We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Update on Agenda 21 incursions into Rural lives

Knoxville......better get out your rally signs.  They are looking to tax you (ooops I am sorry impose a "fee") on rain water.  Also, I have been sharing with you the details of what is going on in MD.  Here are more details.  This is the most blatant Agenda 21 I have seen yet.  I surely hope the people of MD fight this furiously.  Government running wild!!  

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New Developments on Agenda 21!

A Video Message from Tom DeWeese:

Click here to view Tom's Video Message

First, let me thank all of the freedom activists who taking up the fight against Agenda 21. You are having an incredible impact.

And as a result, things are heating up in the battle to enforce Agenda 21.

It appears that many of our recent victories to stop it have prompted Sustainablists to step up and rush new policies into place.

Here are just some of the latest details:

First, Maryland Governor Richard O’Malley is forcing what he calls “Plan Maryland” through Executive Action rather than through the state Legislature. That means no votes from representatives of the people.

Plan Maryland will lock away 400,000 acres of Maryland land – blocking any development over the next 20 years. The scheme shifts control of land use from local government to dictates by unelected state bureaucrats.

Worse, O’Malley’s plan will punish any county that doesn’t comply by withholding state funding. It will also triple sewer “flush” taxes on property tax bills -- a tax on toilet flushes.

Moreover, he wants to ban most septic tanks – a move that will destroy the ability to live in rural areas.

Agenda 21 is on the move in Maryland.

Second, in Knoxville, TN a plan is being considered to charge a fee to property owners for rainwater runoff – meaning you pay a tax when it rains. This scheme has been enforced in Houston, TX where the city annually scoops up more than $400,000.

The excuse is that rain water runoff from private property pollutes streams. Rain is natural and this is nothing more than another environmental con to grab more of your hard earned money.

They call it a fee rather than a tax in order to snare non-profit entities like schools and churches. Some churches in South Carolina pay an annual rain runoff fee of as much as $2,600.

This too is Agenda 21 on the attack.

Third, there is a new kind of corporation being developed through Public Private Partnerships –it’s called “benefit” corporations.

As Michael Shaw of Freedom Advocates describes it, imagine a legislated brotherhood of business where favored businesses get to go to the front of the line for permits, licenses and opportunities merely because they agree to advance the principles of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21.

Six states already have Benefit Corporation legislation: Hawaii, Virginia, Maryland, Vermont and New Jersey, and New York.

And more are in the process of making it part of their states corporate legal system, including California, Colorado, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

This policy will destroy free enterprise and guarantee that we can’t stop Agenda 21.

There has been some good news in recent days in our battle to stop Agenda 21.

We can now add the following communities to the growing list that have ended their contracts with ICLEI (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives- the main group forcing Agenda 21 in many cities in America).

Clallam County, Washington, Abington, VA, Carver MA, Pinellas County, Florida, Garland, TX, and Sarasota County, Florida. Each of these communities have taken action to stop Agenda 21.

The American Policy Center is on the front lines, spreading the message of the dangers of Agenda 21. I am on a seemingly non-stop speaking tour, informing citizens and elected officials of the dangers of these policies.

I can only do that with your financial help. Please go to www.americanpolicy.org and to donate.Your gift of $20 or more will keep me and APC in this battle against those who seek to control every aspect of your life thought the assault of Agenda 21 and its policy called Sustainable Development.

Please donate today – and please send this message to everyone on your email, facebook and other social network lists.

Together we can win this battle to restore America’s Republic.   

Click here to make your donation!


Tom DeWeese's Newswire:

Death of the Euro
Express “Ministers are understood to be deeply concerned that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel are secretly plotting to build a new, slimmed down eurozone without Greece, Italy and other debt-ridden southern European nations.” This has been coming for some time. The next question is how are they going to organize Europe? Will they have a tiered system? Will they sort out the regions where some global elites might settle and others where there are only going to be the proletariat? We know the Central Bankers will be in charge of whatever is decided to do with the no longer sovereign countries (they gave away their claims to sovereignty when they joined the EU, do they get it back when they get kicked out or are they going the be stateless states?). Perhaps the global elites are right now drawing up new Regional plans to deal with this situation. We in America must watch this; we will be getting same treatment down the road.

