Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Saw portions of the Dem Debate.... made me a wee bit ill, yet, a quick notice was there were no American flags that I could see on the stage!!!.
Unless the camera angles made sure not to display them, If tonight was to be a Presidential Debate for the POTUS one would thing an American Flag would be there ..... IMHO it may illustrate how off the Dem party is and the subliminal tactics moving ever further from American values, respect, and conviction to the idea of being American.
It appears that the pledge is no longer wanted, the Constitution is no longer wanted, tonight also shows the flag is no longer wanted...
Wonder what the new world order flag would look like? Wait... Love Of Country placed a picture on topic "Election 2016" along with a few other pics that catches one attention.....some would make a great NWO Flag...
But seriously, tonight was a clear indication that the Dems are out for blood and will do, say, confuse and lie to obtain the the WH, House and Senate and destroy what may be left of America.... They have done a good job so far in damaging the country and will not rest until it is complete.
Scary stuff is a head for sure ....
As an individual , you or I or anyone ,can not turn it around. It must be done by organized movement with Patriotism (which God puts in us), as our fuel. Keeping God in our lives is probably the most important thing.....Live in such a manner. That those who do not know God, come to know God because they know you.....Praying should be the first thing you do , when ever you start an event or any project. Praying as a last resort is not the right way. To many only pray after something bad has happen...With that said , we need to pick a leader who lives in a manner that this is so.I am sure that God will shine a light on the pathway back to our roots.We do have some good choices to pick from. I am looking for a leader that all Americans can rally around. My choice will be the one that has a bible in one hand, and our God given constitution in the other. But we must be careful of a wolf in sheep`s clothing. Ben Carson is a great example of this, and might just be the one who can unite all of us. I kinda like Rand and Ted because they are solid Christians and probably the two most qualified to obey and protect the Constitution. ..Trump scares me. Remember , he felt it was ok to be a scumbag and buy politicians because it was in the interest of his personal gain. He is all about him.He only Wants to be president because he is having fun doing it.(that is in his own words) When the fun is gone and the pressure is on...He will fold like a chapter 11 application.One thing about Trump, he is not a New World Order Progressive. But if Trump wins the primary, I will vote in the Presidential election for him because I do feel he will get many things done, I just hope he picks Carson for V.P. I will not vote in the presidential election if there are only progressives to chose from. EX: Jeb, Linsey, ..I will only vote for someone who is interested in changing how Washington works, and understands that the Constitution must be obeyed.Power must go back to the States as I see it...Then at least matters can be dealt with in a more hands on local arena. But getting back to try and answer your question, ..I do not know the actual answer, ...BUT I KNOW WHO DOES HAVE THE ANSWER...I hope my little semi- rant did not bore you...LOL ! :)
so I ask this.... How the heck can this ideology by Progressives and their minions be curtailed successfully?
The move to educate the public, bring another view to the issues that face us, is IMHO a failed attempt to move the gauge ever further away from the false hope of Utopia and the damage the change has done to this country these last 7 years!!! Patience and pushing through is fine, and have been diligent in doing much in the way of education, open and respectful discussion, offering a thought that may assist to open new dialog.... yet as events unfold, and new issues atop layer after layer where voices merge into distinguishable chatter or no mention of the deeper points of an issue ever fully divulged and its info and meaning too lost among the shuffle. One can in some instances understand the frustration and how tiring it is to the soul. I offer this example as bizarre as it may sound. A coworker on the eve of last July 4th, was obtaining information for our Apprehension detail in executing warrants. Or division was asked to assist in contacting local PD of the detail presence and that no back up was needed at this time. In opening a google search for all the PD contact numbers the Headline for Google said, " Happy Independence Day" and all the red, white and blue that could fill the page and I thought rather cute to be sure. What was said soon after all the PD's were contacted, my co worker asked the entire room loud enough for all to hear.... " What are we Independent From?" It took me a moment to have the comment sink in and what they were referring too, but as I realized what the question really was asking, another coworker said..." I don't Know!!!??" I need not tell you that my heart fell to the floor, I had these awful butterflies in the pit of my stomach that made me shocked, mad, disgusted and sorry all at once.
Needless to say that kept my comments to myself for a little bit for I am one of only 2 conservatives in the entire department, but I could not hold it in too long.... I just stood up, looked at my coworkers and firmly stated "England!!!! Flippin England !!!!" All I got in return was" Ahhh" and they turned around and we continued on the rest of the shift. It illustrated to me how sad the education system has become and the lack of important basic history and the crap indoctrination of the minds of so many that have no clue, yet that is what the Progressive Liberals want is an" ignorant- give me mine" citizenry to vote these knuckleheads in and try to keep them there and wonder why this country is not further ahead on so many things.
How does one break what has taken so long to develop and break through ?
Or is it me?
Our flag will always be our flag. It`s just that Progressives will always honor bigger government. Thus a world government is their desire.Every country is giving the U.N. more and more power.
Good Morning kevin,
That does not make me feel better. I kinda like the one we have. Would be a sin to see it go..... :(
And a sin to see the destruction of the country, I kinda like the one we have, be a sin to see it go too!!!! :P
I heard they were working on a design for our world flag to be put on Mars when we get there. But to clear up your question. We do have the United Nations Flag which New World Progressives give their allegiance.
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