We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Under One Banner

Is there a Peaceful Solution?
There are many people who have wondered, since April 19, 1993 and even before those events at Waco, Texas, whether there was a peaceful solution.
Peaceful solution? Solution to what? was asked by many. However, as we see the United States government slowly receding into socialism, rapidly expending the resources of our country, and encumbering our grand-children with a debt that even they will not be able to pay, the "what" takes on a new meaning. We have a Crisis on our hands
How we got here, or, even what can we do about it, is lost in a cloud of hundreds of issues. If any one of those issued was resolved, it wouldn't make a scratch on the surface of what really ails the United States of America.
Interestingly, the Congress of the United States has, within its Constitutional authority, the means to solve almost all of those problems, and to make solving the remainder a much easier task.
For many years, I wondered if there was a peaceful solution. Everywhere that I went and spoke with people, they wanted a peaceful solution, though none had any idea what it would be. Then, just a few weeks ago, a solution came forward. It is not much different than the Olive Branch Petition of 1775. If King George III and the Parliament had responded to the will of the people in the American colonies, we would probably still be British, instead of Americans.
Now, we have our own 'Olive Branch Petition', known as the "You Have Tread On Me - Petition". It is a number of very reasonable demands put to Congress by the People. Congress, if they care at all about their oath of office and their responsibility to the American People, have no choice but to accept, and respond to, the demand set forth in the Petition.
However, the Petition isn't worth the paper it is printed on, if there are insufficient numbers to impress Congress with the severity of the crises, at least in the minds of the People. Every one of us, men, women and children old enough to understand, need to sign and deliver the Petition to their Congressmen.
But, why should children be allowed to sign the Petition? Let me respond by asking what right Congress has to saddle them with an enormous debt, before they have grown to adulthood?
It will take millions of People to act. Millions of Petitions to be delivered. Millions of pieces of paper to show that we have had enough, and demand that Congress act in accordance with the Constitution and does all that is necessary to "insure domestic Tranquility".
Let your voice be heard by signing and delivering the You Have Tread On Me - Petition to your Representative and Senators

Click here to read the
Downloadable PDF of the Petition on 2 pages, for printing
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Comment by Gary Hunt on September 5, 2009 at 10:54am
I, like you, believed that a petition would serve no purpose, for many years. However, the arena has changed. The outrage that has become so prevalent in America, today, provides a fertile ground for such a petition.
The Petition is not a single issue, rather, it addresses nearly all of the dozens of problems that are currently of concern to most Americans.
I would suggest that you read the Petition, itself, to see if it is unlike any other petition.
The Petition resulted from an article that I had written about the division in the community of people who are seeking change. I will post a blog "Divide and Conquer", in two parts, shortly.
"Divide and Conquer" demonstrates that the source of the problem, not the problem, itself, should be the target of our efforts. It is with that source in mind that the Petition was written.
The significance of this Petition versus previous petitions is that the other petitions dealt with single issues, and were, therefore, limited to participation by those within the single issue groups. There has not been an opportunity for all to participate, collectively (I hate that word), and unite, Under One Banner, before this Petition.
Comment by JinOhio on September 5, 2009 at 2:57am
Mr. Hunt,
I admire your patriotism. May I share with you that the We The People Foundation has for more than 10 years bee petitioning various levels of government for redress of grievance, according to the right outlined in the last 10 words of the first amendment, and have been repeatedly injured and ignored.

The time for petitioning is over. The non-violent, Constitutional, legal solution is the Continental Congress 2009 which will be held in November of this year from the 9th to the 22nd. There will be delegates from every state. The purpose is to preserve, defend and restore the U.S. Constitution and the states' Constitutions as the rules of law and to hold our government accountable for ignoring our Constitutions. By defending our Constitution we will begin to reclaim our Republic.

I hope you will check into this and that you will find it worthy of your time. Please see www.CC2009.us



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