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OBAMA to USE HUGE CRISIS to CANCEL 2016 ELECTION & Become 3rd Term President H.J. Res 15 Bill

SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest Updates - http://www.youtube.com/user/elitenwoagenda?sub_confirmation=1 OBAMA to USE HUGE CRISIS to CANCEL 2016 ELEC...

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Comment by kathyet on September 22, 2015 at 11:47am
Comment by marrand 2 hours ago
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I wouldn't be surprised if he tries. Many in the military have already been cowed to his will. just look at the Bergdahl investigation. 

I would be surprised by nothing this evil administration does in fact I hold very little hope from the Rebugnants as well.I am with you on this one marrand.."M" I hope your right and it would be a massive rebellion but some time's I just wonder about the apathy in this country..

Comment by M on September 22, 2015 at 9:45am

Has everyone forgotten there is a Constitutional Amendment that would have to be changed if he even tried to do that? Not to mention it would cause a massive rebellion by Congress/Scotus, and even the RINO's and some of the Democrats too.

Comment by marrand on September 22, 2015 at 8:46am

I wouldn't be surprised if he tries. Many in the military have already been cowed to his will. just look at the Bergdahl investigation. 

Comment by M on September 3, 2015 at 6:42am

Freedom Rider, I don't see how it can come true. The People and even Congress would instantly Revolt if it was tried. That's not saying that the Democratic/Socialist Party previously known as the Democratic Party will use every possible move to take over the election through hook or crook.

Comment by FreedomRider on September 2, 2015 at 10:20pm

Now this is a nightmare I hope does not come true.

Comment by Robbie Eagle on September 2, 2015 at 1:35pm

Larry Nichols is dying with Cancer of the lung. He is hoping to see Clinton's destroyed before he dies. He had to pay for treatments before he can get them as I understand. 1 of the independent journalist set up a Pay Pal acc. for him. He has not ,as far as I know,ask for donations to help him. He said that he is trying to correct the wrongs he has done & hopes he is forgiven. He is responsible for Bill Clinton's affairs being exposed,& has fought against them for a long time. All of his latest interviews are on You Tube. I respect what he has don & hope people will work to make this happen. There are 2 or 3 independent radio station's that have Larry on weekly now. Caravan to Midnight & Hagman & Hagman.

We already know that if not for 3 brave patriots defying direct orders we would have already been nuked by hussen last year. These black lives matters events funded by soros,the communist party & possibly our own Fed. Gov. will hopefully bring in Martial Law to complete their agenda.. They have plenty of time escalate the situation before the election.

Comment by kathyet on September 2, 2015 at 9:21am

rest of comment

The world has “500 days to avoid climate chaos,” French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said alongside Secretary of State John Kerry at the State Department on Tuesday.

Comet 67P is 2.5 miles wide and is giving off sound. Does that comet sound familiar? It is the comet that Rosetta’s lander Philae touched down on the surface of on 11/12/14. Is this the comet that she is referring to? obama election 2016 2015 crisis agenda climate change "climate change" "global warming" earth global france u.s. usa america "united states" speech movie 2015 2016 leader leadership warning prepare survival trends trending work elite bunker underground tunnel "emergency supplies" food water "clean water" truth agenda news media entertainment prediction economy collapse space comet trailer "movie trailer" millionaire group relationship work "stock market" energy power people "clean energy" future "elite nwo agenda" conspiracy end times end of days underground bunker elite new zealand south america alex jones infowars gerald celente apocalypse the road movie trends in the news illuminati card game montagraph prediction david icke lindsey williams blood moon cycle jsnip4 rawdogletard coast to coast am truth illuminati mtv vma symbolism marc faber jim rogers china false flag currency joe biden hillary clinton exposed email donald trump 2016 un united nations world government

Pope is also set to address the annual UN General Assembly of world leaders. According to the UN website, September 25th just so happens to kick off the United Nations three-day summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda The day before, he is going to address a joint meeting of Congress for the first time a Pope has ever addressed Congress. He will also be meeting with President Obama and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Busy Pope. Here is a video (bad music) that shows a “signaled” location from the movie Deep Impact for the comet to hit—just off the North East Coast of South America. The coordinates are 13 23 52.3/54 56 16. 4000 miles from the signaled location is the Hoover Dam.

A 1994 TV movie called Without Warning depicts the events of a meteor that breaks in 3 pieces after the world tries to blow it up, with all 3 pieces hitting the earth, all on about the same parallel—43/44. Later it is discovered that the meteor was sent by Aliens who are following in a 4th incoming object.

This was a TV show that presented 5 scenarios for the last day on earth. They involve the following; meteor impact, Yellowstone eruption, Pandemic, earthquakes, and CERN destroying the world. East coast meteor/comet and tsunami were going to hit, would the President and Pope be in Washington, D.C. which could possibly be affected by a tsunami? Or would they just hide out underground?

The 70th UN Assembly begins 9/15/15. The Palestinian state issue could be decided during this session. Jade Helm is scheduled to end on 9/15/15. Tomorrow Land is a Disney movie that is scheduled to be released on 5/22/15. The numbers 923 are shown in two trailers. Hebrew year 5776. Tomorrow World Festival portal to the underworld in September 2015. CERN was scheduled to restart on 3/23/15—6 months before 9/23/15. Some are saying that CERN was responsible for the Nepal earthquake. Autumnal Equinox The Shemitah year

Comment by kathyet on September 2, 2015 at 9:21am
Published on Sep 2, 2015

SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest Updates - http://www.youtube.com/user/elitenwoa...

OBAMA to USE HUGE CRISIS to CANCEL 2016 ELECTION & Become 3rd Term President H.J. Res 15 Bill

In a recent speech criticizing African political leaders who stay too long in office, President Obama said he could win a third term if he ran for president again but acknowledged that U.S. law does not allow it. Could Obama win again? In a speech to African Union leaders on Tuesday, US President Barack Obama brazenly stated “I’m a pretty good president… If I ran again, I could win.” The lemmings would love a dictator. This proposed legislation would repeal the 22nd Amendment that limits presidents to two four-year terms in office.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) fears that the Obama administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws could lead to Obama himself failing to enforce election laws, a concern voiced amidst calls by some for Obama to run for a third term in office. Lazarus responded “no,” to which Gowdy shot back, “Why not? If he can suspend mandatory minimum and immigration laws, why not election laws?”

Zimmerman’s argument caused understandable consternation amongst conservatives, some of whom expressed the fear (which is somewhat routine when any president is coming to the end of his term), that the stage was being set for some kind of engineered crisis that would be exploited to justify a third term for Obama.



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