Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Dear Fellow Patriots:
What follows is a letter that I recently forwarded to our NM Secretary of State requesting her guidance and/or assistance in the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Primary Presidential Election Ballot:
“December 13, 2011
Mrs. Dianna J. Duran
New Mexico Secretary of State
325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300
Santa Fe, NM 87503
Phone: (505) 827-3600
Fax: (505) 827-8081
Dear Mrs. Duran:
I wanted to start off by thanking you for your office’s speedy response to my recent request for a copy of the ‘New Mexico 2010 Candidate Guide’ that deals with instructions for removing a candidate from the 2012 primary election ballot.
Upon receipt, I immediately took the opportunity to review specific sections within the guide that provided me with the ‘General Eligibility Requirements That Apply to All Offices’ and the‘Duties of Each Elected Office,’ to include the office of the President of the United States and have taken the liberty of including pertinent excerpts from specific pages of subject guide below:
Page 14:
“(Section 1-8-18(A) and 1-4-16(B) NMSA 1978)
No person shall become a candidate for nomination by a political party or have his/her name printed on the election ballot unless the record of voter registration shows:
Page 15:
President of the United States
In addition to the general requirements, to serve as President of the United States, a person:
As an American citizen of the United States and a native New Mexican, I am now hereby requesting that your office provide me with some direction and/or guidance that would assist me in getting President Obama removed from the 2012 presidential primary election ballot over allegations of fraud in that I now believe that “he does not meet the minimum Constitutional qualification requirements set forth in Article II, Section I, Clause V concerning the natural born citizen status.
Please be advised that, although I am not an attorney or have little or no legal background, I have arrived at this determination only after conducting my own extensive research into this extremely disturbing matter, which revealed that it is now undisputed that President Obama’s father was not a U.S. citizen and therefore he can never be a ‘natural-born citizen,’ as that term was defined by a ‘1875 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Minor v. Happersett’ in which the court defined “natural-born citizens” as ‘all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens.’
The following information, which includes numerous sources, will hopefully provide you with what I believe to be a preponderance of undisputable evidence that seems to collectively prove that President Obama in fact may be ineligible to hold the office of President of the United State and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces:
On or about April 27, 2011, the White House released a pdf copy of President Obama’s long-form ‘Certificate of Live Birth’, which I believe substantiated his dual nationality in that when he was born in Hawaii in 1961 he acquired British nationality by descent because his father was a British subject by birth and when Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.
Below is a pdf copy of President Obama’s ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ that was released by the White House:
On or about November 29, 2011, is was revealed that there are numerous state ballots with President Obama’s name that are facing legal challenges across the country. They are claiming that, while he is listed as the only Democratic candidate, he must be removed from the 2012 presidential primary election ballot over allegations of fraud in that “he does not meet the minimum qualifications as set forth in Article II, Section I, Clause V concerning the natural born citizen status.”
Ballots with Obama’s name facing more legal challenges!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 29, 2011:
On or about December 7, 2011, it was revealed that there was a class action complaint that was recently filed against the National Democratic Party by the Liberty Legal Foundation (LLF) challenging President Obama’s eligibility. The allegations are that “he does not meet the minimum qualifications as set forth in Article II, Section I, Clause V concerning the natural born citizen status.”
The LLF’s lawsuit cites the 1875 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Minor v. Happersett, in which the court defined “natural-born citizens” as “all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens.”
The LLF’s motion for preliminary injunction further states, “Because it is undisputed that Mr. Obama’s father was not a U.S. citizen, Mr. Obama can never be a natural-born citizen, as that term was defined by the U.S. Supreme Court and therefore Mr. Obama cannot meet the constitutional requirements to hold the office of President and alleges that any representation by the Democratic Party that President Obama is constitutionally qualified to hold the office of President would constitute “negligent misrepresentation or fraud.”
Liberty Legal Foundation serves DNC with Obama eligibility complaint!-Posted on Examiner-By Linda Bentley, Maricopa County Crime Examiner-On December 7, 2011:
On or about December 1, 2011, it was revealed that an Obama Presidential Eligibility Introductory Primer, which was initially published on or about June of 2009, has been recently revised and published. This primer reveals that President Obama has further substantiated his dual nationality, which he acquired at birth, when the White House released his supposedly new long-form birth certificate on or about April 27, 2011. The author does a meticulous job of introducing President Obama’s eligibility controversy, in a question-and-answer format, for a non-technical general audience and has supposedly double-checked the facts presented, along with citing their sources, and believes them to be correct.
