We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

First let me say the First Amendment about Religion, in context with when it was written, means America could not create an official State Religion like the King of England did! They don't teach that in schools anymore, since the Democrats took over education.

All of America needs to start and/or continue this;
We see perverse actions daily that are the opposite of our traditional rules for our society, and which seriously go against our traditional morality integrity, merit, and honor.
These actions are openly promoted under the false flags of compassion, diversity inclusion, and equality. Somewhere along the line the Marxists have succeeded in twisting our values, and are using them against us. They have even openly started waging war against Christianity, and by that, against God. This has to stop if we want to stop destroying ourselves. We Must Turn Back To God, and Keep His Commandments. We must create and enact our laws using the Intent of the Commandments as our Moral Guide.
We all know that Trump is one of a kind. When this term is over, we have no one yet to replace him. Who could or would do as much good as he has already done? How will we find that specific person without God's help? If we believe that God has given us Trump as a last chance, then we need to return to wordhiping God as a unified Nation and keep his Commandments. Otherwise if we don't do that, I am sure that God will look with disfavor on helpinmg us further when he decides out eventual fate. 
As far as Trump goes, we must back him all the way. We need to insure that his changes won't be eradicated immediately, by the next Democrat Incursion into destroying the Constitution, and America in general. We need to start acting and agitating in every State Legislature, for a States called Amendment Proposal Convention. When they do speak out against States proposing any changes without Congress to block their amendment proposals, we must be aware the members of Congress and their hidden leders will try to suffocate the movement with fear and outright lies. They would do anything to stop us, because it would remove their iron fisted power and control.
We all should know Congress won't ever entertain term limits, a balanced budget, civilian control over their actions, petitions to change the existing order they set up for their own benefit, Stopping their exempting themselves from the laws they impose on us, Civilian oversight of the judiciary, etc. We need to be able to propose amendments in clear and concise terms to facilitate those things. 
Other than the Commandments being God's Laws for mankind, they are the rules for a working society. We need to use them and the underlaying morality they imply.

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