We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Videos documenting this information can be found by searching YouTube for George Green. You will find many interviews and documentaries.

“If it is as you say, why try to fight? If they are more powerful than anything, we are defeated now. Is it your goal to let us know we are dead men walking? Or can educated public do anything about it?”

My answer to this question is No! We are not dead men walking. This is what the Illuminati would have us to believe. This is how they see us. (Read to end for instructions.)

The Illuminati represent a family of ancient bloodlines. The family members have intermarried for centuries to ensure that the wealth they have accumulated remains in the family. Very recently, we have learned that our presidents, both past and present, are all blood related. This is no accident. Many are born into the Illuminati, others are blackmailed into it. All are puppets who will advance the New World Order agenda as dictated by the Illuminati—who are, without exception, Satanists.

13 illuminati bloodlines & mind control: Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k73Q2_f4vKU

The New World Order will centralize all banks, all governments and all religions. All national borders will be erased and eight global “unions” will emerge. America—who is losing her sovereignty as we speak—will join Canada and Mexico to become The North American Union, like the Asian
Union, the European Union, etc….

Interestingly enough, I received this via email today:
“America Forfeits Her National Sovereignty United States' financial system is about to be legally disemboweled -- gutted to the core! Suggest perusing http://www.womensgroup.org/ Read about Joan Veon-she heads 'The Women's International Media Group.' I have followed Veon's writings for years. She's an outstanding researcher.”

While We the People of the United States of America squabble over political parties, religion, cultural differences, borders, sexual inclinations, pro-life/ pro-abortion matters—they are fencing us in, stealing our right to exist and are planning our mass extermination.

Our Congress, in a secret meeting, March 13, 2009, were told about impending Martial Law in America, about the collapse of America’s and the world’s economies, and about the FEMA camps and global depopulation. 13/3/08 Secret meeting of the American congress 1 of 2

Some of our elected representatives were so horrified they leaked the information to a newspaper in Brisbane, Australia. Jerry Golden was the first (that I am aware of) to get the information to America.

We are out of time. Forget politics. Concentrate on EDUCATING THE PEOPLE OF PLANET EARTH regarding their imminent future.

The Bible tells us of a war in Heaven. Lucifer wanted to take God’s throne. He failed. He and one third of the angels he had recruited were banished. They are here, among us, deceiving and manipulating, joyfully anticipating what they call, “The Great Harvest”—

Lucifer/Satan the Devil RULES the Illuminati. He sits at the head of the table. He dictates the agenda. Lucifer is a Draco-Reptilian extra-terrestrial, a living, breathing entity that is very close to gaining control of our planet, killing and enslaving our population. Nothing but global education and global unity can stop him. http://www.burlingtonnews.net/draconians.html.

YouTube - Conspiritus - The Satanic Illuminati Conspiracy (Part 1)

Many Christians will reject these revelations. But Matthew 4:8-10 tells us that Satan/Lucifer offered the WORLD to Jesus if Jesus would only worship him.

Lucifer failed to take Heaven and now plans to take God’s jewel of All Creation—Planet Earth.

The Illuminati are far advanced in their plans to offer this world and the souls of all of mankind to their Lord and Master—Lucifer! The battle humanity faces right now is neither military nor economic. IT IS SPIRITUAL.

Our Creator created all religions. Man, with his lust for power, corrupted every one of them, and manipulated them (and us) to serve his own greed.

Our Creator, who reveals all to us, who does nothing in secret-- warned mankind of this very battle: Ephesians 6:12-- For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Who among us can deny this truth? Can we pray aloud in public places? Is God being kicked out of our schools? Our courts? Our public square? Can we say Merry Christmas without threat of reprisal?

Have we as humans decided for ourselves that what God said and continues to say is irrelevant? It’s old fashioned. It’s politically incorrect?

We can be and are being imprisoned for speaking out in defense of God’s Word and in defense of His Son.

All that the Illuminati do, they do in the dark, in secret. www.thelondondailynews.com/illuminati-worlds%E2%80%99-elite-meet-greece-bombs-already-going-athens-p-2900.html?show=video

They met THIS WEEK in Greece to determine the futures of all of us here on Planet Earth. Did you hear about it on ABC, CNN, NBC, the NY or LA Times? No. That’s because the Illuminati own all mainstream media, all newspaper giants, Hollywood, and NASA. We can still find truth in talk radio and on the net—which Congress is at this moment trying to silence and to shut down.