Health department tyrants raid local 'farm to fork' picnic dinner, orders all food to be destroyed with bleach
Natural News “One of the so-called reasons for this action included the fact that some of the food packaging did not contain labels, even though labels are not necessary if the food is eaten within 72 hours. Oaks also cited the fact that some of the meat was not US Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified, that the vegetables had already been cut and were thus a "bio-hazard," and that there were no receipts for the food (which was all grown on the farm, not purchased from a grocery store).” We are seeing incidents like this more and more often, government bureaucrats shutting down farmers and food supplement manufacturers. Yet were are told via Agenda 21 that we will have to feed ourselves from within a 100 mile radius of where we live. This is a contradiction of meaning in a sane world. But we don’t live in a sane world and the program is to shut down our food supply from different angles. The sustainablists are doing just that.

Edited by Kathleen Marquardt, Vice President 

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Knoxville, TN a plan is being considered to charge a fee to property owners for rainwater runoff – meaning you pay a tax when it rains. This scheme has been enforced inHouston, TX where the city annually scoops up more than $400,000.

The excuse is that rain water runoff from private property pollutes streams. Rain is natural and this is nothing more than another environmental con to grab more of your hard earned money.

They call it a fee rather than a tax in order to snare non-profit entities like schools and churches. Some churches in South Carolina pay an annual rain runoff fee of as much as $2,600.

This too is Agenda 21 on the attack.

Third, there is a new kind of corporation being developed through Public Private Partnerships –it’s called “benefit” corporations.

As Michael Shaw of Freedom Advocates describes it, imagine a legislated brotherhood of business where favored businesses get to go to the front of the line for permits, licenses and opportunities merely because they agree to advance the principles of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21.

Six states already have Benefit Corporation legislation: Hawaii, Virginia, Maryland, Vermont and New Jersey, and New York.

And more are in the process of making it part of their states corporate legal system, including California, Colorado, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

This policy will destroy free enterprise and guarantee that we can’t stop Agenda 21.

There has been some good news in recent days in our battle to stop Agenda 21.

We can now add the following communities to the growing list that have ended their contracts with ICLEI (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives- the main group forcing Agenda 21 in many cities in America).

Clallam County, Washington, Abington, VA, Carver MA, Pinellas County, Florida, Garland, TX, and Sarasota County, Florida. Each of these communities have taken action to stop Agenda 21.

The American Policy Center is on the front lines, spreading the message of the dangers of Agenda 21. I am on a seemingly non-stop speaking tour, informing citizens and elected officials of the dangers of these policies.

I can only do that with your financial help. Please go to www.americanpolicy.org and to donate. Your gift of $20 or more will keep me and APC in this battle against those who seek to control every aspect of your life thought the assault of Agenda 21 and its policy called Sustainable Development.

Please donate today – and please send this message to everyone on your email, facebook and other social network lists.

Together we can win this battle to restore America’s Republic.   

Click here to make your donation!



Tom DeWeese's Newswire:

Death of the Euro
Express “Ministers are understood to be deeply concerned that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel are secretly plotting to build a new, slimmed down eurozone without Greece, Italy and other debt-ridden southern European nations.” This has been coming for some time. The next question is how are they going to organize Europe? Will they have a tiered system? Will they sort out the regions where some global elites might settle and others where there are only going to be the proletariat? We know the Central Bankers will be in charge of whatever is decided to do with the no longer sovereign countries (they gave away their claims to sovereignty when they joined the EU, do they get it back when they get kicked out or are they going the be stateless states?). Perhaps the global elites are right now drawing up new Regional plans to deal with this situation. We in America must watch this; we will be getting same treatment down the road.

Health department tyrants raid local 'farm to fork' picnic dinner, orders all food to be destroyed with bleach
Natural News “One of the so-called reasons for this action included the fact that some of the food packaging did not contain labels, even though labels are not necessary if the food is eaten within 72 hours. Oaks also cited the fact that some of the meat was not US Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified, that the vegetables had already been cut and were thus a "bio-hazard," and that there were no receipts for the food (which was all grown on the farm, not purchased from a grocery store).” We are seeing incidents like this more and more often, government bureaucrats shutting down farmers and food supplement manufacturers. Yet were are told via Agenda 21 that we will have to feed ourselves from within a 100 mile radius of where we live. This is a contradiction of meaning in a sane world. But we don’t live in a sane world and the program is to shut down our food supply from different angles. The sustainablists are doing just that.

Edited by Kathleen Marquardt, Vice President 

Buy Tom's Book on Amazon

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Copyright (C) 2011 American Policy Center All rights reserved.

Email powered by Gold Dust Web Solutions

HoustonTX where the city annually scoops up more than $400,000.

The excuse is that rain water runoff from private property pollutes streams. Rain is natural and this is nothing more than another environmental con to grab more of your hard earned money.

