We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Rise and Fall of our Great Nation


Sorry if I still use military acronym but after 39+ years of service not only on active duty but also as an Officer wife it is hard so stop, for you who have never served in our armed forces or as DA civilian, ALCON stands for ALL CONCERNED.

Most of you are not aware that I am an Immigrant and Naturalized citizen, or that I served for 10 years and 8 month proudly and honorable in our Armed Forces, and due to that am a Disabled Vet…I’m not telling you all this because I want recognition or thanks, to the contrary….I did what I did because I love this country more than life itself.
Yes, there are some that feel the same way about our country as I do, both in the armed forces and in the civilian community alike, and of course some of the individuals I’ve had the pleasure of meeting via the Internet since I have gotten involved with TeamSarah and all the other groups.

Saying what am I about to say, a lot of you might get mad or find my speech offensive, but the truth is most Americans are spoiled, feel or think everything needs to be given to them on a silver platter, because there way of thinking, its there birth right and automatically everyone needs to recognize there superior status because they are Americans.

During my service I have seen first hand some of our country men/woman bad actions and behaviors, yet it is these same individuals who scream the loudest when they are called upon the carpet for there deplorable actions, and according to them, although they have wronged they feel there status as an American automatically provides them with certain privileges and therefore are above approach and the law. They even justify their deplorable actions that their American birth entitles them to more rights and protection under the constitutions. At the same token these are the same Americans who will not lift a finger to save this great nation, I would venture to say, these same individuals are the ones that most likely voted for OBAMA NATION.

We as Americans have been asleep at the wheel; I’m guilty just the same. Since my arrival to this country in “69” I have seen small changes occur within our social structure, society, government and laws, and I might add not for the better.
Most Immigrants I spoke to raised the same concerns, however when these issues were addresses this to other citizens they thought I was crazy.

Well, here we are 39 years later and all of what I feared has or is coming to pass…I left Germany because I wanted to be free, I admit I did not stand up and fight at the time because I thought one person could not bring about change and there was nothing I could do, but not this time I will not run again thinking that one person cannot bring about change nor will I allow these destructive none loving Americans annihilate my country the greatest nation.
What I find truly offensive as a Vet, is that some woman libbers and some men feel the need to use “DISABLED VETERANS AND MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES” and/or our military community for there own little bull shit and vises to get recognition among the people in the US.
We actually were in contact and had those very individuals in our midst not to long ago their names were Jerry Reese and Sarah Redd.

For years politicians have chiseled away at our Constitutional rights by earmarking and attaching these same earmarks to other bills, which passed through the house and senate. These same politicians actually written and passed laws, and each State adopted the same into their State Revised Status and Constitutions. These same groups have undermined the very fabric and fiber of our Founding Father who fought so hard to preserve which made this country the greatest Nation in the World.

Do each of you realize that there exist a Government within our Government, however, within that government the constitution are none existent, for those who do not know what I am talking about, do some research on Home Owners Associations (HOA) in this country and the corruption plaguing our cities and rural areas because of these Gestapo mentalities and there corrupt ways.
This well oiled, organized, guarded and protected private government within a government is the biggest cash cow in the history of our country, not only do the HOA Attorneys, Judges on other key individuals who are involved knee deep into the pie each receiving monetary value, kickbacks and benefit greatly from these housing scams. Further, each State welcomes these HOA because it alleviates each individual State to having to use your tax dollars for what it was intended.

The people of this country are being taxes trice, once from our government, second State and local taxation and third again from the HOA government in the form of high priced HOA dues. These same HOA have the right, and are protected under the color of law to initiate foreclose proceedings on your home and property, if the HOA did not approve the paint color you choose for your house, or you acquire more pets then what it stipulates in there By-Laws, or you want to erect a privacy fence and might in French on the view rights stipulated in the By-Laws you get heavily fined.
People loose there homes, are bankrupted because of high legal fees in defending there homes and property, property owners are physical injured, and homeowners pets pay the price by literally being murdered by members of these silent governments within a government. If you live in a HOA you have not rights, the HOA has more rights over your home and property that you do, the long list of the atrocities perpetrated by the HOA go on and on. Where is the media’s outrage??? Why does no one even address this issue in the media???

