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Panetta: We Will ‘Stop’ Iran’s Weapons Program!

What’s disturbing about this picture?

Posted on NewsMax.com-On January 8, 2012:

“WASHINGTON — The United States will respond if Iran tries to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz at the entrance to the Gulf, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned Sunday, saying such a move would cross a “red line.”

“We made very clear that the United States will not tolerate the blocking of the Straits of Hormuz,” Panetta told CBS television. “That’s another red line for us and that we will respond to them.”

Panetta was seconded by General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who said Iran has the means to close the waterway, through which 20 percent of the world’s oil passes.

“But we would take action and reopen the Straits,” the general said on the same show, “Face the Nation.”

Their comments follow Iranian threats to close the strait if the European Union slaps an embargo on Iranian oil, the latest step in a US-led campaign to pressure Tehran to give up their nuclear program. Western powers suspects Iran is bent on gaining atomic weapons, which Tehran denies.

The rising tensions have driven oil prices soaring over 100 dollars a barrel, hitting an eight-month high earlier this week, and sent jitters throughout the oil-rich Gulf amid growing fears of a spiral into conflict.

What to do about Iran also is rising as an in US electoral politics, with most Republican candidates blasting President Barack Obama as too soft on Tehran.

Panetta said the United States does not believe Iran is actively developing a nuclear weapon, and reaffirmed Washington’s preference for diplomatic and economic pressure over military action as the way to deter Tehran.

But he bluntly warned Tehran against going from developing a nuclear capability to developing an atomic weapon.

“I think they need to know that if they take that step that they’re going to get stopped,” he said.

At another point, Panetta said, “Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No. But we know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability. And that’s what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is do not develop a nuclear weapon. That’s a red line for us.”

Dempsey sidestepped questions on the difficulty of taking out Iran’s nuclear capability, but said planning was underway for a military option.

“My responsibility is to encourage the right degree of planning, to understand the risks associated with any kind of military option, in some cases to position assets, to provide those options in a timely fashion. And all those activities are going on,” he said.

Asked whether the United States could take out Iran’s nuclear capability without resorting to the use of nuclear weapons itself, Dempsey said, “I absolutely want them to believe that that’s the case.”

Panetta, meanwhile, suggested the United States would not welcome unilateral military action by Israel against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

“If the Israelis made that decision, we would have to be prepared to protect our forces in that situation. And that’s what we’d be concerned about,” he said.

On the Strait of Hormuz, Dempsey said Iran could close the waterway “for a period of time.”

“We’ve invested in capabilities to ensure that if that happens, we can defeat that. And so the simple answer is yes, they can block it,” he said.

“We’ve described that as an intolerable act. And it’s not just intolerable for us, it’s intolerable to the world. But we would take action and reopen the Straits.”



Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Why New Sanctions Raise Danger of Iran’s Building Nuclear Weapons!-Posted on Yahoo! News-By TONY KARON | Time.com-On January 9, 2012:


II. Iran to Launch Nuclear Work in Bunker in ‘Near Future’!-Posted on NewsMax.com-On January 8, 2012:


III. Ex CIA Director Warns Iran on ‘Inexorable’ Path to Nukes!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Paul Scicchitano and Fred Fleitz-On January 6, 2012:


IV. West Readies Oil Plan in Case of Iran Crisis!-Posted on NewsMax.com-On January 6, 2012:


V. Iranian spy in U.S. military? ‘Former CIA director says possibility ‘cannot be discounted’-Posted on WND.com-On December 18, 2011:


VI. Korean News: Hundreds of North Korean Nuclear Experts Are Working in Iran!-Posted on The Gateway Pundit-By Jim Hoft-On November 13, 2011:


VII. Video: Obama, Iran and control of the Middle East!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheRealNews-On December 16, 2008:


VIII. Video: How would a US-Iran war begin?-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheRealNews-On October 12, 2009:


