We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Reprinted with permission of author; The Tradesman;

Something sent to me from The Tradesman and reprinted with permission.
The very essence of what makes America, America is at risk today. We are at WAR. Make no mistake this attempted takeover of our Government by Fraud and Deceit are only the opening shots. This is not just any fight. This is a fight like the original revolution, and the American people are the Militias who will do the fighting.
This war of ideologies and outright greed was brought on by selfish self centered individuals who consider themselves far above the common man. These people care nothing for the lives and livelihood of the people they use a cannon fodder for their base desires of uncontested power over all others in this Nation. they hold nothing sacred except their personal opinions about what reality should look like.
In the history of humanity, wars have been fought for selfish gains and very few were fought for moral purposes. This war of ideologies is being waged against morality by the liberal enemies of America. I'm sad to say there are many Americans who are fighting on the wrong side of history. Very many politicians are on the wrong side of History too, most of the Democrats and all the RINO's.
We are now faced with a corrupt administration, which over 80% of us believe cheated and defrauded to get in place. These people are the usurpers who want everything, and will stop at nothing, to gain the upper hand. Like I said, We Are At War!
The American people are the modern day heirs to the original Militia who so ably fought off the British. Right now the usurpers in Congress and Government are trying to do the same as the British were trying to do to pacify us by taking our guns. We must remember our guns are the Symbol of Freedom, they are the Teeth of the Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment is what is supposed to protect the Inalienable Right to defend ourselves against all comers even the Government, it sets America apart from the rest of the world.
Fortunately our Founders gave us a way to Defeat the corrupt government they foresaw eventually rearing it's ugly head. That way is Article-V of the Constitution. It was put there for the People to use, not for Congress to use exclusively. Early on Congress usurped that right and brainwashed the people into believing only congress was capable of safely making those decisions. This came about the time Congress started seeing itself as the rulers of the people, not their servants.
We must either take our Political Power Back, or we must give up any hint of having political power ever again. Lets unite behind a proper cause and prevent a Corrupt and Perverse Congress from destroying America. All it takes is for YOU to actively do something instead of waiting for 'others' to do it for you.
The Tradesman

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