We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


The East Tennessee Militia

1st Division/ 6th
Brigade/ 28th Regiment
Posted by moorg, Tn
State Militia 28th Reg
on June 22, 2011 at 2:24pm
The bad thing has happened, and you find yourself as senior person in a very mixed group of 15 men, women, and young people aged 10 through 72, all of whom are in various levels of physical condition. Note that while you have a few vets, you DO NOT have any Deltas, scout-snipers, or other operators – just a mixed bag of scared 21st-century Americans.
Arms, ammo, and gear are the expected mixed bag, and skill levels are unknown.

You expect pressure from remnant government forces, local predators (both single/small groups and larger, more organized bad-guy groups a la MS13), and international relief forces (who will disarm any ‘refugees’ they find and send them to ‘relief camps’). Food supplies are dwindling, and you have adequate but limited water purification resources. You assume overhead imagery via UAVs and sigint collection are still functioning for the government remnants and/or international forces, voice and data cell service
is sporadic, all roads are significantly interdicted with fixed and rolling roadblocks, and POL is generally not available commercially due to the “emergency”.
What do you do, in detail, over the next:

- Three minutes
– Three hours
– Three days
– Three weeks
– Three months

The above scenario is a very good example of some of the obstacles that the American citizens will find themselves faced with when the 'S*** Hits The Fan'! This scenario is designed for military combat/non combat veterans & non military civilians (note the reference to Basic/OJT & Advanced/OJT).
1. Your life style as you know it today will immediately and drastically change.
2. Prepare yourselves mentally and physically for the worst scenario of an armed revolution.
3. Remember that this revolution may last for many, months, & years, so be ready for the worst.
4. Be prepared to support & defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign & domestic with your life.
5. Remember our brave Founding Fathers who gave us the U.S. Constitution. They loved liberty more than life!!
6. The U.S. Constitution and the United States of America must be defended now at all costs!


The Phase 1 - Basic/OJT - primarily for the non/combat veterans & non military civilians who will immediately be confronted with lotsa small arms fire, super loud earth shaking/concussion noises/blasts (hand grenades, mortars, artillery & air atrikes) they're not familiar with. Organizing the Phase 1, Basic/OJT is the most difficult phase of the scenario/operation due to lack of experience/man power description.
The Phase 2 - Advanced/OJT - War fighting experience has been quickly gained/improved (OJT) by both military/civilian elements. Depending on the situation, we're now able to operate as a defensive/offensive force.

Phase 1 - Basic/OJT.     Phase 2 - Advanced/OJT.


1. Situation - 2. Mission - 3. Execution - 4. Admin & Logistics - 5. Command & Control

Phase 1 - Basic/OJT.

1. Phase 1 - Situation: The bad thing has happened, and you find yourself as senior person in a very mixed group of 15 men, women, and young people aged 10 through 72, all of whom are in various levels of physical condition.

Assembly Area-1, A-2, A-3; Verbally determine 3 (out of 15) most secure near-by choices A-1, A-2, A-3 respectively that can be reached & immediately move if possible. If movement is not possible, keeping this mixed group in tact, quickly construct a temporary Assembly Area using available cover & concealment. (3 minutes - 3 hours max)
Assembly Area;
Weapons/ammo/gear - Weapons to be distributed as required. Ammo & gear to be distributed/temporarily stored as required. (30 minutes - 1 hour)

Assembly Area; Organization - The selected 'Assembly Area' is to be used to organize the mixed group based on each persons age, health, expertise and skills: (1) Veterans MOS, age, small unit leader, shooter. (2) Age & health condition, shooters. (3) Expertise - explosives, armor, construction shooters etc. (4) Skills - Doctors, dentists, nurses, pilots, water purification, survival, communications, farmers, shooters etc. (1 hour - 2 hours)

Organize group (15) into small unit leaders/groups - 1 Plt Ldr; 2 Sqd Ldrs, 2 Sqds, 6 per Sqd, 4 FTs 3 per FT; 4 FTLs, 3 per FT. (2 hours)
Assembly Area; Consider relocation of health issues - Transfer to a medical facility/group if possible. (3 hours - 3 days)

2. Phase 1 - Mission: Recon/locate (OJT) adjoining friendly groups, food, water, medical sources, ammo etc.

3. Phase 1 - Execution: Recon (OJT) - 2 man teams (1 M/F young & 1 M/F old) using all mobile members of the Plt.

4. Phase 1 - Admin & Logistics: Uniforms/clothing, equipment,  food/water, (WIA, KIA, MIA), weapons/ammo

5. Phase 1 - Command & Control: Communication methods (Runner, (cell phone trackable?) passwords(sign/countersign).


1. Phase 2 - Situation:  Joined/combined forces with other unit/units creating a larger healthier, more experienced unit. Unit CP, temp Field Med Station, water purification, limited fuel dump established. Have established limited/temp supplies for ammo, weapons/parts, radio equipment/parts, auto/truck parts, water, food, med supplies.
2. Phase 2 - Mission:  (1) Continual Recon/locate needed resupply sources - ammo, weapons/parts, radio equipment/parts, auto/truck parts, food, med supplies.(OJT) adjoining friendly groups, food, water, medical sources, ammo etc. (2) Seek out & destroy the invaders using small unit (guerrilla) tactics, disrupt their mission, supply
routes, communications, supply/ammo dumps etc as much as possible.
3. Phase 2 - Execution:  (1) Continual Recon (OJT) - 2 man teams (1 M/F young & 1 M/F old) using members as reqd.(2) Kill em all!! This is the shortest paragraph in the 5 paragraph order.
4. Phase 2 - Admin & Logistics:  Uniforms/clothing, equipment, food/water, (WIA, KIA, MIA), weapons/ammo designations.
5. Phase 2 - Command & Control:  Communication methods [Runner, (cell phone trackable?)], 2 way radios, passwords (sign/countersign).
GySgt Bob Pinkstaff
USMC Retired

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Comment by M on July 5, 2011 at 1:46pm
The time to prepare and put everything in place is now while we still have that option because it will become at least 100 times harder if we wait for the imminent crash to happen first. That scenario presents a whole different set of problems in logistics which are not insurmountable but are extremely hard to accomplish under what would be a nation wide lockdown.
Comment by M on July 5, 2011 at 1:42pm
Basically if we would be in that situation and use the same tactics that the VC used on us in Vietnam with a complete understanding of why they work as well as how they work we will prevail. I would suggest that everyone obtain a copy of "The Art of War by Sun Tzu. The basics for all battles and how to win are containes in it. It is even required study in the War College.



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