If We the People get too close to the truth regarding anything, Hollywood leaps into action and produces a movie that is tailor- made to assure us that the latest “revelations” are indeed fiction. Think extra-terrestrials, UFOs.

NASA’s number one objective is to hide all UFOs and the existence of extra terrestrials on our planet from We the People.

How does Hollywood feel about Christians or conservatives? Who are the number one and number two enemies of the state? Christians and Patriots.

My daughter received a memo today from her 11-year old daughter’s school. No longer will report cards use “ABCDF.” They will use M,N, and P. The Illuminati want no individuality, no human stronger, smarter, or more talented than another.
We are to become clones, robots, un-thinking entities. The new grades indicate: M—Meeting Federal standards, N-not meeting Federal standards, P-progressing toward Federal standards.

So what can we do? Is mankind lost?

THERE IS PLENTY WE CAN DO! We can get back to basics and listen to Our Creator. We can read and re-read Daniel, Matthew, and Revelations. We can love God with all our hearts, all our minds, and all our souls. We can love one another as He has loved us. (See Ten Commandments 1 & 2.)

We can welcome and listen to God’s newest messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. He has timely and relevant news for us in his New Message from God. http://www.newmessage.org/#siteMap

He has a guidebook for us called Steps to Knowledge. YouTube/Steps to Knowledge and Preparing for the Greater Community https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqdIBnOWsI4 (Book is a free download.)

Practice of these steps will awaken the knowledge we were all born with and will awaken our memories of our ancient home—reacquaint us with our true identities (which the Illuminati has conspired to keep hidden from us) .

We can learn about “The Intervention”—the extra-terrestrial presence on our planet, and how to face and overcome it. Allies of Humanity 1 and Allies of Humanity 2 deal with this in great detail. www.alliesofhumanity.org (Books are free downloads)

Do we have enough time to get the word out to every living human on Planet Earth? No, we don’t.

What happens if we can’t reach every human in every nation?

If America’s patriots share this knowledge with their families, their friends, their associates, with other brothers and sisters in other nations, and those brothers and sisters share their knowledge with others—a remarkable thing will happen.

Just another of those awesome miracles Our Creator built into His plan on Earth. This one is called The Hundredth Monkey. http://pure-research.net/healing/light/monkey.html

When we all begin to practice the spirituality that is part of our nature, when we begin to communicate with Our Creator (like we did in ancient times)—we will develop a collective consciousness that will shatter the darkness and bathe the Earth in the light of God’s love for Us—His Creation.

YouTube - The MOST IMPORTANT Video You Can Watch.!!!.pt1/18


The following are videos that will inform and enlighten regarding our reality. God bless and God speed. AlphaPatriot:


YouTube - Conspiritus - The Satanic Illuminati Conspiracy (Part 1)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCF-uUnfYBg-- Underground bases for Elite?

http://www.sherrytalkradio.com/sherry/dulce-base.htm-- The Prisoners of Dulce Base
By Sherry Shriner http://www.sherryshriner.com

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-P-mQrlK_A- Global Conspiracy - The Alien and New World Order Agenda (Part 1)

There are networks of alien underground and underwater bases that crisscross the planet. Draco-Reptilians and Greys are here in the thousands. Our government has classified many, many species of aliens in the past 50 years while laughing at us and our “conspiracy theories”.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MluftsvdT8-- AMAZING FOOTAGE DEEP UNDERGROUND BASES!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45aeUdq9Zj0-- Bill Cooper - Alien Agenda - Are Aliens Real? Nephilim, Mars, Moon, Pyramids (Bill Cooper is one of many martyrs who gave his life trying to bring us the truth. Phil Schneider (YouTube) is another.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj-XqCQr3DQ-- Dr. Wolf - Top Secret UFO Disclosure

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhMcl5eXGW8-- Proof UFO-NASA Top Secret-We Are Not Alone!

http://www.sherrytalkradio.com/sherry/dulce-base.htm-- The Prisoners of Dulce Base

By Sherry Shriner http://www.sherryshriner.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw1drMBgtok--Martial Law 2009

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vyVe-6YdUk U.F.O DISCLOSURE PROJECT U.FO MEETING

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