We The People USA

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Veterans Memorial Removed by City Council And Voters Remove Council Members
STORY AT: http://www.capveterans.com/year2015/id111.html

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Comment by Mickie Johnson on November 11, 2015 at 11:43pm

Yes, the kids now are wanting to be given everything and not work for it.  We do have big trouble ahead.

Comment by kevin kiernan on November 11, 2015 at 11:38pm

Our country is in huge trouble in the future. We are raising a whole slew of losers. It is the fault of our generation. I am lucky to have 2 successful kids.  I am a little worried about my grand kids.  They are being brought up in this entitlement era. 

Comment by Mickie Johnson on November 11, 2015 at 11:26pm

The Young people have not been taught either at home or at school and have been given anything and everything they want.  I agree that more and more colleges are going to do the same.  It all started at Ferguson and if you get away with destroying things and people once you continue until you are stopped.

Comment by Mickie Johnson on November 11, 2015 at 11:20pm

Well as I have said I hope we get someone who can stand up to all outward problems but we do need to take care of our problems that we have here at home.  We cannot let Russia and China take over and do as they please as well and ISIS.  Basically we are in a world of Trouble and I don't see a light yet at the end of the tunnel.

I haven't decided yet who I want yet for President.

Comment by kevin kiernan on November 11, 2015 at 11:19pm

Plus on the home front . I think Ferguson and Baltimore were just a warm up for what is ahead. I suggest stock up and keep your powder dry. 

Comment by kevin kiernan on November 11, 2015 at 11:17pm

I used to say the same thing kinda. Except I said to fix one paper cut at a time...But because of the vibes I speak of on other post. I think we need the home run on this election. I truly think we are in perilous times. I say Rand is the one to fix Washington ,but it may even be to late for his ways. I hate saying it but we may just need a war time leader. I do not want to see any more death ,but it may just be whats ahead for our world..

Comment by Mickie Johnson on November 11, 2015 at 11:08pm

Well we start small with our counties and cities and work upward and onward!

Comment by kevin kiernan on November 11, 2015 at 11:07pm

Need a leader who in their heart of hearts truly wants to change Washington...And that is Rand Paul. But he will not get a fair shake because ,he truly wants to change it. ..All those in Washington on both sides ,consider him a threat to their lively hoods. If you truly want change, He would be the one.

Comment by kevin kiernan on November 11, 2015 at 11:02pm

As far as removing them when they do not honor their oath of office. We can but it takes to many procedures. Just simplify the impeachment process.

Comment by kevin kiernan on November 11, 2015 at 10:59pm

I do not agree. Our politicians are in campaign mode to much now. That would just put them there 24/7/365. Term limits will help get the career seeking crony politician from amassing to much influence. Not all ,but IMO a good amount.



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