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This report is unconfirmed. However, with the evil muslim communist, USURPER, barack hussein obama in the white house, who are we to believe if the government attempts to cover it up? My money goes on the unconfirmed report!

Unconfirmed Swine Flu Outbreak on US Navy Ship after Crew Vaccinated
Submitted by Chip on Tue, 2009-09-29 20:57. HealthcareHuman RightsMilitary Industrial Complex
Unconfirmed Swine Flu Outbreak on US Navy Ship after Crew Vaccinated
By Stephen Lendman

On September 2, the Pentagon and FDA announced that mandatory Swine Flu vaccinations were ordered for all US military personnel, to be administered as soon as supplies are available. The first getting them are medical staff, crews deployed, and others scheduled to do so. It was expected that one million vaccine doses would be available by September 30 and another 1.7 million during October. Two inoculations will be given, 21 days apart, with family members encouraged to participate.

Though so far unconfirmed, sources believed to be reliable report the following:

•An unnamed US Navy ship with 347 on board deployed in April from San Diego;
•all crew members were given the experimental, untested, extremely dangerous Swine Flu vaccine, possibly to be mandated for everyone in the coming months, especially for children, pregnant mothers, health care workers, and anyone believing the public announcements and media hype about the urgency to take them;
•at sea, a reported 333 crew members became so severely ill that nearby ships were asked for help; 16 doctors on an unnamed aircraft carrier and other vessels responded along with 34 other personnel; they're now quarantined in a Navy hospital in Balboa, Spain after 10 of them contracted Swine Flu; two are reported in serious condition;
•two crew members are reported dead, including the ship's captain (a Lt. Commander) and a chief petty officer;
•reports say those affected have paralyzing fevers above 104 degrees;
•fevers indicate infections and/or illness and occur because the body's immune system is working harder to combat them; temperatures above 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit are considered high and when over 104 degrees serious but treatable with medication; however, when reaching 107 degrees, emergency treatment is required or death may result;
•415 crew members on the unnamed carrier also contracted Swine Flu and are quarantined on board;
•reports indicate that the Navy ordered spouses of crew members to be silent, claiming the information is classified; however, some refused and are publicly repeating what their husbands apparently told them;
•they reside in the San Diego area, but their lives aren't the same; they say their phones are tapped and they're being followed;
•an unconfirmed "major alert" ordered "over" five ships (including a carrier and two destroyers) en route to the Middle East to return to port apparently because their Navy and Marine air wings and ground forces are unable to fulfill their duties or that possibility is feared.
On a recent NutriMedical Report radio program, Lt. Col. Carmen Reynolds told host Dr. A. True Ott that a naval source (he won't identify) revealed the names of the potentially affected ships in the USS Boxer Amphibious Battle Ready Group, all apparently San Diego-based:

•USS Boxer LHD
•USS Lake Champlain CG 57
•USS Comstock LSD 45
•USS New Orleans LPD 15 (and)
•USS Gridley FFG
On board are:

•13 MEU: Marine Expeditionary forces
•HMM 163: Marine Medium Helicopter
•Combat Battalion Logistics 13
•Battalion Landing Team 1/1
•HSC-21 Navy aviation (and)
•Naval Beach 1
On September 18, the Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon issued OPNAV INSTRUCTION 3500.41 stating an official "PANDEMIC INFLUENZA POLICY."

One section titled, "Potential Impact of a PI on the United States Navy," suggested "The potential 30 to 40 percent absenteeism projected by current models (due to illness, caring for the sick, or unwillingness to risk exposure) would have tremendous impact on the Navy's ability to execute current plans. It can be assumed that military movements will be constrained and host countries may limit or prevent freedom of movement or transit of sick personnel through their country." The report was cautious about potential deaths or effect on those stricken.

It added that the Navy can expect the threat to "last more than a year (and) will have significant operational consequences." It referred specifically to a possible mass-Swine Flu outbreak and said:

"Large portions of the overall Navy population may contract (Swine Flu) over the lifespan of the pandemic."

"The high transmissibility and rapid onset of severe morbidity can result in large numbers of (naval personnel) becoming sick or absent simultaneously."

The report also projected that a Swine Flu outbreak in America "will result in 30 to 40 percent of the population" affected and said "Susceptibility to the PI virus will be universal."

To repeat again, the above information is unconfirmed, but a trusted source of this writer calls it credible.


Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Center of Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to The Global Research News Hour on RepublicBroadcasting.org Monday - Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening.

There are always ...
Too many Democratic congressmen,
Too many Republican congressmen,
And never enough U.S. Congressmen.
~Author Unknown ~

Bob Pinkstaff
Gunnery Sergeant
United States Marine Corps Retired

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