They call it a fee rather than a tax in order to snare non-profit entities like schools and churches. Some churches in South Carolina pay an annual rain runoff fee of as much as $2,600.

This too is Agenda 21 on the attack.

Third, there is a new kind of corporation being developed through Public Private Partnerships –it’s called “benefit” corporations.

As Michael Shaw of Freedom Advocates describes it, imagine a legislated brotherhood of business where favored businesses get to go to the front of the line for permits, licenses and opportunities merely because they agree to advance the principles of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21.

Six states already have Benefit Corporation legislation: HawaiiVirginia, Maryland, Vermont and New Jersey, and New York.

And more are in the process of making it part of their states corporate legal system, including CaliforniaColorado, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

This policy will destroy free enterprise and guarantee that we can’t stop Agenda 21.

There has been some good news in recent days in our battle to stop Agenda 21.

We can now add the following communities to the growing list that have ended their contracts with ICLEI (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives- the main group forcing Agenda 21 in many cities in America).

Clallam County, Washington, Abington, VA, Carver MA, Pinellas County, Florida, Garland, TX, and Sarasota County, Florida. Each of these communities have taken action to stop Agenda 21.

The American Policy Center is on the front lines, spreading the message of the dangers of Agenda 21. I am on a seemingly non-stop speaking tour, informing citizens and elected officials of the dangers of these policies.

I can only do that with your financial help. Please go to www.americanpolicy.org and to donate. Your gift of $20 or more will keep me and APC in this battle against those who seek to control every aspect of your life thought the assault of Agenda 21 and its policy called Sustainable Development.

Please donate today – and please send this message to everyone on your email, facebook and other social network lists.

Together we can win this battle to restore America’s Republic.   

Click here to make your donation!



Tom DeWeese's Newswire:

Death of the Euro
Express “Ministers are understood to be deeply concerned that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel are secretly plotting to build a new, slimmed down eurozone without Greece, Italy and other debt-ridden southern European nations.” This has been coming for some time. The next question is how are they going to organize Europe? Will they have a tiered system? Will they sort out the regions where some global elites might settle and others where there are only going to be the proletariat? We know the Central Bankers will be in charge of whatever is decided to do with the no longer sovereign countries (they gave away their claims to sovereignty when they joined the EU, do they get it back when they get kicked out or are they going the be stateless states?). Perhaps the global elites are right now drawing up new Regional plans to deal with this situation. We in America must watch this; we will be getting same treatment down the road.

Health department tyrants raid local 'farm to fork' picnic dinner, orders all food to be destroyed with bleach
Natural News “One of the so-called reasons for this action included the fact that some of the food packaging did not contain labels, even though labels are not necessary if the food is eaten within 72 hours. Oaks also cited the fact that some of the meat was not US Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified, that the vegetables had already been cut and were thus a "bio-hazard," and that there were no receipts for the food (which was all grown on the farm, not purchased from a grocery store).” We are seeing incidents like this more and more often, government bureaucrats shutting down farmers and food supplement manufacturers. Yet were are told via Agenda 21 that we will have to feed ourselves from within a 100 mile radius of where we live. This is a contradiction of meaning in a sane world. But we don’t live in a sane world and the program is to shut down our food supply from different angles. The sustainablists are doing just that.

Edited by Kathleen Marquardt, Vice President 

Buy Tom's Book on Amazon

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Our mailing address is:
American Policy Center
PO Box 3598
Warrenton, VA 20188

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Copyright (C) 2011 American Policy Center All rights reserved.

Email powered by Gold Dust Web Solutions

Clallam CountyWashingtonAbingtonVA, Carver MAPinellas County, Florida, Garland, TX, and Sarasota County, Florida. Each of these communities have taken action to stop Agenda 21.

The American Policy Center is on the front lines, spreading the message of the dangers of Agenda 21. I am on a seemingly non-stop speaking tour, informing citizens and elected officials of the dangers of these policies.

I can only do that with your financial help. Please go to www.americanpolicy.org and to donate. Your gift of $20 or more will keep me and APC in this battle against those who seek to control every aspect of your life thought the assault of Agenda 21 and its policy called Sustainable Development.

Please donate today – and please send this message to everyone on your email, facebook and other social network lists.

Together we can win this battle to restore America’s Republic.   

Click here to make your donation!



