We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?

What’s disturbing about this picture?-You Decide:

Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Walid Shoebat-On September 26, 2012:

“When it comes to the film Innocence of Muslims, our government and the media use a narrative mired in contradictions and false statements provided by the filmmaker, who himself is an untrustworthy source.

If we stick to what can be proven we might obtain the possibility that terror supporters produced the film. Muhammad Al Dura and Paliwood are two cases in point, showing the type of stunts used by Palestinian terrorists.

So lets examine facts instead of the filmmaker’s fiction:

Court documents reveal that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the producer of the movie Innocence of Muslims, partnered in a scheme with Eiad Salameh, my first cousin.

Eiad is a Muslim terror supporter and is not an Egyptian Copt.

He comes from Beit Sahour, Bethlehem and is well known by the FBI and the Arab community as a conduit for Middle Easterners who can obtain authentic, legitimate identifications, from passports to credit cards including many nationalities. He then places these identifications in the hands of dubious characters to use for fraudulent purposes.

In fact, I revealed Eiad Salameh way before this whole fiasco erupted—in 2008, and the first knowledge of Eiad and Nakoula was revealed on September 14, 2012 by the Smoking Gun, which provided court documents that prove these two connected in 2009 in a major financial scheme.

The narrative that circulates in the media fails to answer crucial questions behind the mystery of this film.

For example, to date, no one has stepped forward or can confirm for certain that whoever holds an identity by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, is even that man. He, after all, held several identifications, including Muslim names. He could have easily presented a valid I.D. when he was arrested, yet he was likely not the man in that I.D.

Such a claim isn’t easily dismissed; if an Egyptian by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is blamed for angering over a billion Muslims, it would not be that difficult to find the entire family in Egypt, including brothers, cousins, aunts, siblings, wife, wives, ex-wives, mistresses, pet names and all. Especially since Egypt sparked all the riots that spanned over 30 some nations.

In the Middle East you are known by your clan, yet Egypt cannot produce this man’s family and background?

Besides this, why would Nakoula, who claims to be a religious Coptic activist, have extensive connections with Eiad, a man who I know hates Copts and is well-known to be the best schemer the Middle East has produced and has contacts with terror networks?

This terror connection is not void of evidence. The Daily Beast reported regarding Nakoula’s arrest (emphasis added):

“The bust came around the time the feds were launching Operation Mountain Express, which would become a huge investigation into pseudoephedrine-dealing involving numerous people of a Middle Eastern background. The authorities initially insisted there were no links to terrorism, but suddenly switched and decided that a chunk of the money was going to Hizbullah.”

The Eiad-Nakoula connection was likely terror related.

Nakoula first presented himself as an Israeli Jew, a thing Eiad also did for years. He fraudulently holds an authentic Israeli passport.

To date, no one has produced proof to authenticate Nakoula, yet evidence shows with 100% certainty that both my cousin Eiad and Nakoula had multiple fraudulent identifications, as we showed in our detailed report, which includes valid court records, a U.S. Trustee report, credit report and our correspondence with Canadian intelligence.

How is it possible that these two strange bedfellows would snuggle up together? On the one hand, we have an Egyptian-Coptic-anti-Muslim-activist-fundamentalist-Christian turned Meth-dealer and on the other hand, we have a Muslim-Palestinian scam-artist-terrorist.

Some might counter that these two only had a fling; after all, Nakoula was simply a runner for Eiad in 2009.

What has never been disclosed until now is that the two were linked for at least a decade from the year 2000, and not only in an involvement in 2009.

Nakoula had used “P.J. Tobacco” and Eiad was linked to a tobacco smuggling operation into Syria in 2001 by using a fictitious name A&M Trading, as revealed in the U.S. Trustee report in 2001. Nakoula used M&A Trading in 2009 with his pseudoephedrine dealings.

He simply switched letters; A&M became M&A.

Nakoula used Eiad’s last name “Erwin Salameh” portraying himself as Eiad’s brother.