Obama Presidential Eligibility - An Introductory Primer!-Posted on Stephen Tonchen-Revised on December 1, 2011:
Finally, and only after much thought, I have also taken the liberty of including the attached letter that I recently forwarded to our NM U.S. Congressman Tom Udall, which I believe will provide you with additional supporting information regarding this extremely disturbing matter.
I look forward to hearing from your office regarding this disturbing matter, which I believe is extremely time sensitive due to the fact the 2012 Primary Election Proclamation will be issued by our Governor on or about January 30, 2012, as noted on the ‘2012 Candidate Guide.’
Thank you again for the excellent and professional job that you are doing as our Secretary of State.
May you and your loved ones have a “Merry Christmas” and a “Happy and Prosperous New Year.”
Respectfully yours,
Jake L. Martinez
Letter To NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall:
“December 12, 2011
The Honorable Tom Udall
United States Senate
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-3101
Dear Senator Udall:
Thank you again for your speedy response regarding the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act. I again appreciate hearing from you regarding this disturbing issue.
Since my letter to you of December 7, 2011, it was revealed that our former New Mexico Governor, Bill Richardson, recently faced new reports of a federal grand jury into his alleged violations of campaign finance laws. Investigators are supposedly now probing how his close allies steered more than $2 billion of public money into investment funds run by money managers who in turn agreed to pay millions of dollars in consulting fees to high-profile Democratic fundraisers and his other supporters.
If proven to be true, I guess that our New Mexico tax payers not only took a hit when some of our elected officials in Congress took part in the insider stock market trading practices, but now we discover that our own Governor’s close allies may have been steering more than $2 billion of our public money into investment funds that were allegedly run by money managers who in turn agreed to pay millions of dollars in consulting fees to high-profile Democratic fundraisers and his other supporters. If this is not a great example of crony-capitalism, which is literally destroying our Capitalist system in America, I don’t know what is.
Although, I truly appreciate your speedy response to my letter of December 7, 2011 regarding the insider stock market trading issue, I again find myself wondering why there was no mention in your letter regarding Agenda 21, which is supposedly a voluntary plan that was adopted at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. It calls on governments to intervene and regulate nearly every potential impact that human activity could have on the environment, which translates into restrictive zoning policies that are aimed at deterring suburban growth. An action that is ultimately suppressing our housing supply, driving up home prices and, in turn imposing unnecessary costs, especially on middle- and lower-income households.
Agenda 21 and the Threat in Your Backyard!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Mike Brownfield-On December 5, 2011:
Video: How your community is implementing Agenda 21!
Additionally, what was suspiciously missing in your letter was your response to my numerous other issues that I’ve shared with you in the recent past that I believe are just as important because they are systemically eroding our “Constitution,” and “Bill of Rights”, which, if left un-attended, will ultimately destroy this great country of ours.
Be that as it may, after having some time to step back and look at the big picture, I’ve realized that, as we prepare for our upcoming 2012 Presidential Election, there is an issue that I’ve previously presented to you in the recent past that is currently heating up around our country, which I believe is even more important in size and scope because it deals with the question of whether or not our President is even eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief of our Armed Forces.
I, like many Americans across our country, believe that there is a preponderance of undisputable evidence being revealed on a daily basis by extremely reliable sources that may collectively prove that he in fact is ineligible to hold office, which would surely be the greatest fraud that has been perpetrated in American history.
This issue literally keeps me up at night because, if true, I believe that it would literally spark civil unrest across our country, which would ultimately destroy what I consider to be the greatest country on earth. And, it is for this reason that I would like to take the liberty of providing you with the following information and sources, which seem to provide us with the undisputable evidence that I mentioned above and again graciously ask that you give me your take regarding this extremely disturbing and time sensitive issue:
On or about March 2, 2010, it was revealed that Sarah P. Herlihy, an associate attorney specializing in litigation at the Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP, which is a law firm with ties to Obama, published an essay in the Chicago-Kent Law review on February 22, 2006 entitled “Amending the Natural Born Citizen Requirement: Globalization as the Impetus and the Obstacle” that floated the idea of a “takeover” of our government by a foreign power. Herlihy’s essay was widely disseminated on the internet during the 2008 presidential campaign as rumors surfaced that Obama and possibly McCain did not meet the “natural born Citizen” requirement laid out in Article II, Section 1, paragraph 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?-Posted on The Post & EMail-By Sharon Rondeau-On March 2, 2010:
On or about December 12, 2009, it was revealed in detail that there were foreign influences of George Soros during then Senator Obama’s 2008 Presidential Election Campaign, to include who covered up his Islamic background and the connections and players in the campaign of misinformation waged by numerous Obama supporters.
Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s Campaign!’-Posted on Post & Email-by John Charlton-On December 12, 2009:
On or about April 24, 2010, it was revealed that members from all three branches of the Federal government, to include members of the US Supreme Court, already know that Barack Hussein Obama is ineligible for the office of President. Additionally, National leaders are also aware that he is not a “natural born citizen” of the United States of America, and therefore, is ineligible for the office he currently holds:
DC Knows that Obama is Ineligible for Office: ‘The certification of constitutional qualification for the office of president!’-Posted on JB Williams-On April 24, 2010:
On or about June 10, 2010, it was revealed that Mr. Tim Adams, a college instructor, who worked as a senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu from May 2008 through September 2008, made a stunning claim that President Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for him did not even exist in the Aloha State.
Hawaii Elections Clerk: Obama birth not here – Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race says long-form birth certificate non-existent!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On June 10, 2010:
On or about November 8, 2010, it was exposed that the White House had posted a congressional document on the internet that confirmed that no one, to include Congress, the states, or election officials bothered to check then Senator Obama’s eligibility to be our president.
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted: ‘There is no specific federal agency’ to review candidates for federal office!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 8, 2010:
On or about January 24, 2011, it was revealed that Mr. Adams had signed an affidavit, on or about January 20, 2011, swearing that he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.
Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On January 24, 2011:
On or about May 31, 2011, it was revealed that President Obama’s “Certificate of Live Birth” that was released by the White House, on or about April 27, 2011, was found to be fraudulent by an international expert on scanners and document-imaging software who filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI to that effect.
Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record ‘forged’! (Part 1)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 31, 2011:
Criminal complaint details birth-certificate ‘forgery’! (Part 2)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 5, 2011:
Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate? (Part 3)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 7, 2011:
On or about June 12, 2011, it was revealed that there was overwhelming evidence that we in fact have a fraud and a usurper that resides in the people’s White House, despite the overt lack of journalistic investigating on the part of the American press. The new evidence indicates that the conspiracy to carry out that fraud was much broader than originally thought, which includes a forty-year story that requires a book, not a column, to tell because the evidence suggests that our President was being groomed from a very young age for the moment in history that would end American supremacy in the world, and usher in a new era of Global Marxist Governance.
The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!-Posted on The Post & Email-By JB Williams-On June 12, 2011:
On or about June 13, 2011, retired Maj. Gen. Paul Valley revealed that the “Certificate of Live Birth” that was released by the White House, on or about April 27, 2011, as “proof positive” of President Obama’s Hawaiian birth was a forgery, but that the FBI was covering the fraud and no one in Congress was willing to tackle the situation because of fears of a “black backlash,” if the failings of the nation’s first black president were revealed.
Ex-CIA: ‘Forged document’ released as birth certificate!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 15, 2011:
On or about October 20, 2011, Leo Donofrio, a New Jersey attorney who brought the first legal challenge to Barack Obama’s occupancy in the Oval Office to the U.S. Supreme Court, published a report that revealed that 25 U.S. Supreme Court Opinions that defined “Natural Born Citizen” were sabotaged in the run up to the ’08 Presidential Election.
25 U.S. Supreme Court Opinions That Defined “Natural Born Citizen” Were Sabotaged In The Run Up To The ’08 Presidential Election!-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Leo Donofrio, Esq.-On October 20, 2011:
On or about October 20, 2011, it was revealed that someone had been incredibly busy in June 2008 working on an illegal front invisible to the public by searching and altering Supreme Court Cases published at, which cite the only case in American history – Minor v. Happersett (1875) – to directly construe Article 2 Section 1’s natural-born citizen clause in determining a citizenship issue as part of its holding and precedent. In this unanimous decision, the Supreme Court defined a “native or natural-born citizen” as a person born in the US to parents who were both citizens, a definition that excludes President Obama from eligibility.
