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DSK sex scandal setup linked to Obama

Why would he do that? This is the question many people asked of the rape accusation leveled against Dominique Strauss-Kahn; recently humiliated and removed head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The biggest reason for asking the question was a total lack of logic behind raping a hotel maid while being such a public figure in charge of such a public institution and at the same time under consideration for a nomination to be president of France! It simply did not add up.

Kahn, known for his public fancy for women, was widely considered a womanizer by many published reports. He even said in an interview that his political enemies would probably use this as a way of attacking him prior to the French elections.

Today, July 1, it was revealed that the maid who accused him had actually lied about the event in question and Kahn will be released on his own recognizance. The setup has some deep and powerful roots, as you will see.

Kahn was replaced by Christine Lagarde. Lagarde, who is currently under investigation for ethics violations herself, has in her resume' a history of working for Chicago based law firm Baker & Mckenzie. Try to keep up now!

Baker & Mckenzie is the representing firm for a Saudi phosphate company Ma'aden. The Saudi ties to Obama are unmistakable. More interesting is the connection Baker & Mckenzie has to Obama - more specifically that lawyers who are employed by the law firm made donations to the Obama 2008 campaign for the President of the United States of America.

Thomas Linguanti of Baker & Mckenzie donated $3800 to the Obama campaign alone and that is only one with others yet unconfirmed. The link between the Obama campaign and Strauss-Kahn is established through this donation.

Therefore, here are a few questions we should all be asking. Why is a woman who used to work for a law firm, which donated money to Obama's campaign now in charge of the International Monetary Fund? In addition, why, after she is established as the new head of the IMF, is it revealed that the accuser lied about the rape only after the damage was done and Kahn was removed from the post making the lawyer from Chicago-based Baker & Mckenzie the new head? The political connections here are astounding. Chicago is Obama's political and personal stomping ground. Chicago based Baker & Mckenzie donated to his campaign. Now one of their own is head of the IMF. The questions never seem to end with the POTUS. Answers, on the other hand, well...

Michael Shoesmith's photo

Michael Shoesmith

Sarnia Christian Perspectives Examiner
July 2, 2011 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates.

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