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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The State of the Usurper across All Networks


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The State of the Usurper across All Networks

I'm having a good dream - wake me up and the Constitution is actually being adhered to, ooops ... it's a daymare !

'He' shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." (Article II, Section 3) - 'He' meaning a bonifide President.

I know, I know BHO isn't giving a "State of the Union" address this week; he's simply speaking to a joint session of Congress about the state of our Union. That's clear, right? ...

* So is this a State of the Union address or not? From a 2006 Congressional Research Service report:

...the past four Presidents (Ronald Reagan in 1981, George H. W. Bush in 1989, William Clinton in 1993, and George W. Bush in 2001) have chosen not to give an official State of the Union Message the year they were first inaugurated, having just previously delivered a keynote inaugural address. In each instance their first speech to a joint session of Congress closely followed their inauguration, but was not officially categorized as a "State of the Union Message." One observer noted in 1993 that by not calling such an address "State of the Union," the president could present a more focused message, while still deriving "the benefits of a joint session; nothing competes with the pomp and circumstances of the evening...."

A State of the Union by another name, in other words, would sound as ... well, I'll let you fill in the blank.

- from GPO - text and pdfs of previous State of the Unions from bonifide Presidents
- for children, parents and teacherr - http://bensguide.gpo.gov/

Not a President- King Obama

I listened with amazement when the mainstream media, almost in unison, condemned the Venezuelan Congress for backing socialist President Hugo Chavez's proposal to relegate presidential term limits to the scrap heap. That action effectively ensconces Chavez as Venezuela 's dictator for life.

Yet when similar efforts are undertaken in this country, the mainstream media doesn't even find it newsworthy.

As I've been saying for close to six months, just like his mentor Hugo Chavez, becoming this country's first dictator for life is all part of Obama's megalomaniacal plan. The Chicagoization of Washington if you will. And while the official name for the stimulus bill is the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, I have my own name for it: the "keep liberals in power for life" bill.

I keep hearing friends and media say, "Well, we'll just vote him out of office after 4 years." Folks that will NEVER happen! Obama WILL be re-elected in 4 years, and the liberals will expand their majorities in both Houses. They will use massive voter fraud and various other frauds to make it happen. And of course the "cowardice" Attorney General Eric Holder will aid and abet Obama in this endeavor.

Here are several things already afoot that will attempt to keep usurper Obama in the Oval Office for life. And these are just the ones I know about.

*** As I mentioned above, legislation has already been proposed to repeal the 22nd Amendment (term limits). Although it may not pass immediately, I believe it eventually will after Obama stocks the House & Senate with enough liberals (of the Marxist genre). In a similar vain, Obama has also contacted some Democratic Senators about introducing legislation to amend the 10th amendment, which would prevent states from declaring sovereignty. Seven states have already expressed an interest in doing so.

*** The "keep liberals in power for life" bill funnels billions of dollars to ACORN and ACORN-like organizations. In case you aren't aware, community organizer extraordinaire Obama is ACORN, and ACORN, by aggressively expanding loans to low-income buyers, is largely responsible for the failures of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - which by extension brought the economy to its knees. Obama has spent his entire professional life working for ACORN or its subsidiaries, representing ACORN as a lawyer on some of its most critical issues, and training ACORN leaders. http://www.newswithviews.com/Ryter/jon271.htm

*** They will legalize 20 million illegal aliens (and probably their family members as well) and give them voting rights. These illegals will of course be beholden to the party that gave them their citizenship.

*** They will grant Washington D.C. (which votes 90%/10% in favor of liberal candidates) the equivalent of statehood. That will give the Senate 2 more ultra liberal senators, and give them extra House representatives with full voting privileges (currently D.C. representatives enjoy no such privileges).

The Liberal Brownshirting of America
*** Rahm Emanuel will implement Obama's Civilian National Security Force - Obama's version of the Gestapo. This is part of a larger program to brainwash the youth of America.


Obama's "Civilian Security Force"
- this is a must see - 'alpha-omega' - 'yes we can'


*** And here's the biggie. They will transfer control of the census to Rahm Emanuel. That will give Emanuel unprecedented power to gerrymander congressional districts in favor of liberals. He will also have the unfettered ability to fudge census figures in liberal cities and liberal states to funnel them even more federal pork. He will also use the census numbers to give blue states even more Electoral College votes, and subtract Electoral College votes from red ones. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/02/09/gop-sounds-alarm-obama-decision-census-white-house/

*** And while I have seen no evidence of this yet, don't be surprised to see the Obama administration make a push towards computerized voting. Computerized voting is very prevalent today despite valid concerns regarding security. Results from computerized voting are easily manipulated by hackers and the people who developed the software. In other words, the people who write the software can simply pick the winner of an election with a few strokes on a keyboard (Watch the shocking Youtube video).

Rigged USA Elections Exposed

~ thanks YT LibertyVideos ~ thanks YT truthstream

Clips from this testimony are used in the film, "America: Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo. http://www.freedomtofascism.com
See more videos like this at - Streaming Videos of TRUTH to the American People!

Are you connecting the dots yet? I have been warning of Obama's grand ambitions well before the election, and everything that has transpired since Obama's inauguration, I'm sad to say, confirms what I've suspected all along. To me, all of this was very predictable. Put simply, this is a coup d'état by a usurper who is most likely not even an American citizen. And make no mistake about it. Obama has every intention of being the America 's first dictator for life!

- from King Obama by Frank M. Connell, Jr.

RestoreTheRepublic.com - Armed Forces to protect the Constitution

~ thanks YT lonelantern
~ PR Fira

Everyone is Militia !
We are being pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed....one day will be the last draw.

~ thanks YT deepwater1974
~ PR Gary Plunkett

As we start our Lenten pilgrimage, I believe BHO will either peacefully leave the Presidency or be forced out legally before Easter this year!!! By Easter? Do you realize what that means? Easter?! A rebirth of a Nation, Thee United States of America. Should this come to pass, we must keep our nation strong with Dignity, Integrity, Courage, Honesty and above all Constitutionally based.

~ CK

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace, In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33


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