IX. Video: Obama and Iran!-Posted on TheRealNews-On November 25, 2008:


X. Video: Iran, US and the possibility of war!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheRealNews-On May 24, 2008:


Note:  What follows is a special report on the Illuminati Network that provides us with concrete evidence of a “New World Order & One World Government” agenda, to include the Islamic agenda-You Decide:

Illuminati Network!-Posted on Global Watch Special Report 2010:


What follows are pertinent excerpts from the Islamic agenda as it relates to Iran:


Iran is a nation that figures prominently in the news these days. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, President George Bush mentioned the nation of Iran in a speech and depicted it as being one of the notorious members of the now infamous “axis of evil” nations. 

Still, most people in the West know very little about Iran, and the vast majority of American’s are completely unaware of the history of the US relationship with Iran, and the fact that the region of Iran actually has had a long and significant role in world affairs.

While Persia has had ties deeply rooted in world history, the direct American-Iranian relationship only commenced in the late 1930’s. Persia joined the allied forces against Germany in 1943, and thus the World War II Mid-east theatre provided the stage that began the rather brief history of the US-Iranian relationship.

It is a relationship that has also undergone a complete about face since the 1970’s. Within the scope of this remarkable turn in geo-political affairs in the international relationship between Iran (Persia) and the United States are a host of highly significant factors relative to the prophesied signs of the times, and imminent world events in these Last Days. 

Today Iranian President Ahmadinejad has renewed an increasing intense hostility towards the state of Israel and has assumed the mantle piece as the voice of Islam with Iran now becoming the dominant Islamic power in the Middle East after the demise of Saddam Hussein and the previous Baathist Iraqi government.


Ezekiel prophesises that Iran (Persia) will be one of the leading Muslim nations that will side in a major attempt to invade and destroy Israel at a time when Israel is unsuspecting. 

Interestingly enough during this attempted invasion Ezekiel mention that Sheba and Dedan will voice a diplomatic protest to the invasion. Sheba and Dedan are historical names which refer to the Arabian peninsula and many believe that despite its conservative Islamic rule of law that the Saudi Monarchy are dependant on the West to protect their oil interests because of the fear that the tide of Iranian fundamentalism which overthrew the Iranian Shah in 1979 could provide a threat to their own well being should the masses rise up against the special relationship that the Saudi King has with the so called “Zionist West”.


According to the Shia and Sunni versions of the Islamic eschatology the Mahdi ( يدھمMahdī, also Mehdi; “Guided One”) is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will appear on earth before the coming of the day of Judgement. The Madhi is believed to be a future muslim world leader who will not only rule over the Islamic world, but also the non Muslim world in the establishment of an Islamic order. 

The Mahdi will be a descendant of Fatimah (one of Mohammed’s wives) and will take his name as Mohammed bin Abdullah. The hadith indicates that the Madhi will lead an Islamic alliance with black banners from Khorasan and Central Asia.  Kohrasan is known in modern day language as Iran.

According to hadith, The Mahdi will be a great military, political and spiritual leader who will unite Islam under one Caliphate and conquer many countries. He will attack and defeat Israel. The war will result in the slaughtering of the Jews and the reclaiming of Jerusalem as the capital of Islam and the location of the Madhi’s eartly rule of Sharia law. Their flags will be erected on the Temple Mount when they reach the Dome of the Rock. 

In August 2009 Iran held a multi-day conference, bringing together politicians, mullahs, students – Shiite and Sunni alike – to plot what can be done on this earthly plane to hasten the coming of the anointed one, a messianic, endtimes personage known as the Mahdi.

For the past five years, the Iranian religious and political leaders have annually gathered together for two days in the city of Qom for what is called ‘The International Conference of Mahdism Doctrine,’ sponsored by the Bright Future Institute. The purpose of the Bright Future Institute is ‘to introduce Imam Mahdi to the world’ and ‘to pave the ground for his reappearance’ and ‘help bring all of humanity to the knowledge of the true savior of mankind, Imam al-Mahdi.’