Tom DeWeese's Newswire:

Death of the Euro
Express “Ministers are understood to be deeply concerned that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel are secretly plotting to build a new, slimmed down eurozone without Greece, Italy and other debt-ridden southern European nations.” This has been coming for some time. The next question is how are they going to organize Europe? Will they have a tiered system? Will they sort out the regions where some global elites might settle and others where there are only going to be the proletariat? We know the Central Bankers will be in charge of whatever is decided to do with the no longer sovereign countries (they gave away their claims to sovereignty when they joined the EU, do they get it back when they get kicked out or are they going the be stateless states?). Perhaps the global elites are right now drawing up new Regional plans to deal with this situation. We in America must watch this; we will be getting same treatment down the road.

Health department tyrants raid local 'farm to fork' picnic dinner, orders all food to be destroyed with bleach
Natural News “One of the so-called reasons for this action included the fact that some of the food packaging did not contain labels, even though labels are not necessary if the food is eaten within 72 hours. Oaks also cited the fact that some of the meat was not US Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified, that the vegetables had already been cut and were thus a "bio-hazard," and that there were no receipts for the food (which was all grown on the farm, not purchased from a grocery store).” We are seeing incidents like this more and more often, government bureaucrats shutting down farmers and food supplement manufacturers. Yet were are told via Agenda 21 that we will have to feed ourselves from within a 100 mile radius of where we live. This is a contradiction of meaning in a sane world. But we don’t live in a sane world and the program is to shut down our food supply from different angles. The sustainablists are doing just that.

Edited by Kathleen Marquardt, Vice President 

Buy Tom's Book on Amazon

You are receiving this email because you opted in at americanpolicy.orgdeweesereport.com, or by mail.

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Our mailing address is:
American Policy Center
PO Box 3598
Warrenton, VA 20188

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Copyright (C) 2011 American Policy Center All rights reserved.

Email powered by Gold Dust Web Solutions

Pinellas CountyFloridaGarland, TX, and Sarasota County, Florida. Each of these communities have taken action to stop Agenda 21.

The American Policy Center is on the front lines, spreading the message of the dangers of Agenda 21. I am on a seemingly non-stop speaking tour, informing citizens and elected officials of the dangers of these policies.

I can only do that with your financial help. Please go to www.americanpolicy.org and to donate. Your gift of $20 or more will keep me and APC in this battle against those who seek to control every aspect of your life thought the assault of Agenda 21 and its policy called Sustainable Development.

Please donate today – and please send this message to everyone on your email, facebook and other social network lists.

Together we can win this battle to restore America’s Republic.   

Click here to make your donation!



Tom DeWeese's Newswire:

Death of the Euro
Express “Ministers are understood to be deeply concerned that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel are secretly plotting to build a new, slimmed down eurozone without GreeceItaly and other debt-ridden southern European nations.” This has been coming for some time. The next question is how are they going to organize Europe? Will they have a tiered system? Will they sort out the regions where some global elites might settle and others where there are only going to be the proletariat? We know the Central Bankers will be in charge of whatever is decided to do with the no longer sovereign countries (they gave away their claims to sovereignty when they joined the EU, do they get it back when they get kicked out or are they going the be stateless states?). Perhaps the global elites are right now drawing up new Regional plans to deal with this situation. We in America must watch this; we will be getting same treatment down the road.

Health department tyrants raid local 'farm to fork' picnic dinner, orders all food to be destroyed with bleach
Natural News “One of the so-called reasons for this action included the fact that some of the food packaging did not contain labels, even though labels are not necessary if the food is eaten within 72 hours. Oaks also cited the fact that some of the meat was not US Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified, that the vegetables had already been cut and were thus a "bio-hazard," and that there were no receipts for the food (which was all grown on the farm, not purchased from a grocery store).” We are seeing incidents like this more and more often, government bureaucrats shutting down farmers and food supplement manufacturers. Yet were are told via Agenda 21 that we will have to feed ourselves from within a 100 mile radius of where we live. This is a contradiction of meaning in a sane world. But we don’t live in a sane world and the program is to shut down our food supply from different angles. The sustainablists are doing just that.

Edited by Kathleen Marquardt, Vice President 

Buy Tom's Book on Amazon

You are receiving this email because you opted in at americanpolicy.orgdeweesereport.com, or by mail.

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Our mailing address is:
American Policy Center
PO Box 3598
Warrenton, VA 20188

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Copyright (C) 2011 American Policy Center All rights reserved.

Email powered by Gold Dust Web Solutions


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Comment by Catherine Linton on November 19, 2011 at 10:47am

"A well- instructed people alone can be permanently a free people."  - James Madison.  Thanks for the info..will link it to others.



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