We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


'Those Who Fight'

Posted by Art Phillips on August 12, 2011 at 9:42pm


Sometimes you come to a point where it takes all your strength just to keep from lashing out. Those times when the lies the insults and the threats seem endless. Often it feels like you are on your own. You've spent large amounts of your own money which you couldn't afford to spend. Days come and go with little sleepthere just isn't time for restyour mission is simply too important. You dare not turn your attention to most of those around youit would make everything you've done seem like a waste of time. You focus your attention on the ones who have gone before you. They too must have had the same feelingsat times hopelessnessdespairrage and loneliness. If you measured your numbers by the spoken word you would believe you were a part of a massive army. However the utterances you hearthough high in volumeare void of commitment or passion. It's in the actions your numbers are revealedand they are few. They may be few in number but their courage and valor makes them great.
Do not be betrayed by the noise of those who say they willmeasure your strength by those who act among you. Remember actions speak louder than words. I tell you this because many of you who risk all for the right to be free must feel as discouraged as I do at times. I understand the task we are facing and I know that if we give up there will be no one behind us who will take our swords and carry on. You who have accepted the challenge you are the front line there are no reinforcementswe must win for all. There isn't time to waste trying to get those who say"I don't have time to get involved" or "I would really like to helpmaybe after soccer season" or " gee I was going to but American Idol is on tonight." What they are really saying is"I'm comfortable don't disturb me with saving freedomthat stuff is for the crazy people." Yes I know just how maddening it can be. So many tough guys around me talk a big game and do absolutely nothing. Many of them are cowards and won't even sign a petition. Wouldn't you really hate to live like that.
For the rest of you not willing to do your part.
What I am telling you isif you are one of those (whiners) and want to save our countryyour rights and Freedomthen it is up to you. If you are looking for someone to save your homeAmericathen get off your butt and go look in a mirror. The person you see there has as much responsibility for that as anyone else.

Art Phillips

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Comment by GySgt Bob Pinkstaff USMC Retired on August 13, 2011 at 1:55pm

BE ADVISED ... There's usually "WINNERS & LOSERS" in a war. NO SUCH OPTIONS EXIST WITH THE "NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO/666)", MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS "WORLD WIDE COMMUNISM (WWC/666)", THERE'S ONLY "LOSERS!!BE ADVISED ... I will fight to the death to help ensure that the Constitution of the United States remains the law of the land of the United States of America! I will fight to the death to help ensure that the freedoms and way of life that so many of us U.S. Military Veterans served, fought and died for, are maintained! This is my promise to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and, those great American heroes who gave their all so we could enjoy the good life, the freedoms and way of life that we American citizens had, before the evil Muslim communist USURPER, Barry soetoro AKA barack hussein obama, his evil wife Michelle obama & family crawled out of their EVIL SLIMY SNAKE HOLES and into the white house, our house!!!

I've listened to all of the singers, strummers, Constitutional readers, video makers and petition creators/signers that I care to hear or watch, we're past that with the (NWO/666) knocking at our door!. When the s*** hits the fan, and the going gets rough, and I mean real rough, when weeks turn into months & months turn into years, the fire fights, incoming mortar rounds, artillery rounds, air strikes etc, my guess is only about 10% of all who profess to be the strong patriots that our founding fathers were will be with us for the long haul (duration)!




The Constitution of the United States no longer works. We the people no longer have loyal congressional representation or a legal system (SCOTUSfederal/state judges) that works for the people. The only legal system that I have faith in is 'RugerColt & Smith/Wesson out of Springfield!'



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