We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance


Good night and God bless is how Red always signed off his nightly show. A long list of believers entertained us in those days they were not afraid to share their faith in public. A few names from those by gone days of the past; Bing Crosby, Jackie Gleason, Danny Thomas, Bob Hope, Jimmy Durante, Jonny Carson, Elvis, Sammy Davis Jr. and many others to numerous to name here, all have gone home to be with the Lord. Worldliness now does not want to hear the Bill Cosby’s as they have been silenced. Those voices in Americas past are not even given much of a thought now.

What are we left with? In just a short while in the land of America, its standards of righteousness and holiness have been windrowed off the well traveled road of daily life in just about all media. Politically correct as it’s called rules the day as God is silenced and booted out. You have to ask yourself, where was the church in all this? What happened?

What comfort we have is in our God and with each day now giving little peace, because there is no peace we know we have a loving God. The only solace and peace comes from what He's given us in His Truthful Word. Paul a holy example of how to walk in Christ can share with us now in these few lines of scripture.

Phil. 3:10-17, 20-21

Yes, I gave it all up in order to know Him, that is, to know the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings as I am being conformed to His death, so that somehow I might arrive at being resurrected from the dead. It is not that I have already obtained it or already reached the goal—no, I keep pursuing it in the hope of taking hold of that which the Messiah Yeshua took hold of me. Brothers I, for my part, do not think of myself as having yet gotten hold of it; but one thing I do:

Forgetting what is behind me and straining forward toward what lies ahead, I keep pursuing the goal in order to win the prize offered by God’s upward calling in the Messiah Yeshua.

Therefore, as many of us as are mature, let us keep paying attention to this: and if you are differently minded about anything, God will also reveal this to you. Only let our conduct fit the level we have already reached. Brothers, join in imitating me, and pay attention to those who live according to the pattern we have set for you.

But we are citizens of heaven, and it is from there that we expect a Deliverer, the Lord Yeshua the Messiah. He will change the bodies we have in this humble state and make them like His glorious body, using the power which enables Him to bring everything under His control.

Looking at what once was in this world is not dying being resurrected in Christ.
Scripture continually tells us as Gods chosen, born from above, believers in Christ, which only by His Spirit things will happen. The resurrection power Paul was continually trying to get a handle on is a very holy God who continually reveals Himself to us all who believe. God is multi faceted and His truth will never tell a lie.

The prophetic gifts and callings are only empowered by that Spirit of Jesus and it is the resurrection power to open ears, eyes, and raise the dead being life itself.

The fig tree I believe it to be Israel. Jesus tells us that we have to be grafted into His tree, vine. Jn. 15:1-17 Jesus is the tree of life. Men are trees, and nations can be understood to be trees, but the only tree we should be concerned with is the tree of life in Christ Jesus.

Everything, we receive from God be it the anointing of the water of life “truth” and Jesus blood that is Gods “grace” all flow from Jesus the person.

Jn. 1:17 Grace and Truth. Jn. 3:34 Sealed of God. 2 Pe. 3:18 Grow in Grace and knowledge. Bear fruit, spiritual fruit not of your body (flesh) but of the Spirit.
Ga. 5:13-26 Jn. 13:23 Love of God. All power and authority in heaven and earth are given him our Lord Jesus.

Rev. 7:1-17 Trees again. The Jew will inherit a new earth. Trees represent people and the number is not known of all those who will be sealed by Gods angel. We need to be living now so rooted in the water of life so the anointing can flow through us from the throne of God. Ps. 1:1-3 Why? Many of Gods people will be sealed before the end. Isa. 41:18-24 Isa. 11:1-5

It always happens in the spirit first then manifests in the flesh (natural). God knows are beginning and our end and has said you are alright. Like a football game you have seen or a movie you have watched to the end knowing the score or the one who’s overcame in their drama. If a person comes in who hasn’t seen it before won’t know and could be anxious but we know the end. Jesus said it is finished.

Mighty angels we can not see are among those who are Gods elect, Gods chosen, and nothing will happen that has not been accounted for and allowed of the Lord. Perfection comes from putting everything we have on the stake of Jesus and leaving it there. The anointing of God and the resurrection power of God are revealed to those who are dead but yet alive. The more we become like Jesus the less of an effect this world has upon us. Example Peter when he spoke in Mt. 16:16-19 that God reveals. Not to be heavenly minded to be no earthly good.

No, its heavenly anointed to be of value in bringing life so that with that knowledge only found in Jesus can one be saved bringing them a resurrected life. In the same chapter Mt. 16:16:22 Jesus rebukes Peters ear listened to that of satan. Both were received but discernment of Gods Spirit was not yet given for Jesus had not left to go to the Father. Jesus sends Gods Spirit to teach now all things. We will have to still try the spirits to know of what they are about, but we have a companion to help us with that...The Holy Spirit of truth and understanding giving Gods revelation.
Blessings Steven

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