JustiaGate!-Posted on Examiner-By Dianna Cotter, Portland Civil Rights Examiner-On October 20, 2011:
On or about November 29, 2011, is was revealed that there are numerous state ballots with President Obama’s name that were facing legal challenges across the country. They are claiming that, while he is listed as the only Democratic candidate, he must be removed from the 2012 presidential primary election ballot over allegations of fraud in that “he does not meet the minimum qualifications as set forth in Article II, Section I, Clause V concerning the natural born citizen status.”
Ballots with Obama’s name facing more legal challenges!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 29, 2011:
On or about November 30, 2011, it was revealed that the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the research arm of Congress, had launched a defense of President Obama’s presidential eligibility with a 50-page report that has been described as a “polemic aimed at convincing readers” Obama meets the requirements to be president.
Congressional staff gives Constitution new meaning: ‘Researchers target ‘eligibility,’ say ‘native born’ really is ‘natural born!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 30, 2011:
On or about November 30, 2011, it was also revealed that Jack Maskell, a legislative attorney with the Congressional Research Service (CRS), issued yet another in a series of reports on presidential eligibility that appears aimed at providing members of Congress with talking points to respond to constituents contending that Barack Hussein Obama is not a “natural born citizen” within the meaning of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, along with redefining the eligibility clause by equating “native born” with the constitutional “natural born” citizen.
Congressional ‘scholar’ shilling for Obama!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 30, 2011:
On or about December 1, 2011, it was revealed that an Obama Presidential Eligibility Introductory Primer, which was initially published on or about June of 2009, has been recently revised and published. This primer reveals that President Obama has further substantiated his dual nationality, which he acquired at birth, when the White House released his supposedly new long-form birth certificate on or about April 27, 2011. The author does a meticulous job of introducing President Obama’s eligibility controversy, in a question-and-answer format, for a non-technical general audience and has supposedly double-checked the facts presented, along with citing their sources, and believes them to be correct.
Obama Presidential Eligibility - An Introductory Primer!-Posted on Stephen Tonchen-Revised on December 1, 2011:
On or about December 7, 2011, it was revealed that there was a class action complaint that was recently filed against the National Democratic Party by the Liberty Legal Foundation (LLF) challenging President Obama’s eligibility. The allegations are that “he does not meet the minimum qualifications as set forth in Article II Section I Clause V concerning the natural born citizen status.”
The LLF’s lawsuit cites the 1875 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Minor v. Happersett, in which the court defined “natural-born citizens” as “all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens.”
The LLF’s motion for preliminary injunction further states, “Because it is undisputed that Mr. Obama’s father was not a U.S. citizen, Mr. Obama can never be a natural-born citizen, as that term was defined by the U.S. Supreme Court and therefore Mr. Obama cannot meet the constitutional requirements to hold the office of President and alleges that any representation by the Democratic Party that President Obama is constitutionally qualified to hold the office of President would constitute “negligent misrepresentation or fraud.”
Liberty Legal Foundation serves DNC with Obama eligibility complaint!-Posted on Examiner-By Linda Bentley, Maricopa County Crime Examiner-On December 7, 2011:
As I’ve mentioned to you in the past, I am not a politician and thus am not known for always being politically correct because I call it as I see it. I also come from a long line of family members that are Veterans. Four out of my six male siblings honorably served their country and my father was a WWII Veteran, who survived the Battle of the Bulge, but lost the battle with his PTSD symptoms at the young age of fifty-nine. My two eldest sons honorably served their country as Marines. My eldest son participated in the first Gulf War as a Marine and Iraqi Freedom as a weekend warrior with the Air National Guard. Additionally, I lost many a friend during the Viet Nam War that fought and died to uphold our “Constitutional Rights” and the freedom that sadly too many Americans take for granted. As a result, I have to admit that I tend to get extremely concerned when I see politicians, regardless of political affiliation, sex, race, color (in the Marine Corps we were all green), creed, ethnic origin or religion, doing things and/or taking actions that I see as a threat to the freedom and/or rights given us under our “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights”, which millions of Americans have died and continue to die to this date to uphold them.
Please feel free to contact me at my home address listed below, if you should have any questions regarding any of this information.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive issue.
Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.
May you and your loved ones have a “Merry Christmas” and a “Happy and Prosperous New Year.”
God Bless You and God Bless America.
Jake L. Martinez
Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:
Thank you for your message!
I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.
Before you leave, I hope you'll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I've been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.”
Note: My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
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