Her face was mutilated by her husband's family when she refused to prostitute herself after he was imprisoned for raping another child.
In America and the West
Rape is a crime
But in the Muslim world
The raped woman does time -- just more “Sharia Gonorrhea”
This 7 year old Iranian girl was beheaded
By her father for being raped by her uncle.
Gay rights? Homosexuals beware
We don’t mind if you’re a sissy
But in the Islamic world better not get caught
Giving your boyfriend a little kissy,
Gays and lesbians do you hate
Gay party crashers?
In Mohammed’s World two gay men
Were given 7,000 lashes,
Women who like women
As far as I’m concerned that’s your choice
But in Muslim countries they can kill you
And in the matter, you’ll have no voice,
According to the “International Lesbian and Gay Association, seven countries still put gay, lesbian and bisexual people to death for same-sex actions.
Those countries are: Iran, Mauritania, Saudi-Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen , Nigeria (death penalty applies to 12 Northern provinces with Sharia law)
Guys with Guys or Girls with Girls
Is not my cup of tea
But what you do in private
doesn’t bother me,
Want to hangout in a gay night club
And have a dance?
In Islamo-World
You take a chance – of just plain hanging!
Two boys, one 18 the other a minor being hanged in Iran. Their crime?
They were convicted of being Homosexuals.
They received 228 lashes before being hung.
Gay men do you like getting head?
Make sure you don’t lose your own
Hang on to your head & keep all of your anatomy
In Islam they behead you for sodomy,
Hey straight guys want fool around on your wife
And have a beer
If Muslims take over
You have cause to fear
Look what happened to this poor guy…..
Saeed Ghanbari receives 80 lashes for using alcohol and having sex outside marriage.
Heterosexual women do you prefer
Being the only one?
Muslin men
Have lots of fun – they get four wives,
And when men go to Muslim paradise
They get even more women
In brown eyed virgins
The guys are swimming,
The guys get virgins
Hey ladies how about studs for you?
don’t ya’ think in “Allah Heaven”
You should get what’s due?
Raped women, homosexuals, adulterous women and fornicators
Are all beaten, killed or put in prison
Hmmm! Do I want Sharia or Western Democracy?
It’s not a real tough decision!
“Sharia Gonorrhea”
Is worse than the clap
Islamic Law is for all human beings
A Hellish Trap,
Gonorrhea is a social disease
That if left untreated, kills
Sharia too is a deadly social disease
That must be defeated -- by free men with strong wills!
And Islam must be defeated by any force that is necessary!
Author: Rock Peters
Copyrights USA 2011
Knights of Columbus
Cell (917) 517.2749
Top ten reasons why Sharia is bad for all societies
10. Islam commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped.
9. Islam allows husbands to hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives.
8. Islam allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revenge-physical eye for physical eye.
7. Islam commands that a male and female thief must have a hand cut off.
6. Islam commands that highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated.
5. Islam commands that homosexuals must be executed.
4. Islam orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death.
3. Islam orders death for Muslim and possible death for non-Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even Sharia itself.
2. Islam orders apostates to be killed.
1. Islam commands offensive and aggressive and unjust jihad.
The TaliBAN on Women
Taliban restrictions and mistreatment of women included the ...
1) Ban on women’s activity outside the home, which also applies to women teachers, engineers and most professionals. Only a few female doctors and nurses are allowed to work in some hospitals in Kabul.
2) Ban on women’s activity outside the home unless accompanied by a mahram (close male relative such as a father, brother or husband).
3) Ban on women dealing with male shopkeepers.
4) Ban on women being treated by male doctors.
5) Ban on women studying at schools, universities or other educational institution. (The Taliban has converted girls’ schools into religious seminaries)
6) Requirement that women wear a long veil, which covers them from head to toe.
7) Whipping, beating and verbal abuse of women not clothed in accordance with Taliban rules, or of women unaccompanied by a mahram.
8) Whipping of women in public for not having their ankles covered.
9) Public stoning of women accused of having sex outside of marriage. (A number of lovers have been stoned to death under this rule.)
10) Ban on the use of cosmetics. (Many women with painted nails have had fingers cut off.)
11) Ban on women talking or shaking hands with non-mahram males.
12) Ban on women laughing loudly. (No stranger should hear a woman’s voice.)
13) Ban on women wearing high-heeled shoes. (A man must not hear a woman’s footsteps.)
14) Ban on women riding in a taxi without a mahram.
15) Ban on women’s presence in radio, television or public gatherings of any kind.
16) Ban on women playing sports or entering a sports centre or club.
17) Ban on women riding bicycles or motorcycles, even with a mahram.
18) Ban on women wearing brightly colored clothes. In Taliban terms, these are “sexually attracting colors.”
19) Ban on women gathering for festive occasions or for any recreational purpose.
20) Ban on women washing clothes next to rivers or in a public place.
21) Modification of all place names including the word “women”. For example, “women’s garden” has been renamed “spring garden”.
22) Ban on women appearing on the balconies of their apartments or houses.
23) Forced painting of all windows, so women cannot be seen from outside their homes.
24) Ban on male tailors taking women’s measurements or sewing women’s clothes.
25) Ban on female public baths. (OOOOOH could get smelly!)
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