From the establishment of the Islamic Regime in 1979 to Ahmadinejad’s rise to power in August 2005, Mahdism had been a religious doctrine and a tradition that had no political manifestation. The political system operated independently of this messianic belief and of the anticipation of the return of the Mahdi. It was only with Ahmadinejad’s presidency that this religious doctrine has become a political philosophy and taken a central place in politics.

Note: The following eye-opening video exposes President Obama’s Muslim ties and his hidden agenda for America-You Decide:

Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam!-Posted on DanielPipes.org-By Daniel Pipes, FrontPageMagazine.com-On January 7, 2008:


Obama Would Fail Security Clearance because of his many ties to extremist Islam!-Posted Philadelphia Bulletin-By Daniel Pipes-On October 21, 2008:


Barack Obama’s Early Years as a Muslim!-Posted on DanielPipes.org-By Daniel Pipes-Updated on October 23, 2008:


Video:  Obama Must Convert To Islam, Or Else!-Posted on YouTube.com-BylnfideI-On Dec 5, 2008:


Video: The most dangerous Barack Obama video ever!!!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Truthzonetvcom-On August 25, 2009:


Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s Campaign!’-Posted on Post & Email-by John Charlton-On December 12, 2009:


“I am a Muslim” Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister!-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-On June 12, 2010:


Why Obama is a cultural Muslim?-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On July 8, 2010:


1-in-4 Americans Believe Obama is a Muslim; Here’s Why-Posted on ImpeachObamaCampaign.com-By Ben-On August 19, 2010:


Why Americans think president is Muslim: ‘Obama bears the lion’s share of the responsibility for any confusion’!-Posted on WND.com-On August 20, 2010:


Obama’s Grandmother Prays for Conversion to Islam-Posted on Israel National News-By Maayana Miskin-On February 26, 2011:


Obama to face Shariah court? ‘Cleric says president ‘must embrace Islam’ or be tried when Muslims take over U.S.’-Posted on WND.com-On February 27, 2011:


Obama: Consistently Anti-American!-Posted on Big Government-By Pamela Geller-On March 21, 2011:


Video: ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! What Was Predicted 3 Years Ago is NOW HERE! BHO EXPOSED!-Posted on YouTube.com-By ppsimmons-On April 1, 2011:


Video: Obama’s Middle East Ties!-Posted on wmjsarah-On May 29, 2011:


Video: Is Our President A Terrorist?-Posted on YouTube.com-By amy2x-On June 4, 2011:


Obama’s ineligibility: Muslim-leftist radical in the White House!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Lawrence Sellin-On September 15, 2011:


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!


Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


Why is Obama Handing out Millions of Dollars to Terrorists?


Is U.S. Negotiating with the Taliban?


The Obama Administration Allows Tariq Ramadan To Travel To The U.S.!


The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!


President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!


Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!


Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


Where Is America Today?


Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!


Semper Fi!


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Comment by Jay Thomas on January 10, 2012 at 10:35am

The Logistics of Petrolium. All wars are for earths resourses. Don't worry, I got a Honorable Discharge from Vietnam and that one was rubies for lasers, and to keep the oil tankers running.

Comment by Catherine Linton on January 9, 2012 at 6:36pm

The Joint Chiefs of Staff must be addicted to every flavor of Kool-Aid on the market. Panetta is a Communist infiltrator, he was never vetted for the position of Secretary of Defense nor was he for the Director of the CIA in the seventies. Can you imagine a Communist as United States Secretary of Defense? This is how far gone we are. You can believe if Iran doesn't already have nuclear capability, Panetta will help them develop it with US taxpayer dollars. Every other story 'Panetta warns of grave danger to US by Iranian nukes.' Yo, but you just said they don;t have nuclear capability(?) The whole rotten Team Obama wants to crush the US and I've no doubt they have a very unpleasant surprise in store for us. We are in very deep, deep doo-doo.



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