We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

GySgt Bob Pinkstaff
USMC Retired

-------Original Message-------


I just received this OUTSTANDING PATRIOTIC LETTER written by a patriotic Texas Lady!

This well written letter expresses my thoughts too & applies to all of you career politicians including j. moran, past & present TURNCOAT elected/appointed members of the 110th, 111th, 112th Washington DC establishment & all state governments!

The term TURNCOAT that 'I use' to describe the elected/appointed Washington DC/state governments etc comes from the Korean War. For you youngsters, Roberts & Moran included, there was a Korean War!

Their were 21 U.S. Army TURNCOAT cowards who, DISHONORED their military sworn oaths & the Constitution of the United States by DEFECTING to the communists (Russia, North Korea & communist China). These 21 TURNCOAT DEFECTORS/COWARDS, were now communist POWs & held in the same POW compound as the North Korean & communist Chinese POWs. These 21 TURNCOAT DEFECTORS/COWARDS were repatriated along with the North Korean & communist Chinese POWs at the same time to the communists. I was there & I saw these  21 TURNCOAT DEFECTORS/COWARDS!



In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead, short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
~Lt Colonel John McCrae~

You don't vote a NWO/666 communist government out! I repeat, you don't vote a NWO/666 communist government out! The BUZZ WORDS are "you don't vote a NWO/666 communist government out!! In fact, with a NWO/666 communist government in place, you don't get to vote!!

I will fight to the death to help ensure that the Constitution of the United States remains the law of the land of the United States of America! I will fight to the death to help ensure that the freedoms and way of life that so many of us U.S. Military Veterans served, fought and died for, are maintained! This is my promise to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and, those great American heroes who gave their all so we could enjoy the good life, the freedoms and way of life that we American citizens had, before the evil muslim communist USURPER,barry soetoro AKA barack hussein obama, his evil wife michelle obama & family crawled out of
their EVIL SLIMY SNAKE HOLES and into the white house, our house!!!

Too many democratic congressmen,
Too many republican congressmen,
And never enough U.S congressmen.
~author unknown~

A United States Military Veteran is someone who,
At one point in his or her life,Wrote a blank check
made payable to,"The People of the United States of
For an amount ... "up to and including my

~Author unknown~

God Bless America!
God Bless Israel!
God Bless CA, AZ, NM, TX!
Bob Pinkstaff
Gunnery Sergeant
United States Marine Corps Retired
American Citizen By Birth, United States Marine By Choice!

-------Original Message-------

Date: 6/28/2011 10:51:22 AM
To: nlherzog@yahoo.comealtmistress@yahoo.comMikiBooth@yahoo.comHerihunda@aol.comBenbenben3@aol.comDucky4817@Comcast.netPatriotblc@yahoo.comEC115@aol.commorningstar36@frontier.comgenekinnick@yahoo.comclassicstrat@gmail.comgybp@cox.netgjsmith@mind.netsusandanielspi@aol.comjohnegalvin@yahoo.comgracie19471@hotmail.compatapi@att.netrudavis@cisco.combeverlyarmstrong@att.netElCeeCarr@aol.comFore0@aol.comMsdochays@aol.comDeborah.Jones@academy.comlydia@norvellfire.comtjlea1937@verizon.netnauck@78rpm.com;
Subject: Fwd: Issa...We Know that You Know...We know you know we know!

This letter not only went out to Congressman Issa,  it went out to 7600 other state & federal legislators across the country. My mail box was full this morning,  however, now that I cleared it out, I have received two responses, one positive and one negative.  I am making my list and checking it twice.  I will let you know who is on the good list and who is on the bad list.
Congressman Issa,

We Know that You Know, that MR. OBAMA is an illegal usurper squatting in our White House.  He is the Criminal In Chief, illegally running and ruining our

The Real Question is:  WHY won’t you do something about booting his derriere out along with all of his co conspirators.  One would have thought that by now, you would have had enough of his arrogance, as in fact, he has bypassed Congress by using his appointed CZARS and delegating the enforcement of legislation that never went through Congress to the EPA and other governmental departments. I never thought I would see the day that our Congress would allow the use of CZAR’s, (a Communist term that is very offensive to Americans).  And yet you and the House of Representatives, not only do nothing to stop the Arrogant Tyrant, you actually fund the paychecks of such CZARs.  Mr. Obama  has spit in the face of Congress and you do nothing.

You fool around with games, such as pretending to defund Obamacare,  you run around wasting time with hearings on the Fast & Furious fiasco, hoping to nail Holder. Lets not forget the waste of time used to investigate steroids in Major League Baseball, which was not even illegal.

So tell me Congressman Daryl Issa, Why don’t you just get down to some serious business and take out the Usurper in the White House Mr. Obama.  Surely you can find a judge somewhere to issue an arrest warrant.  Then all the other issues you are playing Tiddily Winks with will all be resolved.  Obamacare, GONE,
Poof !. Holder: GONE, Poof !  Valerie Jarrett, Poof, GONE and all of his other illegal appointments and legislation along with all of his Executive Orders. This would be damage control.  We could begin to heal. We could begin to rebuild our nation.   We could have some peace of mind, Some hope for a future that does not include Socialism, Communism, or Marxism.  And NO, we do not want the NWO, period !!

Obama has provided a Forged Birth Certificate, A Phony Selective Service Registration, and a Fraudulently obtained Social Security  Number.  All of the above are crimes of great magnitude, all have been certified fraudulent by many experts. All of the above should have prevented him from running for the office of
President of the United States if ANYONE would have bothered to check him out.

This has NOTHING to do with his heritage, It has everything to do with his character.

Oh, and while your at it, don’t forget the election fraud committed by Nancy Pelosi and the DNC to cover the fact that the Hawaiian Democratic Party would not certify Mr. Obama eligible under the requirements of the U S Constitution to be placed on the ballot.

You see,  we, (millions of us) Know That You Know, and we know there is only one reason that you will not do what is necessary. 



You will not stand up for what is Right, What is Honorable.  You can be a hero and do the right thing because it is the right thing to do but Instead you prefer to feign ignorance, and turn your back on us, but  WE KNOW THAT YOU KNOW !  We The People are fed up with the Inaction of Congress.  IF we are a nation of
laws, IF Congress still has any usefulness at all, then I am asking you to Please STAND UP and DO WHAT IS RIGHT. Investigate the Obama Crimes
Immediately.   Stop the destruction of our Country !  If you have information that a crime has occurred, which you do, and you do nothing, you do not report it, then you are guilty of misprision of a felony.

We KNOW that YOU KNOW and We will Not Give Up Until you do what is right.


Your lack of action puts you in jeopardy

Judy Chambers – A Natural Born American Citizen

Spring, Texas

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