We also ascertained from our contact in the IBC that Eiad was also involved with someone with a last name “Tanas” and Nakoula had used the name “Thomas J. Tanas.”

Both clans “Nakoula” and “Tanas” exist in Eiad’s village in Beit Sahour, Bethlehem. It is still the little town of Bethlehem as it was in biblical times.

Now let’s examine his motives.

I obtained the Sawa radio interview in Arabic of this supposed Nakoula. He was asked, “What is your position on the Jewish and the Christian faiths?” Nakoula responded, “I have no calling for these religions.” He continued to state that he was an author of several anti-Islam books (written in Arabic) refusing to give the titles of his books.

Yet, if court documents give his legal name as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, I found no books under that name. Nothing. And neither was anyone able to produce any.

The media’s narrative has nothing, and this supposed Nakoula was proven a liar a hundred times over.

Yet the media purports that the man is a Christian activist Copt. All this man’s claims were proven lies, except this one is believed?

Even what his friend stated to the court — that Nakoula is “a God-fearing man whose first priority is his family” — contradicts what he said in Arabic; he is not interested in Christianity or Judaism and is possibly a Muslim.

So who funded the film? Nakoula claimed that he produced the film with money ($50,000 to $60,000) that came from his wife’s family in Egypt.

None of this has been proven.

What has been proven is that he embezzled millions with Eiad. The money must have come from these scandalous operations, which our government finally admitted is linked to terrorist activity.

Whoever made this film claimed Jews funded him and that he was a Copt, and obviously intended to do harm to his real enemies—Israel and the Copts.

Both Copts and Israel are Eiad’s ardent enemies.

Now to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the feds were complicit: the Justice Department lawyers and federal agents, despite Nakoula’s two previous offenses, defended Nakoula and gave several excuses to Judge Snyder and pushed for leniency, all because he supposedly promised to help them catch Eiad:

[H]e [Nakoula] has implicated Mr. Salamay [aka Salameh] there is no question that Mr. Salamay at some point is gonna be indicted if he hasn’t already been… we all know what’s gonna happen. Salamay is gonna get arrested some day and based on the debriefing information turned over he is gonna enter a guilty plea, or if he doesn’t, then Mr. Nakoula is going to be called in to testify…” [see sentencing transcript].

If the feds were indeed looking to catch Eiad, he had in fact been doing his shenanigans for three decades, warrants were issued, his location was known and no arrests were ever made, in thirty some years.

The evidence compounds. Eiad was not, however, immune in Canada and was finally caught and locked up there in January 2011. We have emails from the Intelligence Bureau in Canada (IBC) who wrote us. The Canadians wanted to keep Eiad in custody as long as it took to extradite him to the United States, yet the U.S. refused for seven months to take him and preferred to fly him to Palestine.

On July 15th, 2011, the Canadians wrote me: “He is awaiting deportation to Palestine, unless the US hurry up and indict him…” The feds never responded to the Canadian’s last appeal and within a few days, Eiad was sent to Palestine.

I realize that people might try to shoot holes in what we are saying, yet, the media has very little evidence to prove its narrative, while we present many validated facts.

The results of this entire fiasco will not be the apprehension of terrorists, but the continual chipping away at the First Amendment.

Unfortunately, many Americans still practice self-blame. The film was made in the U.S., a nation that is not used to schemes like Muhammad Al Dura or what was shown in Paliwood.

Welcome to Paliwood II.”



Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or further support the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:

I. Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Was Government Informant!-Posted on The The Smoking Gun-On September 14, 2012:

“SEPTEMBER 14--In remarks stressing that the U.S. government had “absolutely nothing to do with” the anti-Islam film that has touched off violence in the Middle East, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday sought to quash Arab concerns that the “disgusting and reprehensible” movie was somehow produced or condoned by American officials.

However, Clinton’s attempt to distance the U.S. from “Innocence of Muslims”—and, by extension, its felonious producer—may be complicated by the revelation that Nakoula

Basseley Nakoula became a government informant after his 2009 arrest for bank fraud, The Smoking Gun has learned.