The collapse in the housing market, the issues and corrupt measures created by the Obama Nation and the Black Coalition in Chicago via the financial institutions should outrage each and every American. After the Obama Nation, the Black Coalition commenced a deal with Freddie Mac and Fannie May made these corrupt financial packs with the institute financial windfalls by letting individuals buy and borrow money, which they knew full well was not supported by there income ratio.
Obama Nation, the Black Coalition, Freddie Mac and Fannie May knew full well the tire consequences and/or what would happen before creating these monsters. Urging the financial institutions in providing housing loans to citizen who did not process the means, knowing full well that these people were not financial stable nor that there debt to income ratio support the absorbent amount of spending. I find it aghast that Americans which lived well within their means ending up paying for the irresponsible and greedy behavior of these individuals because they blew all logic into the wind. Where was the media’s outrage or there investigative reports????
To top it off we’re at a time in our history were a none “Natural Born” a usurper is going in all likely hood become our 44th President, and again the media shrouds complete silence, who ordered this blackout of the media???
Who would have such power in this country??? You all take an educated guess however, the first two don’t count.

With each day, more and more instability and tire issues pertaining to our countries survival are rising to the surface, and now we are facing the most hennas crime, the head of 32 States have called for a Con Con, to change or re-write what they feel are outdated Constitutional issues and/or restrictions.

The constant scare tactics by the media and our own government, to justify there actions to institute and entwine Socialistic, Marxist and Communist agendas into our laws by amending the same but foremost our nations most precious possession our Constitution. True patriots and Americans alike who love this country with all the fibers of there being are labeled kooks and worry warts.

The true traitors of this country like Jane Fonda, Ron Howard, Harrison Ford and Matt Dameon ought to be stripped of their citizenship and banned from this nation. Instead they are being honored with high awards for there betrayals. Let them live in third world countries without their financial securities and freedom and see how quick they will change their tune.

Oprah Winfrey has spend billion of dollars building schools in Africa, don’t get me wrong I am all for charity however, charity begins at home there are enough under privileged children in this country which could use such funds. If Oprah feels so strongly for her African Nation mayhem she should pack up and move there, but none of them would ever even consider such a move, all combined will never leave the US because they know this is the only Nation that will put up with there treacheries, traitorous actions and crap that they hand out and bestow upon our Nation, another country would have put them in front of a firing squad.

We have become a Nation so engrossed with our Hollywood Movie Stars and Celebrities that even if they commit a most hennas and violent double homicide, or are known child molester, sex offender and predator we are willing to turn a blind eye by letting them walk free or give them the key to our cities.

And why do some minority groups in this country find it necessary to label or describe themselves as African-Americans, Hispanic-American, Latino-Americans, what ever happen to we are “PROUD AMERICANS” regardless of skin color or race, do these groups not realize that that breads discontent, disconnection, racial overtones and achieves more separations of the masses, it would be wonderful if everyone would work together, for the same cause and goals propagate by our Founding Fathers over 200 years ago.

Why do we support the educators like Bill Ayer and traitors of like ilk in teaching our schools and our children, and why did we not fight the minorities of this country who eradicated in “God we Trust” of off our currency and in our Nations underground new Visiting Center in DC?
How, and when did this small group (14%) become so powerful that they can dictate and were able to have signed into law that our children no longer can say the Pledge of Allegiance in our Schools? All of this started in the 60’s, and the ripple affects vibrate still to this day and are getting worse.
This small group has been working diligently and quietly behind the scenes they are carving and chiseling away our way of life; please do not let our Founding Father fight and loss of precious life have been in vain.
I know this country was founded on Freedom, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, which is why I came to this great nation. However, when individuals or small groups sole purpose is to eradicate and exterminate our way of life, this sleeping giant “OUR NATION” needs to wake up and draw thick line. Where was the media outrage and the investigative reporters when all of these occurred???

The Unions and its greedy union bosses have crippled our Automobile Industry, our School system and other Industries in this country, yet we are willing to bail them out time after time, we as a Nation have chosen to turn a blind eye, or by believing in such vast fantasy once we open our eyes all of it has mysteriously disappeared and all is well again.

Ever since Janet Reno served as the Attorney General of the United States (1993 – 2001) nominated by none other than the Clinton Machine on February 11, 1993, our Law Enforcement agencies, Police and Sheriff Departments in this country have run amuck and rogue.
Just this week the news media reported again how Police Officers viciously used force by tasering and forcefully wrestled a defenseless 50+ male out of his Pick-up Truck on to the ground who suffered from Insulin shock and was not able to respond, another incident hit the News media that a 17 year old male was taserd by Police because he was upset that no one tried to rescue his drowning father. Where are the law enforcement officers or public servants who suppose to serve and protect.

