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Setting the Record Straight about Which Party is More Racist

Which Party did Abraham Lincoln belong to?

Was Lincoln for or against slavery?

Which Party's Majority Overwhelmingly Voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964's the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?

Example: "The Republican Party was not so badly split as the Democrats by the civil rights issue. Only one Republican senator participated in the filibuster against the bill. In fact, since 1933, Republicans had a more positive record on civil rights than the Democrats. In the twenty-six major civil rights votes since 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 % of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 % of the votes."

"the Senate passed the bill by a 73 to 27 roll call vote. Six Republicans and 21 Democrats held firm and voted against passage. In all, the the 1964 civil rights debate had lasted a total of 83 days, slightly over 730 hours, and had taken up almost 3,000 pages in the Congressional Record."- Congresslink.org

Or 1965's Voting Rights Act
Senate: 77–19
Democrats: 47–17 (73%-27%) 17 Dems Voted AGAINST it!!
Republicans: 30–2 (94%-6%) Only 2 Republicans Voted Against it.
House: 333–85
Democrats: 221–61 (78%-22%) 61 Dems Voted AGAINST IT!!
Republicans: 112–24 (82%-18%) Only 24 Republicans Voted Against it.

Conference Report:
Senate: 79–18
Democrats: 49–17 (four Southern Democrats voted in favor: Albert Gore, Sr., Ross Bass, George Smathers and Ralph Yarborough).

Including Al Gore's Dad. That is Sick and Wrong!!

Republicans: 30–1 (the lone nay was Strom Thurmond; John Tower who did not vote was paired as a nay vote with Eugene McCarthy who would have voted in favor.)
House: 328–74

Sure Looks Like the Republicans were MORE FOR Equal Rights than Democrats by these Numbers. (Actual votes on the Bill)

Democrats: 217–54 54 Dems Voted AGAIST it!!
Republicans: 111–20 Only 20 Republicans Voted Against it.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting_Rights_Act 

The Republican Party formed by abolitionists in 1854 took bold steps in securing freedoms for former slaves.

The PROUD history of the Republican Party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj0vzAuHqPk 

As Soon as the Democrats Were in control of Congress and many of the southern state governments the Democrats once again stripped away the rights African Americans wouldn't again fully achieve until the civil rights movement of the 1960's.

- In 1865, Congressional Republicans unanimously backed the 13th Amendment, which made slavery unconstitutional. Among Democrats, 63 percent of senators and 78 percent of House members voted: "No."

- In 1866, 94 percent of GOP senators and 96 percent of GOP House members approved the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing all Americans equal protection of the law. Every congressional Democrat voted: "No."

- February 28, 1871: The GOP Congress passed the Enforcement Act, giving black voters federal protection.

- February 8, 1894: Democratic President Grover Cleveland and a Democratic Congress repealed the GOP's Enforcement Act, denying black voters federal protection.

- October 16, 1901: GOP President Theodore Roosevelt invited to the White House as its first black dinner guest Republican educator Booker T. Washington.

- January 26, 1922: The U.S. House adopted Rep. Leonidas Dyer's (R., Mo.) bill making lynching a federal crime. Filibustering Senate Democrats killed the measure.

- Until 1935, every black federal legislator was Republican. America's first black U.S. Representative, South Carolina's Joseph Rainey, and our first black senator, Mississippi's Hiram Revels, both reached Capitol Hill in 1870. On December 9, 1872, Louisiana Republican Pinckney Benton Stewart "P.B.S." Pinchback became America's first black governor.

- August 17, 1937: Republicans opposed Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Supreme Court nominee, U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D., Al.), a former Klansman who defended Klansmen against race-murder charges.

- September 24, 1957: Eisenhower deployed the 82nd Airborne Division to desegregate Little Rock's government schools over the strenuous resistance of Governor Orval Faubus (D., Ark.).

- May 6, 1960: Eisenhower signs the GOP's 1960 Civil Rights Act after it survived a five-day, five-hour filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats.

- November 2, 1983: President Reagan established Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday as a national holiday, the first such honor for a black American.

- President Reagan named Colin Powell America's first black national-security adviser while GOP President George W. Bush appointed him our first black secretary of state.

Facts are from Deroy Murdock who is an advisory board member of Project 21, a Washington-based network of black free-market advocates

Racism in the Democratic Party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FFCY7YNbS4&feature=related

The Democrats were the fountainhead of American white supremacy, after the Civil War. Everything on this video is accurate and true.

NBRA Martin Luther King Was A Republican:

National Black Republican Association (NBRA) Radio Advertisements Videowww.NBRA.info

Republican For A Reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y5_q-rWMkg&feature=related

The Republican National Committee's newest web video, reminding us all why we are Republican - and proud Americans.

Which Party is More Extreme? Watch this Video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFwsWN0XkQM

I May be Wrong but I do Believe My History is RIGHT about Republicans. More Republicans have Supported CIVIL RIGHTS Historically than Democrats. History is on the Side of REPUBLICANS NOT Democrats.

Please try to refrain from "Dissing", "Slamming" or "Labeling" Republcians as "Racist" in the Future.

As I've Clearly Shown above. It's been the Republican Party that Overwhelmingly Supports Civil Rights in this Nation NOT the Democrats. End of Story. The Votes Speak for themselves.

Who's Trying to Rewrite History? I think it's Liberal Democrats NOT Conservative Republicans.

Prove Me Wrong. I Dare You!

Original Blog Post May be Seen at:  http://jeremyintucson.blogspot.com/2011/05/setting-record-straight-...

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