We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

We should never forget those who were forced into making a decision none of them deserved to make. They were everyday normal people who were going to work, m...

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Comment by kathyet on September 11, 2015 at 11:50am
Published on Dec 23, 2012

We should never forget those who were forced into making a decision none of them deserved to make. They were everyday normal people who were going to work, making a living for themselves and their families. They didn't deserve their fate, nor our (America's) immediate denial of how "Their Final Journey" truly ended. My intention is to tell a story to America and the world that these people are to be honored, remembered, & ask everyone to force themselves into their shoes in order to understand what it was truly like to make a decision about how your life would end...

On Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Family, friends, & loved ones got ready for work
It was no different from any other day
And on that day, in less than a couple of hours
Many of them would have to make an "unimaginable decision"
When two passenger jets crashed into the Twin Towers

If they could have used the elevators or stairs, they would have
If they cold have waited for help, they would have
If they could have escaped the buildings, they would have

Whether they fell inadvertently while trying to escape
The suffocating smoke, intense heat, and flames
Or whether they willfully stepped out
Their fates were sealed when the planes destroyed the elevators & stairways

While the fires burned all around them
They thought about their children
They thought about their spouses
They thought about their parents & friends

And at those moments, there were no suicides, only murders...

The duration of their final journey was approximately 10 seconds
Many fell alone, and quiet...
Many fell together in groups
And some, even fell together holding hands comforting one another...

It is not difficult to imagine what decision any of us would have made
Although, none of us can truly know
What our actual decision would have been...

One thing I do know for sure
The decision that any one of us would have made
Would likely have been no different from those souls

To me, these individuals are by far, some of the bravest people I can think of...

For being forced to act on one of the only two options they had before them

If there is a God, I am confident that He will welcome them all in with open arms

When I read comments, and view videos that blames this tragic event
On an "Inside Job", It saddens me...

It is an insult to the memory of the innocent lives that were taken from us
By the evil of this world, plain and simple...

As for the perpetrators who perished when the planes crashed
In my opinion, they were no more than components to a "sophisticated bomb"
I have nothing to say for them...

The events of 9/11 changed me as well as many others
It reminds us about the importance of family & friends...
Caring for them, helping them, loving them...

Because you will never know when it will be
Your last time to ever do so...

And in closing, I leave with you this one question:




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