Though many key documents from the U.S. District Court case remain sealed, a June 2010 sentencing transcript provides an account of Nakoula’s cooperation with federal investigators in Los Angeles (and how his prison sentence was reduced as a result).

Nakoula, 55, was arrested in June 2009 for his role in a check-kiting ring that stole nearly $800,000 from six financial institutions by using stolen Social Security numbers and identities.  Nakoula was named in a six-count felony indictment accusing him and unnamed “co-schemers” of perpetrating the bank fraud.

Denied bail, Nakoula, a married father of three, was locked up at the Metropolitan Detention Center in L.A. when he began cooperating with Justice Department lawyers and federal agents. During a series of debriefing sessions, Nakoula provided investigators with a detailed account of the fraud operation and fingered the man who allegedly headed the operation, according to comments made by his lawyer at sentencing.

Nakoula identified the ring’s leader as Eiad Salameh, a notorious fraudster who has been tracked for more than a decade by state and federal investigators. In his debriefings, Nakoula said he was recruited as a “runner” by Salameh, who pocketed the majority of money generated by the bank swindles, according to James Henderson, Nakoula’s attorney.

As a result of Nakoula’s cooperation, Henderson told Judge Christina Snyder, “We all know what’s gonna happen. Salameh is gonna get arrested some day and based on the

debriefing information turned over, he is gonna enter a guilty plea or if he doesn’t, then Mr. Nakoula is gonna be called on to testify at trial.”

It is unclear whether Salameh, whose whereabouts are unknown, has been charged in connection with the bank fraud. Salameh was named in a 2006 federal criminal complaint charging him with felony fraud. That complaint—filed under one of Salameh’s many aliases—was dismissed last year by federal prosecutors. A court docket shows that no filings were made after the initial complaint, likely indicating that Salameh was never apprehended.

With an Arabic interpreter standing by, Nakoula told Snyder about his decision to inform.  He explained, “I decided to cooperate with the government to retrieve some of these mistakes or damage happened. I want to cooperate with the government that they can catch with this other criminals who is their involvement.”

In return for Nakoula’s cooperation, prosecutors provided Snyder with a letter noting that his substantial assistance to authorities warranted a sentence reduction.

Along with citing the government missive—known as a 5K1 letter—Henderson told Snyder that Nakoula’s kin would suffer financially during his imprisonment since he was he family’s sole breadwinner. Henderson also reported that Nakoula suffered from various maladies, including Hepatitis C, a “serious diabetes problem,” and “prostate issues” for which he had undergone surgery. “He is on ten medications at this point,” added Henderson.

Nakoula’s involvement in the fraud, Henderson stated, was caused by his need to support his family, including his elderly father. “At the time he did this, he was out of work in the gas station industry, which is what he’s really familiar in this country,” said Henderson, adding, “and he was working swap meets for a few dollars every weekend trying to support his family.”

Snyder eventually ordered Nakoula to serve 21 months in prison to be followed by six months in a federal halfway house. The sentence was about a year less than the punishment sought in separate submissions by probation officials and federal prosecutors.

Before Snyder announced her sentence, Henderson referred to a character letter written by a friend of Nakoula’s who offered to provide work for the convicted felon. The friend, the lawyer said, reported that he attended church with Nakoula, whom he described as “a God-fearing man.” (8 pages)”




“If these reports are true, and I suspect we all know they are—what we have here is nothing more than a scandalous White House cover up and Obama’s Media Palace Guards so terrified of Obama losing, they refuse to give it the coverage it demands, the attention it deserves, or to make Obama pay a political price for his role and responsibility.  

