David Horrowitz was a red-diaper baby born in 1939 to a Jewish-Marxist family in Forest Hills, New York. (The leftist controlling elite decided that “republicans are reds and democrats are blue”, and the republican stooges didn’t murmur any complaints. But for a hundred years, a “red” has been what a communist is called.)
Horrowitz's communist parents Phil and Blanche Horowitz were school-teachers in Sunnyside Gardens, Queens, New York City, and raised their son in a strict 'Stalinist' environment. Horowitz went to Columbia University as an undergraduate, later taking a Master's degree in English literature at the University of California, Berkeley. (Leftist always take the easiest courses in college.) Horowitz became a prominent member of the New Left movement in the United States—a break with the earlier Communist Party USA. Then he was editor of the communist Ramparts magazine for years.
One expert told me: “After he worked that scam to the major extent possible, he and his commie handlers came up with a new one. Horowitz would pose as a born again patriot who had seen the light and was now revealing the inner workings of the commie revolution within America. Except it would all have a twist the entire scam would be a typical entryist (infiltrator) front as used by fake US conservatives for years.”
(I am not sure that Horowitz is actually an entryist because he has done a lot of good, something that entryist never do.)
In fact , it turns out that most conservative groups like the John Birch Society, American Conservative Union and others were/are leftist money raising front which served to nullify right wing activism for over 50 years. Their conditioning of American conservatives created the most cowardly, ignorant conservatives in the world and addicted them to meaningless activities like letter writing, petitions and “education” which consisted of constantly reporting leftist and black racist victories as if the left and the blacks were unbeatable. In 2009 there is a huge number of psychologically sick so-called conservatives that constantly hunger for black leadership, are suspicious of each other, promoted their ignorance as a virtue and know nothing about political warfare or vested interest grouping.
Horowitz and a group of other devious leftist Jews formed Frontpagemag.com as an ostensible conservative information center. In truth, the web site and Horowitz himself is a typical leftist-conservative-pretender money raiser operating as a "simulation" of PR. One commentator described FrontPageMag thusly: “The theme of the site was complaining about everything under the sun, but almost never offering solutions – “except standard Republican Party solutions of the "Compassionate Conservative" type, mixed with some articles by Horowitz' Leftist and Centrist friends including the Religion-hating Atheist Chris Hitchens of the U.K.
As a concession to Religious people, Horowitz did allow two regular "Religious-oriented" columnists who kept praising Religion and bemoaning the lack of it - but never opposing the separation of Church and State, so to speak. Basically, they described much of Evil and complained about it, but didn't offer solutions except the usual implicit "kick the bad guys eventually out of office".
They had a regular pro-Mossad columnist who did the same "complain but don't solve" bit on Israel's problems. The State Dept/Central Bankers/Foreign Ministries don't mind people complaining about details - it's the Strategies that they won't tolerate,” they, like the conservatives, constantly work to discourage both organization and activism.
What I Like About Horowitz
David Horowitz ventures bravely into occupied territory, the socialist feminist American campus, with the message that education and indoctrination is not the same thing.
Recently at Bowling Green University, where he was heckled and called a Christian fascist (although he is Jewish) he said entire departments are dedicated to indoctrinating students in Leftist ideologies. These courses, which include Women's Studies, Ethnic Studies, American Studies and "Peace" Studies, are obligatory and portray the US as racist, sexist, exploitive and imperialistic.
He deplored "faculty bullies" who betray their professional responsibilities as teacher and use their enormous power over students to ridicule and abuse those whose right wing views they despise."
He derided the radical professors as hypocrites who haul down huge salaries making it impossible for poor students to attend the university where tuition is $15,000-50,000.
"Eighty percent of the school budget is salaries. Professors (mostly anti-American) make between $60,000 and $100,000 a year. They teach on average two courses and spend six hours a week in class. They work eight months out of the year and have four months paid vacation. And every seven years they get ten months paid vacation. If they are really as concerned about the working class as theypretend, why don't they volunteer to teach four courses and twelve hours a week and lower the tuition costs for these kids?"
He is dead on. Few cowardly conservatives have enough sense or courage to confront the leftist enemy in his breeding and conditioning factories.
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