We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Scott Brown in Massachusetts could be the one to smack down THE ONE.

A filibuster-proof U.S. Senate is what America doesn't need. The U.S. Senate special election coming up in Massachusetts can prevent it and cause Obama's plans to fail.

Scott P. Brown is in a special election for Kennedy's U.S. Senate seat on January 19th, as KD has posted. The "http://nowewont.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network" source given leads to No We Wont's site, but evidently the site isn't used much and the message network given in the URL may be sabotaged by Obama's political bed partners.

Brown is a Boston U. law grad and a MA State Senator. He is: against abortion - pro 2nd Amendment - pro business - anti high tax - pro traditional marriage. And he's got charisma.

Find out about him and help out his campaign at: "http://www.brownforussenate.com/".

He's got a real shot at this.

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Comment by JoanO on December 30, 2009 at 2:02am
Everyone please get on the phone and let the people in Massachusetts know they need to vote for Scott 'Brown or they will be completely taken over by communisum.



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