Law Enforcement agencies proceed to handle the citizen of this Nation like cattle. Tasers are nothing more than highly developed cattle prods, which is an electroshock weapon that uses Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) technology to cause neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI) and strong muscle contractions through the involuntary stimulation of both the sensory nerves and the motor nerves.
Where are the media reports or investigative reports on the harmful affects or the statistical data how many Americans have been killed by law enforcement officers using this weapon.
According to the analysis of the first 900 police Taser incidents by the Houston Chronicle, no crime was being committed and no person was charged in 350 of those cases. In addition, it has been reported that the Houston Police Department has "shot, wounded, and killed as many people as before the widespread use of the stun guns" and has used Tasers in situations that would not warrant lethal or violent force, such as "traffic stops, disturbance and nuisance complaints, and reports of suspicious people."

Now is the time, citizen of this Nation have to rise up take back what is rightfully ours, rid ourselves of all the corruption in our schools, work places, law enforcement and our Nations Capitol.

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Comment by Greta M. on December 13, 2008 at 11:38pm
TitaG..thanks you are on top of the info too...thank you all for being my friend...I have contacted some of our military friends...however as long as you are on active duty you cannot file a law suite against the commander in chief, senate or congress....that much said since Obama is not our POTUS yet we still have a chance to get JAG or some willing Armed Forces Attorneys involved...I'll contact Orly and see if she has any ideas.
Comment by usfrog on December 13, 2008 at 5:06pm
TWO SITES FOR MILITARY : Dr Orly Taitz doing a suit involving military members, contact her blog : http://drorly.blogspot.com
Active duty military members contact Gary Kreep at usjf@usjf.net
Comment by usfrog on December 13, 2008 at 10:32am
And yes, Greta, I agree with you entirely. What a pity so many of our fellow citizens admire and acclaim those brainless Hollywood people. They are spoiled and self indulgent. They have no idea what people have to go through to survive in other parts of the world. Obama used the perpetually dissatisfied anti-American liberals as a tool to achieve his end. Then he used the jealous ignorant to flock in numbers. The threats of Marxism, Socialism, Bill Ayers, Rev. "GD America" etc. were brushed aside as nutty far-right delusions. Now they want to change the Constitution ? I have been trying to warn friends. The response I've been getting is "Where do you get this ? We haven't heard any of this on the news" or "don't believe everything you read on internet" These people are in denial for sure. I agree that we have to get this country back on the right tracks. Half of the people who voted in this election want "change" but not the kind that "hope and change" wants. We want change to integrity, honesty, diligence, moral principles, you know the stuff that makes you feel good because it gives you a sense of accomplishment. It'll be a tough job but I don't think we should give up. This is one of the last places left on earth where people are free.
Comment by usfrog on December 13, 2008 at 9:38am
out there ! Can you post a site to go to and say "yes, these people are willing to help you file suit" !
Comment by usfrog on December 13, 2008 at 9:36am
Hey, VETERANS out there ! This is not the time to say "This is not my business". Surely THERE IS SOMEONE out there who is not going to wait for an ORDER to lend a hand. Hey, LAWYERS
Comment by Judy Doyle on December 13, 2008 at 7:32am
I agree! But I do have one question. Where are our VETERANS? If anyone has standing to file suit against the usurper, Soetoro/Obama, it would be them. This evil one would have total control over our military. That in itself is frightening, but more frightening is the fact that Veterans (with some exceptions) are not speaking out.

Veterans take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Why aren't they? Did the oath they took only apply during the time they served?

This nation and it's citizens confuse me. We are split just like the time of the Civil War. Will all of this chaos created by the evil Soetoro/obama be our final undoing? I am so sad for my country.
Comment by Melissa K on December 13, 2008 at 5:01am
BRAVO !!!! very nice. the only people who would get mad about this excellent piece you wrote, are the ignorant "everythings dandy, we have obama" liberals. we dont get mad about the truth, we DEMAND the truth, and You told the truth. WELL DONE, GRETA, WELL DONE!!!!!!!!
Comment by michelle jauquet on December 12, 2008 at 11:37pm
I totally agree with you, I am also an immigrant (from England) and have seen how easy it is to have a government steal away you rights, without you even realizing how it happened.
A lot of my friends here just seem to be ignoring the danger we face. I'm not sure if it's ignorance or arrogance or even just complete denial!..because they don't want to face anything BAD!.

I feel like I am chicken little screaming at the top of my lungs " THE SKY IS FALLING!" and all they want to do, is talk about is what's happening in GRAY'S ANATOMY for Pete's sake!.

This site is so great, it really gives me a place to air my views without people thinking that I wear a tin hat!... I guess we are all crazy here.



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