According to Eli Lake of the Daily Beast, 24 hours after the assassination of Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens, and a four full days before Obama sent UN Ambassador Susan Rice out to all the Sunday shows to blame what happened on a protest gone bad over a YouTube video, the American government had already concluded al-Qaeda was behind the attack:

“Within 24 hours of the 9-11 anniversary attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, U.S. intelligence agencies had strong indications al Qaeda–affiliated operatives were behind the attack, and had even pinpointed the location of one of those attackers. Three separate U.S. intelligence officials who spoke to The Daily Beast said the early information was enough to show that the attack was planned and the work of al Qaeda affiliates operating in Eastern Libya. …

The intelligence officials who spoke to The Daily Beast did so anonymously because they weren’t authorized to speak to the press. They said U.S. intelligence agencies developed leads on four of the participants of the attacks within 24 hours of the fire fight that took place mainly at an annex near the Benghazi consulate. For one of those individuals, the U.S. agencies were able to find his location after his use of social media. “We had two kinds of intelligence on one guy,” this official said. “We believe we had enough to target him.”

Every day it becomes more and more obvious that fearing headlines that screamed “Al-Qaeda Assassinates American Ambassador,” the Obama administration and the media colluded to push the narrative about a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video.

Moreover, the media aided and abetted this cover up by turning Romney’s valid criticism of the Cairo Embassy apology into a week-long narrative meant to distract from Obama’s collapsing foreign policy in the Middle East, the ignoring of direct threats from al-Qaeda in advance of the attacks, and not beefing up security on the anniversary of 9/11..

As a result, thus far, the Obama Administration has gotten away with outright lies, likely security lapses that proved fatal, and the trotting out of our UN Ambassador to look Americans and the media in the eye and say what she and the government knew wasn’t true.

We expect this from politicians.

What we don’t expect is for the media to be such a willing a co-conspirator.”



III. Video: Lawmakers 'suspicious' administration 'trying to hide' Libya attack details!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On September 27, 2012:




V. Mideast Meltdown Exposes Media Bias!-Posted on The Washington Times 24/7-By Times247-On September 13, 2012:

“Remember the uproar from the mainstream media when presidential candidate Barack Obama used the U.S. troop deaths in Afghanistan to attack President George W. Bush and John McCain?

Oh, you don’t remember? Perhaps that is because, unlike the MSM throwing a conniption fit over Mitt Romney criticizing an apologetic statement from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo which Obama himself later disavowed, the press was absolutely silent in its reactions to Obama’s 2008 criticism. ...

The Obama campaign hit Mitt Romney for using the “tragic death of one of our diplomatic officers in Libya” to “launch a political attack.” On a July 2008 appearance on CNN, then-Senator used the death of U.S. troops in Afghanistan as talking point to ding John McCain and President Bush for their support of the Iraq War.


Continue Reading:


VI. Why Did Obama Support the Arab Spring?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On September 26, 2012:


In Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” What does that mean for the U.S. at this time?

(Sep. 26, 2012) — In June 2009, Obama had given a significant speech from Cairo, Egypt to the world’s Muslims entitled “A New Beginning.”  Obama had predicted at the beginning of his 2008 campaign that after his inauguration, “the Muslim world will look at the U.S. differently.”

In his book The Audacity of Hope, Obama made the statement that ““I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

In February 2011, Obama pressured then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign amid the “Arab Spring” protests which allegedly called for “democracy.”  Obama then supported the Libyan rebels in overthrowing Libyan dictator Muommar Gaddafi without consulting Congress.  Gaddafi had called Obama “a friend” and “my son“  and was murdered by the rebels.

Obama mentioned his “Muslim faith” during the 2008 campaign to a reporter but insists that he is a Christian. His former pastor of 20 years has said that Obama was “steeped in Islam” when arriving at the Trinity United Church of Christ in the 1990s.  Obama claims that Muslims “have suffered the most from “extremism.”  Obama said he “has known Islam on three continents” and refers to the Muslim holy book as “the Holy Koran.”

