We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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Our President needs the help of Patriots who understand the truth of it..Learn the truth and spread the truth with a touch of love.Do not argue with the hard left..Save your breath for the useful idiots who get preyed on by the progressive scum.

Alex is right on this issue..

Hear what an eye witness has to say.. Antifa started the violence..I can not stand the Racist White Trash. But the Truth is important to report. Learn the truth and teach the truth.

By the sounds of things, This was a set up false flag . Run by Deep State. These things must get taught. Get involved to teach the truth of it.By Praying for God to help you see the truth you will become a warrior for God. Use Gods tools to defeat evil and you can never loose.

Judge for yourself...False flag run by De ep State or what. You tell me .

This guy has a pretty good idea of the truth of it.

Fox reporter seems to think something fishy

Charlottesville ,,,A DEEP STATE SET UP...A lot of weird investigative info coming forth.

This video tells how and why th is event was planned

The "truth" of what happened, essentially a triviality when compared to No.Korea, Syria, Venezuela; ISIS, among others; depends upon your perspective.

But our seditious media, never missing an opportunity to instigate bedlam and ratings, has allowed this event to metastasize into a frenzy; of which nothing good will ever come.NOTHING!

Trump has totally embarrassed himself w/his chronic incoherent pre-school blathering, if that were possible,

As a result, those in his own party, whom he needs for the support of his critical infrastructure, reform and tax agenda; have given him the finger, lima charlie, and closed this door on him.

In the meanwhile the WH fandango continues merrily on. Hey how 'bout Bill O'Reilly for WH media guy???

Trump's ratings are not falling, they're disintegrating.

As a result, his simply will NOT be re-nominated. Cold, hard reality!!!!

It sounds like you do not believe the Bilderberg aspect of what I have been teaching. .Do you think there is any truth to the NWO agenda of the globalists  ?  It sounds like you are in line with the establishment .




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