We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

President’s Biggest Campaign Supporters Hit Hardest By Foreclosures!

Question: Are you aware that the President’s biggest supporters during the campaign are now the ones that are hardest hit by foreclosures-is this how he pays them back?

My recent blog reveals that the majority of the individuals that supported this President during the campaign, which probably includes those individuals that he trained as ACORN members to bully banks into making risky loans to individuals that could least afford to make the mortgage payments and, as a result, contributed to our “mortgage meltdown” and ultimately our worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, are now the hardest hit by foreclosures, even after the outrages amounts of tax payer’s dollars spent by him and his administration to supposedly assist individuals having problems paying their mortgages-You Decide:


“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

As Always-Thanks.

Semper Fi!

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Comment by Jake Martinez on May 16, 2009 at 4:26pm
Dear Amanda:

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

When you ask what you can do, please read what I've done:

This blog contains copies of letters and/or emails that I have sent to Mr. Jeffrey Taylor-US Attorney for the District of Columbia, our NM US Congressman, NM US Senator, Our Bernalillo County Sheriff and the Albuquerque FBI Field Office, with copies to our U.S. Attorney General, expressing my concerns with President Obama's eligibility to be our President and would like to share them with you, as a means of giving you some ideas of what peaceful actions I've taken in the the hopes that you contemplate joining, what I consider to be an urgent, time sensitive and worthy cause, by standing up for and defending those rights given us under our Constitution – You Decide:

URGENT Constitutional Issue!:


Also, thanks for your evident support for our young, courageous, brave and selfless men and women in uniform,

God Bless & Keep You & Your Family Safe.

Semper Fi!
Comment by Amanda on May 16, 2009 at 4:01pm
There has never been a time that I have fretted over the safety of my grandchildren and my older children as well. I just can't understand why America can't see what the obama crew is out to do!! They want America to fall and they know that the Middle Class is the Back Bone of this Country. With out the Middle Class working so hard to stay above the Crap that is being thrown at us. Without the rest of America opening their eyes and seeing the Truth We Have to Stand Together, We Have To Have the Gumption to Say "ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!" Tell me, WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP??? I do not have a lot of money, but I do have A LOT OF LOVE FOR MY COUNTRY! There is still time to SAVE OURSELVES, WE CAN'T GIVE UP, OUR MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE FOUGHT AND DIED FOR US, FOR OUR COUNTRY, THEY HAVEN'T GIVEN UP. THESE MEN AND WOMEN DIED FOR OUR FREEDOM, THE VERY FREEDOM THAT obama IS TRYING TO TAKE AWAY. HOW CAN WE GIVE UP, AND ALLOW THESE MEN AND WOMEN TO HAVE DIED IN VAIN????????????????? THE ANWSER IS WE CAN'T, WE CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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