We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Resistance or Apathy – Victory or Defeat in 2012!

Right ON!!

Posted on News With Views-By Greg Evensen, NewsWithViews.com-On January 14, 2011:

Many, many times I have been asked about armed resistance to national tyranny, leaving no doubt that those who want this to occur are ready, prepared and anxious to do so. Still others are very angry, but unwilling to commit to anything other than their own arguments and a belly full of Budweiser loudmouth. Agenda warriors wave the flag for their pet peeve but are unwilling to use their real names for anything other than a “Facebook” entry. I have been insulted by patio patriots who like rare steak, but don’t like the sight of blood. “Do something,” they shout, “but leave me alone. I don’t want to lose my internet service.”

Keep filing your taxes, vote for the lesser of two evils, complain about the price of gas, go to your do nothing church, watch the city council vote in one more Agenda 21 UN grab, send a donation to Human Rights watch and “Twitter” your life away. Then, write to me and brag about how you are doing everything you can to throw off the police state that has surrounded you. Devotion to stupidity, denial of truth, and deliverer of destruction has given you every right to be at the center of our devastation. Thank you for your clear dedication to encouraging all levels of government to strip you of every right passed on by inheritance from those who knew what those rights meant and paid the price for maintaining them. It all stopped with your REFUSAL to stand with the heroes of history and their on-going sacrifice to see to it that we lived in freedom and prosperity.

Police officers are telling me on a weekly basis that the ultimate confrontation between authority and the general population is the center of training. Lethal force will be used on a widespread application. The slightest resistance will be met with overwhelming force. Demotivation of the civilian population is their goal and it will be achieved quickly. Law enforcement expects surrender rates to be nearly 100% as examples will be made of resisters and no quarter given.

Military officers admit that they have been weeding out “weak” or overly sympathetic troops from the ranks so that order compliance will not be an issue. Congress enacted all of the precedent (unconstitutional) setting legislation to target you, persecute you, apprehend you, and incarcerate you indefinitely, for the crime of innocence, anti-government sentiments, your faith, your belief in the Bill of Rights, gold and silver money, natural supplements, buying raw foods, smoking, drinking soda, being overweight, speaking your mind, or owning a firearm. Am I exaggerating? You tell me. I cannot call a sodomite unnatural or a danger to my children. I cannot read Scripture on a public street without permits, and even then I am subject to arrest for being a public nuisance or disturbing the peace, yet gays and deviates march nude in the public streets---well, just because it is their right, you know.

I can be forced to take a vaccination, yet I cannot consume fresh, raw milk. I need six absolute proofs of identity to get a driver’s license, yet if I am an illegal alien, I can apply for and get social security within two weeks of my application. I can protest in the streets about gay rights, animal rights, tree rights, rock rights and predator wolf rights, but I cannot put a bumper sticker on my car that says, “Christian Bible Rights” or “Rights for the Unborn,” without being chased down, stopped, harassed or tasered by Fusion Center Cops, Homeland Security enforcers and corrupted Sheriffs.

You tell me! Is it way, way past time to resist or isn’t it? Have you come to a turning point or not? Have you surrendered to the government’s steel fist in your face or have you decided to pursue liberation? Clearly, the overwhelming evidence says that you will continue to do nothing what-so-ever to end this dastardly and ever increasing stranglehold on your country and your life.

I will not bore you with further examples and situations that you have heard thousands of times. It did not do any good then, and it will not do any good now. The die has been cast and I believe we have lost the struggle.

The government will continue to push you into the stockade until you simply cannot resist. They will eventually disarm you (the plans and strategy to do that are well rehearsed) and then complete the encirclement of America from within. People here will march up to the gates of the detention centers and asked to be let in. It will make all other subjugated people’s surrender in wars past look heroic. We deserve what we have done to ourselves. Do you yet disagree? Then show me a different America.

No new national effort is needed to get people together. What is needed is an agreement between the Tea Party folks, the Oath Keepers and many liberty minded organizations to dedicate what they are doing to an all out merging of efforts to pursue an “OPERATION LIBERATION” offensive as soon as local groups can meet to do so. A small contingent of men and women working with me over the past several weeks have committed to bringing this confidential plan into being. There are two or three methods to achieving this and it will require representatives from all of the state republics to come together for the framework of this effort to be revealed and enacted. The final plan has a state by state agenda that will liberate us from the tyranny of the federal legislative and judicial beast that dictates our lives and our destinies. That must end. We are engineering a solution. You must get on board. No excuses, no “let someone else do it,” no cowardly complaints and keyboard protests. YOU WANT A BETTER ANERICA, THEN GET GOING!

