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When Congress acts on the petition, what will happen?
The Petition has Demands for legislative action, which, briefly, will accomplish the following:
• Will require the return to the United States of all combat troops and equipment until such time as our foreign policy can be firmly established, under Constitutional principles.
• Stop all fractional reserve banking; create no more Federal Reserve Notes; Begin creating value based, non-interest bearing currency; and, require that a plan be set up to withdraw from the Federal Reserve Act.
• Place a moratorium on immigration to assess the desirable application of immigration; Require protection of the borders; and, Require enforcement of existing immigration laws.
• Limit the jurisdiction of Congressional laws, consistent with the Constitution; Strip government agencies (BATF, IRS, etc.) of rules making authority; Require that all laws (and rules) shall be voted on in Congress, and shall state the authority in the Constitution which justifies such law; Requires single issue legislation (no riders that are not a part of the subject of the legislation; Removes federal mandates on States, and prohibits extension of federal jurisdiction by such chicanery; Recognize separation of powers (no judicial members in the Congress or the White House); Requires the reading, a minimum of two times, the entire bill put before the House or Senate; Recognize separation of powers (no judicial members in the Congress or the White House); Provide for Congressional oversight of corporations, though not management; Provide for a Balanced Budget and prohibit grants until such time as the debt is reduced to zero; and, Prohibits Congressmen from receiving any gift, favor, etc. (cuts out lobbyists).
• Congress shall enact legislation that will provide fair access to all elections by removing any laws that give favor to one party over another party, or individual seeking office; and, Congress shall enact laws prohibiting campaign contributions from any other than citizens (no corporations, political parties, or other organizations).
• Provide assurance that the federal government will not override or undermine any state enactment or initiative; Allow states to govern themselves; Establish a federal Citizen's Grand Jury and petit juries to hear crimes of those who are in government service and violate the law and/or Constitution.
• Congress shall prepare an Amendment to the Constitution, which will allow the States to ratify, or not ratify a repeal of the Seventeenth Amendment; Congress shall prepare and submit to the States for ratification, or not, an Amendment, which would limit Congressional terms to two, and require one intervening session out of office.
However, it will only do so if sufficient numbers of people sign and deliver the Petition to their Representative and Senators. However, to assure sufficient numbers, Please, pass this information on to as many people as possible.
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