with his radio program, yet his combined membership hasn’t come anywhere close to having the impact made by One Million Moms.
If we disagree with Washington concerning taxes, how many million Patriot Voices can we raise? If we don’t want our jobs outsourced and relocated overseas, how many million Patriot Voices can we raise?
If we are sick of the banksters and their big business bully brothers, how quickly can we put them out of business by refusing to use their ATMS, by refusing to bank at their banks, by refusing to use their credit cards?

Every time We the People use an ATM, we are enriching the banksters and are putting another bank teller out of work. The same is true every time we scan our own groceries at Wal Mart; We put another checker in the unemployment line. Who benefits from these “conveniences” they sell us? They do! The rich get richer and the dumb get dumber.
ONE MILLION PATRIOTS. The sound of it is powerful. Your congressman or senators might sit up and take notice if ONE MILLION PATRIOTS come calling, if ONE MILLION PATRIOTS say, “We’ve had enough! We want our country back and we plan to get it back!” I, for one, am in. Now we only need 999,999 more patriots who will agree.
God bless and God speed, AlphaPatriot

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