We need an end-dependence day from illegal aliens
July 4, 4:23 AM
Immigration Reform Examiner Dave Gibson
Happy 4th
SaveOurState.orgOn this Independence Day, our country is mired in seemingly insurmountable, unsustainable debt, like never before in our more than 230 year history. While federal, state and municipal governments go broke and place all of the blame for the current fiscal problems on the recession, they still refuse to acknowledge the 600 pound gorilla in the room…illegal immigration.
Last year, Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich made public, the staggering amount which the taxpayers spend on illegal aliens, living in L.A. County. In June 2009 alone, the county paid out $48 million to the children of illegal aliens, an increase of $10 million over June 2007.
$26 million of that total came in the form of food stamps, while another $22 million was given to the illegal alien families in welfare checks.
Los Angeles County paid out $600 million on those two programs, last year alone. That is in addition to the more than $1 billion that the county spends annually on the medical treatment, education, emergency services, and incarceration of illegal aliens.
These figures explain why not only L.A. County, but the entire state of California are now in financial ruin. Supervisor Michael Antonovich told reporters that illegal aliens continue to have a “catastrophic impact on Los Angeles County taxpayers.”
Recently, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board released data which showed that during the 2009 fall semester, more than 12,000 illegal aliens paid in-state tuition rates at state colleges and universities throughout Texas. Many of them also received taxpayer-funded financial aid.
Incredibly, in 2001, Gov. Rick Perry signed into law a measure which allowed illegal aliens who have graduated from Texas high schools in-state tuition at state universities and colleges.
Similar laws exist in eight other states across the country.
The following states offer in-state tuition to illegal aliens: California, Illinois, Kansas, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma Texas, Utah, and Washington.
In 2003, the University of Illinois at Chicago's Center for Urban Economic Development concluded that if every one of Illinois' 2,226 illegal alien students that graduated from Chicago high schools and attended a public university, the cost to Illinois’ taxpayers for each graduating class of that size would be between $3.3 million and $11.6 million annually.
In 2003, the American Southwest saw 77 hospitals enter bankruptcy due to unpaid medical bills incurred by illegal aliens. A staggering 84 hospitals in California alone, have been forced to close their doors because of the growing crisis. Hospitals which manage to remain open, pass the unpaid costs onto the rest of us, which translates into more out-of-pocket expenses and higher insurance premiums for Americans.
Of course, our local, state, and federal governments also pass the enormous costs which come with allowing millions of illegal aliens to reside in this country onto American citizens.
With rising unemployment, huge trade deficits due to the loss of our manufacturing base, and a soaring national debt, we simply cannot afford to pay the bills for this nation’s illegal alien population. We can no longer accept elected representatives who choose to better represent a foreign national population, rather than those of us who pay actually pay their salaries.
Illegal immigration is slowly but surely destroying this nation.