I will be speaking, by invitation, to Tea Party gatherings and Oath Keeper meetings across America by conference call, radio interviews, and in person public forums as they can be established. We are most serious about this and must move now to be heard before the fall elections. No delays, no excuses, no wait and see people need to be involved. This is, in my view, the last possible mans by which open rebellion, bloodshed and chaos can be avoided, if it can be avoided at all. It is worth the effort I assure you.

Please have your local or state wide Tea Party/Oath Keeper organizers contact me at greg@theheartlandusa.com or call my cell phone at 906-367-0505 daily from 6:45amCST to 45:45pmCST. We will try to fund the travel through those who can purchase the Castle Defense System available at our website. Donations for travel may be made at our postal address, P.O. Box 162, Sagola, MI 49881. We will do our best for this worthy effort.

Join us; please…………..we simply cannot go on like this. God is our refuge and our strength. You must be the sword and shield for our children’s future. NO ONE ELSE WILL DO IT.

The UN and its surrogates within the world governance crowd know America’s life is on the line. We must raise a wise citizenry concerning Godly living and seek those willing to get on their knees and begin again.

We have the plan, the organizations and the WILL. Can you step out and make this happen? The other side says never. Help us take them down.”



Note:  The following website reveals that George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) funds organizations that favor global government, which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations-You Decide:

Organizations that favor global government, which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations or other international bodies:

  • According to George Soros, “We need some global system of political decision-making. In short, we need a global society to support our global economy.” Consistent with this perspective, the Open Society Institute in 2008 gave $150,000 to the United Nations Foundation, which “works to broaden support for the UN through advocacy and public outreach.” Moreover, OSI is considered a “major” funder of the Coalition for an International Criminal Court, which aims to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures in certain cases to an international prosecutor who could initiate capricious or politically motivated prosecutions of U.S. officials and military officers.


Guide to The George Soros Network-Posted on DiscoverTheNetworks.org:


Note: What follows is a “Soros Files” website that was recently launched by Cliff Kincaid, President of America’s Survival, Inc. as a means of shedding some light on the anti-American activities of the hedge fund billionaire.

The website contains the following eye-opening reports:

  • “From the Stalinist Communist International to the George Soros-funded Criminals Lobby: Disrupting the Courts and Frustrating Justice Under the Cover of Advancing Human Rights,” by Tina Trent. How Soros subverts the criminal justice system.
  • Listing of top 150 Open Society Institute (OSI) grantees, with summaries and key personnel for the top 25 (This will be expanded and updated).
  • “How Billionaire George Soros Finances Marxism in America.” (This is a PowerPoint presentation identifying how OSI funding of one group, the Alliance for Global Justice, benefits a network of Marxist organizations, including Code Pink and the Venezuela Solidarity Network.
  • A flow chart of the Soros Political Network (identifying top Soros aides and their organizations, networks and connections).
  • A flow chart of the Soros-funded Media Network. Literally dozens of progressive publications benefit from Soros largesse.
  • Who is George Soros? “Obama’s Master George Soros: Supporting America’s Enemies at Home and Abroad.” This report explores Soros’s anti-American philosophy.
  • “The Shocking Truth about Soros Mentor Karl Popper’s “Open Society” Philosophy.”  Popper was NOT an anti-communist until later in life; he was a communist and socialist during most of it. 
  • “How George Soros Sacked Glenn Beck.” Beck, now on Internet TV, was fired from Fox News because of his scrutiny of Soros and his organizations.
  • “John Podesta, the Center for American Progress, and the Communist-friendly Modern Progressive Movement.” This former Clinton chief of staff runs a big part of the Soros empire.
  • “The Revolutionary Socialism of Soros Adviser Joseph Stiglitz.” This Columbia University Professor advises Soros and is a member of the Socialist International.
  • “Top Soros Adviser and Confidant Strobe Talbott Identified as Russian Dupe.” The head of the Brookings Institution is close to Soros and the Russians.
  • PowerPoint on George Soros and the National Lawyers Guild. Soros funds Marxist lawyers and their organizations.
  • “Inside a Soros-funded conference” - the story of the “Take Back the American Dream” conference sponsored by the Campaign for America’s Future.



