Resistnet Banning of true Patriots
I was drawn to The Patriotic Resistnet by of which I have been on their political e-mail list for some time. I believed in the “mission statement” of And upon going to the TPR and learning of their stated purpose to fight the Obama agenda and to fight the godless socialists/communists/NWO Marxists types I thought this would be the perfect place to take up “the fight”. At first it seemed this was a good place for like minded conservatives, true patriots and real fighters. For a while all seemed to be good, but soon things started to change. The site changed it look based on the complaints of a few in the minority that it had to look less militant. Then the censorship began by the administrators and moderators. I wrote a post about the on-going censorship on TPR by the administrators and moderators. In a little over 24 hours I had over 80 comments echoing my same sentiments. That people on TPR were being censored by the administrators and moderators on subjects “they” did not want published or discussed. These subjects included, but are not limited to militias, FEMA camps, NWO, and as hard is it to believe due to their mission statement on TPR any mention by those actively pursuing the proof that Obama is NOT a US citizen and legally able to occupy the Whitehouse under the laws of the US Constitution. There was one post in particular by an administrator/moderator insulting and debasing ANYBODY connected to the Constitutionally mandated and legal US citizen militias. I called into question the administrator/moderator’s motives for this post and the out right lies and distortions and I was temporarily banned! After assuring I would follow site policy by NOT questioning the administrator/moderator’s motives I was reinstated. I was not very active after that on TPR and only made some very neutral and very mild comments on some other posts. My last post, “The New Revolution has begun” with the Joker picture of Obama signaling the joke was on all the morons who believed the lie “hope & changed” was well received. Two days later I was banned without any explanation or reason. TPR is now a money making enterprise and most if not all the administrator/moderator’s are now paid employees of Resistnet. They don’t care what is happing to our country. They are neocons or RINOS in support of Newt G. for president. That is their real agenda. All the true patriots and fighters have either left or been banned from this poor excuse for a site that believes that they are fighting to take our country back. I strongly encourage anyone who still has a page on Resistnet to back-up all your files, posts, documents, pictures or anything else of value and leave that cesspool of morally, ethically, and politically bankrupt individuals running that site. There are more than a few other political sites that are actually taking the fight to Obama and the godless socialists/communists/NWO Marxists that are trying to destroy our country. There is one good thing that has come from all of this. I have made some truly great friends and one very close intimate friendship that continues to grow stronger with every day. There I have meet a close knit group of friends all true patriots and fighters and these friendship bounds will not be broken by those that have their hidden agendas for there own purpose to benefit them personally.
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