On September 11, 2012, the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked in what Libyan officials described aspremeditated, contrary to the statements initially made by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Obama himself, all of whom had claimed that a homemade video depicting Islam in a negative light was the catalyst.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, two contract workers and a second diplomat were murdered, and the body of the ambassador was dragged through the streets in the aftermath of his murder and possible torture.  Libyan officials stated that they warned the U.S. three days prior to the attacks, but Stevens and the others were left unprotected.

The White House later sent mixed messages about the cause of the attacks, and the day after the murders were made public, Obama returned to campaigning, saying that it had been “a tough day.”

Unrest and instability have continued in Libya since the Americans were killed.

One year ago, Rep. Michele Bachmann had stated that Obama’s approach to the Middle East had damaged the U.S. by portraying it as weak.  Former presidential candidate John McCain had supported the Arab Spring uprisings, calling them “inspiring” and predicting that they would lead to “freedom and democracy.”  But what  kind of “change” has the Arab Spring brought about in the Middle East?  Who was behind it?

Ties have been illustrated between the Obama regime and The Muslim Brotherhood, and this past July, “an international plot” to overthrow Arab states with Western ties by Islamist organizations” was reported by a top security official in Dubai.  A written plan described as a “roadmap” to conquering Western civilizations was found in Switzerland in 2001 and attributed to The Muslim Brotherhood.  A documentary by Glenn Beck claims that the U.S. government is withholding the information from the American people.

Obama has met with members of The Muslim Brotherhood at the White House, and Muslims hold high-level positions within the Department of Homeland Security.  Some termed such employees “plants.”  It has been reported that the Brotherhood’sgoal is to form a “global Islamic state.”

With the election of Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsi to the Egyptian presidency in June of this year, mainstream media are acknowledging that the Egyptian government is now “run by the Muslim Brotherhood.”  Morsi praisedObama’s embracing of the “Arab Spring” movement as “quick and decisive.”

Islamists have threatened the Coptic Christian community, which numbers 10,000,000 in Egypt, over allegations that a member of the sect had participated in making the video which the Obama regime said was responsible for recent Middle Eastern violence.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan is threatening King Abdullah to either meet their demands to change the form of government or “face Arab Spring street pressure for his abdication.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had urged the Egyptian Army, which had been loyal to former President Hosni Mubarak, to cede authority to Morsi after the election, which the Army had been reticent to do.  Morsi now holds full executive power.  His government was slow to condemn violent attacks on the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Benghazi, Libya.  At the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Tuesday, Morsi indicated that the video initially blamed for the September 11, 2012 attacks on the embassies was an example of free speech which required “responsibility, especially when it comes with serious implications for international peace and stability.”

The United States gives Egypt $2 billion every year in aid.

Obama insisted that the embassy attacks stemmed from an anti-Islamic video on Tuesday at the United Nations said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  Obama spent at least four years in Indonesia as a child, although it has been reported by at least once source that he actually spent much longer in the “most populous Muslim country,” arriving there at the age two.

Obama straddled the fence by denouncing the anti-Islamic video but claiming to champion free speech when he stated that attempts to limit it become “a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities.”  However, Obama’s supporters have attempted since the 2008 campaign to do just that:  ridicule, marginalize, disable, and “isolate” the “enemy” using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.   Obama’s “Sovereign Citizen” campaign has also targeted anyone questioning his background or “birth certificate,” which has been declared a forgery by a law enforcement investigation.

In an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Obama said that the “one organizing principle” in regard to the Middle East uprisings was “Islam.”

On September 22, an interview between Egyptian President Muhammed Morsi and The New York Times was published in which Morsi affirmed that he was “brought up” with The Muslim Brotherhood, which has declared itself an enemy of the United States. During the interview, Morsi said that Egypt would not be “dictated” to by “U.S. rules” and was critical of the United States’ approach to “backing dictators” in the Middle East prior to his election.

Morsi was the first democratically-elected Egyptian leader in the history of the nation.  Since taking office, numerous reports of lynchings and other violence against Christians in Egypt have become public in mainstream publications.  Morsi told The New York Times that “the United States needed to fundamentally change its approach to the Arab world, showing greater respect for its values and helping build a Palestinian state, if it hoped to overcome decades of pent-up anger.”