Note:  The following videos and article and/or blog post reveal the New World Order, along with the role of the U.S. in the New World Order-You Decide:

The Power Behind the New World Order (Full Movie)!


Fall of the Republic!


The Obama Deception!


Illuminati Obama and The New World Order!


Illuminati New World Order Martial Law!


The President who told the Truth about illuminati!


New World Order End Game!


The NWO Agenda Exposed!


The U.S. Role in a New Global Order: Obama’s Speech Before the British Parliament-Posted on Brookings Institution-By Bruce Jones, Director, Managing Global Order, The Brookings Institution-On May 27, 2011:


Note What follows is an article and/or blog post that contains a WikiLeaks Cable that reveals the “North American Initiative” as being part of the New World Order agenda, along with other articles and/or blog posts that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

WikiLeaks: 'North American Initiative' no 'theory': 'Most believe the incremental approach most appropriate at this time'-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On May 21, 2011:


North American Union: WND killed it?-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On November 15, 2011:


'North American Parliament' under way: ‘Some hope exercise of U.S., Canadian, Mexican reps becomes reality!’-Posted on WND.com-By Jerome R. Corsi-On May 28, 2008:


Note The following video and articles and/or blog posts reveal the impact of the Senate declaring war on Americans via the recent passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and its utterly destructive attitude towards the Constitution and Bill of Rights, along with a video that contains a powerful message from a former Marine and C.I.A. Agent to all Americans-You Decide:

Is The Washington Times Pro-Obama?-Posted on Western Journalism-By Doug Book-On January 13, 2012:


New bill in the House threatens citizenship!-Posted on Americans For Limited Government-By Rebecca DiFede-On January 12, 2012:


Ohio Peace Officer Drafts NDAA Letter For Police And Sheriffs!-Posted on Oath Keepers-James B. Singleton-On January 7, 2012:


New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows!-Posted on American Thinker-By Alan P. Halbert-On January 2, 2012:


Exclusive: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse!-Posted on InfoWars-By Aaron Dykes and Alex Jones,
Infowars.com-On December 21, 2011:


Are Americans really to be jailed at Gitmo? ‘Critics warn bill empowers president to lock up citizens, throw away key!’-Posted on WND.com-By Drew Zehn-On December 16, 2011:


FEMA’s Emergency Camps: Hiring Has Begun!-Posted on The Tea Party Economist-On December 16, 2011:


Detainment Camps Going Live: FEMA Seeking Subcontractors to Provide “Temporary Camp Services” In All 50 States!-Posted on SHTF.com-By Mac Slavo, SHTFplan.com-On December 7, 2011:


Video: Senate Detention Bill is Pure Treason - Declares War on American People!-Posted on YouTube.com-By -On December 1, 2011:


Video: Passed: Americans can be detained without due process Bill – S.1867!-Posted on Western Journalism-On December 16, 2011:


Video: NDAA’s World Wide Declaration of War on The People!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On December 4, 2011:


America Lurches Toward Full-Blown Tyranny!-Posted on Rense.com-By Stephen Lendman-On December 3, 2011:


Video: Sen. Rand Paul Defends American Citizens Against Indefinite Detainment!-Posted on YouTube.com-By SenatorRandPaul-On November 29, 2011:


Video: Obama Justifies FEMA imprisonment of civilians!!!-Posted on YouTube.com-By burnbabylon7 -On November 27, 2011:


Senate Bill: America Is Now Part of the Battlefield!-Posted on FOCUS-By Chris Anders, ACLU-On November 26, 2011:


Video: YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE!-Posted on YouTube.com-By in5d-On May 6, 2010:


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

New World Order By Executive Order!


It’s Getting Very Serious Now!


Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?


Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!


Semper Fi!


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Comment by Catherine Linton on January 14, 2012 at 8:42pm

Jake, this post is right on target and we absolutely must team up. I'm all in...there IS no other way. How can I help connect?



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