We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

  We all seem to complain a lot, but who among us is actually out there daily trying to do something positive. I know I am. Much to the chagrin of my wife I constantly start up conversations with strangers and even pass out Tea Party Literature at stores and malls in my area. I write my local newspapers constantly, but since it has been bought recently it has stopped printing Conservative Viewpoints. I see a problem with us getting the truth out since Soros Groups have taken over the Main Media.
 We must counter by flooding their editors with as many OP-ED pieces championing our views on a daily basis. Those views may not get published but it will tend to clog the papers submissions review systems and have the turncoat editors tearing their hair out. We need to start thinking outside the box on how to take back the systems that have been co-opted by the Marxist Left. The opposition has constantly attacked us on a variety of fronts to split our unity and make us ineffectual.
 We in turn must unite closer together, and keep the primary reason in mind. First we must take back all the political power stolen from us by the dark powers opposing us. We then use that power to break their unity and shatter their focus. We must turn their tactics back on them and utilize them to their full effect for our purposes. We know they work, so why aren't we using them? I don't mean the deception, lies and cheating, I mean the actual nuts and bolts tactics to organize and go forward. Read Sun Tzu the Art of War, those tactics will work for us.


 We don't have much time left to accomplish what has to be done. we are at the extreme end of the tipping point right now. We are all going to have to work together to defeat the evil influences of the likes of Cass Sunstein and his constant destructive Regulations. we are going to have to jab Congress in the backside very hard every day to get them to mo0ve against that evil dark power opposing us. We also need to take Soros and his entire group out of the picture ASAP.

 We are in a declared War and that gives us an edge, If we can get some of the Legal Minds in the Membership working on leveling Charges of Treason against these people, we may have a chance of stopping them cold. They all need to be removed from the playing field permanently and locked away hopefully in the prison Charles Manson is incarcerated in.

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