We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Twitter and Network with CJ and Tallulah

Tonight Feb. 21st from 8:00 to 10:00 CST
Patriot's Heart Broadcasting Network presents CJ and Tallulah
On BlogTalkRadio
Tonight's discussion focuses on TWITTER, a FREE, powerful Internet tool that is sweeping the conservative country. Talk about transparency! Use its powerful search tools to see trends emerging in REAL TIME and discover what's happening--LIVE! Blast information to and about your group to other like-minded "followers" in your network. "Follow" some of the most interesting innovators on the Net. Already tweeting? Call in to share your favorite tips!

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Comment by Robert Millward on February 22, 2009 at 9:21pm
You are a educator and a lady (I can't say a scholar and a gentleman).
Thank you, cj.
Comment by cj in tx on February 22, 2009 at 7:50pm
Comment by cj in tx on February 22, 2009 at 7:49pm
I will let you know when I get a cheat sheet up. Maybe that will help and sorry you miss the link at the first and got lost. There were two chat rooms going. The best one is tellthe truth chat room on the front page of our website at www.patriotsheartnetwrok.com. There is also one on the blogtalk site. I will get you inot one so we can follow you next time and if you get lost we can catch you up.
thefolks in tellthetruth are getting pretty savy on twitter and you might visit and chat with them about it. Talluulah and I are ops in that room. I am Patches and/or cj_in_tx and she is Tallulah
Comment by cj in tx on February 22, 2009 at 7:37pm
yes you can do a search for me and follow me, and when you see me you can reply to a post or send me a direct message. Kind of like chat except this is more like a hugh group think tank, with filters. The # puts an identifyer to what you are saying so anyone looking knows #TCOT, you are directing this statement to Top Consertives On Twitter. I can use a filter then to just filter those out if I want to. Another good one now is #teaparty. You just have to jump in and play with it. I do reccomend tweetdeck whick is a free download and is really quick and easy. Does not seen to bogg down the computer or take much space on it. Makes twitter easier for me anyway
Comment by Robert Millward on February 22, 2009 at 7:03pm
OK, here is my first and second question. What good does it do me to know that you are "TellTheTruth1 on twitter" and what do the hash (#) accomplish in a message?

Can I actually send you a message knowing what your ID is? Kind of like chat?

Is the hash... well, what is the hash. I can't even guess.

Thank you!!
Comment by Robert Millward on February 22, 2009 at 10:43am
Let me think on it. If you do a redo of any kind I would recommend a script for the joiners. I miss clicked a link early on and was lost from the discussion. I went on and did what I could but I know I could have learned much more if I had been moving with the broadcast. I also would have liked to understand what the seemingly associated chat was about. It seemed like pablum or worse but I might have been missing something.
Comment by cj in tx on February 22, 2009 at 9:23am
Robert, thank you so much. I am glad you like it. Send me a message if you have any questions or if we can help. I am TellTheTruth1 on twitter also. I don't think I said that. Chalice is wanting us to do a follow up show but I do not know if we have two hours of material. I guess we could do a recap cause as you say it was a lot of info. What do you think?
Comment by Robert Millward on February 22, 2009 at 8:05am
This was so fun. The broadcast covered so many wonderful topics that it was kind of like taking a shower at Baskin and Robins. I did get a twitter account and will see how that goes.
Thank you!!!!



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