Obama had promised to “fundamentally change the United States of America” just days before he was declared the winner of the 2008 presidential election.

After Morsi’s interview with The New York Times, it was reported that Obama canceled a scheduled meeting with Morsi, allegedly to protect himself from political fallout six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, although the the Times articlestated that a “request” from Morsi to meet with Obama had been quietly “dropped.”

The Muslim Brotherhood has been said to have influenced the U.S. by “insidious Islamist influence inside the Obama administration” which poses a threat to our national security.  Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy maintains that the Muslim Brotherhood advocates the imposition of Sharia Law throughout the Middle East.  An Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney, William C. Killian, was the keynote speaker last month at the opening of a new Islamic Center in Chattanooga, TN.

It has been reported that Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution are incompatible, and Killian has prosecuted those attempting to defend the Constitution, holding them up as examples to others to refrain from “taking the law into their own hands.”

Upheaval is still occurring in Syria, where today two explosions have killed four security guards close to the army headquarters and as many as 30,000 people have lost their lives due to the violence.

U.S. embassies throughout the Middle East and India have been burned and desecrated since the September 11 attacks.  A former Muslim has spoken out and claimed that “We will take the advantage of American kindness, gullibility and compassion.  When time comes, we will stab them in the back.”

Obama has sent mixed messages to Israel in regard to Iran.  He has said that the U.S. “has Israel’s back“and that the U.S. will not assist Israel if it should strike Iran’s nuclear capabilities to protect itself. Obama refused to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while Netanyahu is visiting the U.S. to attend the U.N. meeting.

In his “60 Minutes” interview, Obama termed Israel’s concern about Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon “noise” and said that he and Netanyahu speak “all the time.”

Iran has said that it could strike Israel if it discovers that Israel has planned an attack. Iranian President and dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, accusing the U.S. of “bullying.”  The U.S. delegation did not attend Ahmadinejad’s speech, claiming that it included “repulsive slurs against Israel.”

Will World War III begin with Obama in charge?



Note: My following recent blog post relates to and/or further supports the above articles and/or blog posts and videos-You Decide:

Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1):


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):


Continue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:

Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!


The Audacity of Socialism!


What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!


OBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’


The coming chaos from the Obama-Soetoro playbook!


Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!


Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?


The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!


Progressive group maps out President Obama’s strategy for next 2 years!


Revolutionary Communist Party!


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!


Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!




The Islamic Infiltration: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets!


High Level Pentagon Official Blames U.S. For Al-Qaeda Attacks!


Spitting in the Face of Everyone Murdered on 9/11!


Could Steps That Team Obama Has Taken Be Emboldening Terrorists?


Is Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security?


What do American Citizens Know About “Sharia Law” and is It Something That We Should Know More About?


Should Americans Fear Islam?


Islam’s Child Martyrs in America!


Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?


Federal judge confirms CAIR is Hamas!


Rising Muslim Hopes from Obama’s Outreach May Backfire!


Faith of Our Forefathers!


Europe’s Looming Demise: Changes on the Continent Cloud Our Future!


The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!


Special Ops Groups Slam Obama Over Bin Laden Bragging, Leaks! (Part 1)


Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!


Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)


It’s Getting Very Serious Now!


Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?


What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?


The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!


President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


Massive Voter Fraud-Again!


Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!


Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?


ACORN-The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-Automaker Labor Unions!


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


The Real-Deal About Obama And Congressional/Court Silence!


What Happened to Free Speech?


Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


Report: “Obama is Preparing to Leave the Presidency”!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 23, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 22, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on September 22, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 22, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:


Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Regarding Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan!-Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On August 15, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:


Letter To My NM U.S. Senator Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On August 9, 2011:


Note: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


Give Me Back My America!


We Want Our Country Back!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!


Semper Fi!


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Comment by Hankelvis on February 13, 2017 at 3:24pm
Alot to unpack there



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