We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


The Death of Common Sense

The Birth of The WHY Initiative

Exactly when did common sense die in this country? Obviously, it has been on life support for some time; but now that our collective national synapses have stopped firing, we aren't even in an era of philosophical "gray." What is presently being foisted upon us is the notion that black is white and white is black. And, don't even think about reducing that statement to race. Political correctness is only political; there is nothing correct about it.

Think about it. We're being told that the way to save our economy is to spend money we don't have on things we don't need. How, exactly, will that save our economy? That's somewhat like telling me that, if my credit card debt has gotten a little out of hand, the way to fix the problem is to exhaust every line of credit I have on bagged ice and tanks of helium. Certainly, I could throw a massive party, but once the ice has melted and the balloons are popped, who's going to want to stick around to help clean up? And, then, more importantly, what am I supposed to do with the debt I'll likely not be able to pay off in my lifetime? Common sense unquestionably prevents me from such foolish behavior.

For a few decades now, Muslims have been committing focused acts of terror around the globe, including the worst attack on American soil in our nation's history. But, we're allowing Islam to be forced down the throats of western civilization at an unprecedented rate. Why? Because Muslims love our way of life so much, and desire to see us prosper and flourish? Give me a break. Islam is committed to wiping out western civilization-Muslims have no choice in the matter because it's commanded in their Koran. Any Muslim who tells you otherwise is practicing their doctrine of Taqqiya-a convenient little precept that allows them to lie about their beliefs in order to advance the cause of Islam (i.e., Barack Obama is a Christian).

You see, according to the tenets of the Judeo-Christian ethic upon which our country was founded, we are taught to embrace truth; we are not to lie, even pragmatically to advance our particular beliefs. But, how is it that we were viciously attacked, some 3,000 of our citizens were killed, and our Commander-in-Chief took to the airwaves to proclaim, "Islam is a religion of peace?" I suppose he had just eaten the worm at the bottom of that bottle of Taqqiya.

We've allowed tolerance to be transformed from a virtue to vice. We've permitted our general goodwill to be turned into ammunition in the rifle of Islam.

Because of our inane, cowardly PC promulgation, we have unwittingly welcomed those, whose highest desire is to destroy us, to demand that we accommodate the rituals of the very doctrines that mandate our destruction. Black is white; white is black. The Bible describes it as "calling evil good and good evil." But, wasn't it such a nice "I'd-like-to-teach-the-world-to-sing" moment to see Nancy Pelosi holding a Koran for Keith Ellison to place his hand on to swear his constitutional oath? But, was that oath actually to defend the Constitution, or was it to uphold his version of "scripture" that commands him to destroy anyone who doesn't follow Islam? However one wishes to understand this twaddle, one thing is certain, it possesses not a single drop of common sense.

Black is white. White is black. Black is white. White is black. Yes we can. YES WE CAN!

Enter stage left: an eloquent atrocity.

By now, those reading this have likely heard all the constitutional reasoning regarding the ineligibility of the UPOTUS (Unconstitutional President of the United States). However, in spite of our undaunted pleas to our elected officials, it appears they continue to suffer a profound inability to discern between truth and fiction.

In response to the many inquiries they have received, they continue to reply with faulty logic, misinformation, and outright lies. And, we are becoming more and more aware of the fact that many, if not all, of our correspondence with them has never even reached them. There is a fortified firewall between the elected officials and their constituents. That moat is commonly referred to as "staffers." I have been told that many of the staffers simply toss the inquiries, and their bosses never even see them.

From the many replies that people have received from the offices of elected officials (for I am now very careful not to say that they are actual responses from the officials themselves), there is an Orwellian pattern of damaged brain matter in their words. Here are some of the more common blights of misinformation being proffered by this inexplicable class of political zombies:

Because lawsuits have been filed that have made it to the Supreme Court, and those cases were ultimately dismissed, Barack Obama is a natural born citizen.

Understanding that the dismissal of all those cases had nothing to do with the merits of the cases, but rather whether or not the person(s) bringing the case had standing to do so, that argument is patently insufficient regarding the UPOTUS' constitutional eligibility. However, some of our elected officials are proclaiming that to be the extent of their evidentiary fact-finding missions. Yeah, evidentiary . . . but with no actual evidence (black is white).

Because "independent" websites snopes.com and factcheck.org have verified the [forged] COLB to be authentic, Barack Obama is a natural born citizen.

I don't think I even need to comment on how ludicrous this claim is.

Because Hawaiian officials verified that he was, indeed, born in Hawaii, then Barack Obama is a natural born citizen.

Did any of these political undead even bother to read what those Hawaiian officials actually said? Granted, the extremely liberal Hawaiian officials craftily performed some brilliant doublespeak, but they said that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii just as much as Tim Geithner faithfully filled out his 1040s.

Because Chief Justice Roberts swore him in, Barack Obama is a natural born citizen.

And because I say my Mazda is a Lamborghini, I have the coolest car in town. Wake me up when the stupid wears off.

I could go on and on with the hopenchange slathered rhetoric, but it just wears me out. Back when I was in grade school, and "special education" actually meant something, we all just tolerantly allowed those kids, many of whom wore leather helmets, to say whatever they wanted to say without consequence. Yeah, we may have shamefully retreated to privately laugh at their sad conditions; but we had no problem allowing them to state completely absurd things simply because they had a physical calamity that precluded common sense.

This may seem trite and crude, but never once would we have considered voting any of those unfortunate children into positions in which they would represent our best interests and defend our constitution. I truly do pity the predicaments of those very kindhearted individuals; but I've become quite perturbed at the intellectual waterheads who presently serve in Congress. And I'm not just talking about the "bad" ones. Not one of those individuals who are blessed to serve our country in such a capacity had the fortitude to exercise their constitutionally mandated due diligence. Not one.

So, Citizen Wells and I, with the help of patriots across this great land, are launching The WHY Initiative. We are going to pursue the greatest unanswered question in modern history-why didn't you believe it was necessary to demand actual proof that Barack Obama is constitutionally eligible to be our president? It certainly isn't because we didn't ask you to. And based on the responses we've received, it is obvious you don't even have a clue about the facts. So, why didn't you ask?

This is a singularly important question, for I believe it will give a glimpse of the depth of corruption that exists in our government to all the smelly tourists across our country. In the meantime, I would simply ask each of you to do something. Whenever you enter into discourse about this constitutional crisis, exercise the one thing that will defeat the arguments of those who do not believe it is imperative that Barack Obama provide proof that he is eligible to occupy the Oval Office-common sense. While our nation, as a whole, has lost its ability to reason, that doesn't mean you have as well. Common sense may have died in our national discourse, but that doesn't mean it is privately dead. Exercise your common sense. Ask WHY?

We will be providing you with much more information about The WHY Initiative very soon. Please check back often.

For more about our initiative, read Citizen Wells' salient article here:


Dean Haskins
Chairman, Restore the Constitutional Republic

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