We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Will We Stand? Will we Stand Tall? Or, Will We Stand at ALL?

10 December 2008

As I write this to you this morning, my heart is saddened, somewhat heart-broken!

I look across this land of ours and I see lethargy, crooked Politicians, people "bowing" to the gods of greed and gain, men and women who lie, cheat and steal for some "cheap" immediate gain, people who cannot be entrusted at all to hold forth the American values which we have endeared to our hearts for hundreds of years.

I see parents who are setting a "damnable example" to their own kids, teaching them by precept and example to follow on a course toward destruction. And then, when the children grow up those parents look back in sadness and bewilderment wondering, "Where did we go wrong?"

Having said all that, I am going to be as frank, and as honest with you as I've ever been! If you desire to NOT read forward just "delete" right here and now ~ That's your choice!

But if you want to take a few moments and listen to me, I want to say, "Thank-you!" I will TRY not to bore you.

Currently, we have before us a "situation" that involves a "Marxist-leaning" Socialistic president-elect who is about to be sworn in as the 44th. President of the United States. Thousands of us in the "Grassroots movement" across America have been alerting the citizenry for about two years about the "dangers" of this one man ~ a complete "Danger" to America and our Constitution.

It appears to me that many of our "appeals" to the Supreme Court of the United States(SCoTUS) have fallen upon deafened ears. The Chief Justice, and the eight Associate Justices were ALL sworn in with their hand on the Bible, God's Holy Word. They further agreed to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America." We expect, and we DEMAND nothing less!!

Right now, as I write you this, we are "trying" to get Governor Rick Perry's(TX) attention to "File a writ of mandamus" in the Supreme Court of the United States(SCoTUS). Specifically, we ask him to DO this requesting for further clarication on what a "natural-born citizen" IS. This NEEDS to be done BEFORE the Electors vote on 15 December 2008 ~ next Monday!! Many of the Electors nationwide, both Democratic and Republican, have questions and much doubt, as to what a "natural-born citizen" is, and, further, whether Barack Obama IS or, IS NOT "natural-born."

Before these Electors carry out their constitutionally-born, and duty bound act for us as citizens, they MUST feel that they may do so in good conscience, and without any doubt whatsoever.

We WILL DO our part! Will YOU do Your part? Will You help us?
Will You Stand? Will YOU Stand Tall? Or, Will You Stand at ALL??

Here's what I'm asking YOU to Do:

Please take a moment to write the following letter to Governor Perry, NO matter where you Live:

And FAX it to the Governor's Office: (Along With Mine!!)- IMMEDIATELY!!!!

To: The Attention of the Honorable Rick Perry
Governor of the State of Texas
FAX: (512)463-1849

Dear Governor Perry:

I am beseeching you, Sir, to please Stand Tall, and with the help of your Attorney General, please File in the Supreme Court of the United States a "writ of mandamus" asking the Court to once and for all "clarify to the American citizens what a natural-born citizen is, or is not." We ask you, Governor Perry, to please DO this BEFORE close of business, Thursday, 11 December 2008, as the Deadline to do this is: 12 December 2008.

We are asking You, Governor Perry, to Stand Up as a True American, and Do This before our nations' Electors vote on 15 December 2008, so that all questions, and doubt, will be resolved in their minds BEFORE they cast their Elector Ballot.

Thank-you, kind Sir, for honoring your sworn duty to "protect and defend" the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution of the great State of Texas.

God bless you, Governor Perry.


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Will We Stand? Will we Stand Tall? Or, Will We Stand at ALL?

Actual Supreme Court Cases to consider:
The Act of 1790
U.S. v WONG KIM ARK, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)
ROGERS v BELLEI, 401 U.S. 815 (1971)

Yours for the Constitution,

Charles Lingerfelt, Texas
State Coordinator ~ www.democratic-disaster.com
We The People USA
May God Almighty Save our Republic!

Charles Lingerfelt, Founding Co-Director/Teacher
Kurdish American School
Dohuk, Kurdistan- Northern Iraq
"Still Trying to Make a Difference"
972.286.0606- Home/Office
972.400.2898- Mobile

P. O. Box 360722
Dallas, Texas 75336



"To educate a man in mind only, and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." Theodore Roosevelt

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Comment by Lone Star State Sentinal on December 10, 2008 at 6:08pm
What a well thought out an well written piece of composition that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth! Good on ya brother!
You can take to the bank that I AM going to fax the governor on this.



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