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Source; The Miami Herald at  https://www.yahoo.com/news/really-think-donald-trump-good-141226513... 

You really think Donald Trump was a good president? Look at his record | Opinion.
Here’s the biggest myth that Republican candidate Donald Trump is trying to sell to Americans and to the world: that he was a good president.
( based on just the economy alone he was. this bull is made from the fact he encroached on the liberal Left/Deep State miitary industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about.)

Trump’s continuously repeated falsehoods about his record as president have convinced many people who find him to be a horrible person, but nevertheless support him because of what Trump says about his term in office. 

(Cite actual varifiable falsehoods that do not impact the hard left agendas of the Democrats to prove that statement, otherwise it's just the left making up false scenarios)


“Yes, I know, he’s 78, he’s not as sharp as he used to be, he lies all the time, he has cheated on his wives, he makes racist comments, he is a convicted felon, and he tried to carry out a coup after he lost the last elections. But he was a good president,” a Republican friend told me recently. 

(really? was that Republican part of the old guard establishment of RINO's and Never Trumpers who helped the Democrats block everything Trump tried to do, like securing the border? The coup was a set up by Pelosi,Schumer, and others who refused Trump's authorizing extra National Guard Troops to help keep order? Remember it was Pelosi who refused those troops as looking too excessive, then set up fencing with NG troops after the fact. As far as the coup attempt goes Trump asked Pence to put the certification on hold until the charges of voter fraud were examined in open court. Funny the Democrat oriented courts that denied that because of no standing because no one was hurt denied that Trump was materially hurt by the FRAUD! The same thing can be said by the trumpped up charges and despicable absolute bias that Engoron conducted that star chamber excuse for a trial. It wasn't as beliveable as the old Russian KGB trials where the verdict was decided politically in advance of the public performance to justify the railroading the judge gave him.)


Let me share with you some facts to help fight political amnesia. In fact, Trump was one of the worst presidents in recent history. Here are the facts:

On the economy, Trump left the biggest deficit in U.S. history. 
Fact Check; (President Obama added about $8.6 trillion, about a 74% increase, to the national debt at the end of President Bush’s last budget in 2009.)
Fact Check; President Donald Trump took office in January 2017. He submitted his first budget in May. It covered the 2018 fiscal year, which didn't begin until October 1, 2017. Trump operated the first part of his term under President Barack Obama's budget for fiscal year 2017, which ended on Sept. 30, 2017.)
Fact Check; (President Roosevelt added the largest percentage increase to the national debt. Although he only added $236 billion, this was an increase of about 1,048% [1000 and 48 percent] from the $22.5 billion debt level left by President Herbert Hoover before him.)
(President Wilson was the second-largest contributor to the debt, percentage-wise. He added about $21 billion, which was a 723% increase over the $2.9 billion debt of his predecessor. )
Fact Check; Presidents Obama and Trump both increased the national debt by nearly $9 trillion during their respective times in office. Trump did this in four years, while Obama did it over eight years. In terms of proportion, Franklin Roosevelt oversaw the largest percentage increase in the national debt during his three-plus terms in office.)
  • [Under Trump, the national debt grew much faster than during his successor Joe Biden. Like most populists, Trump cut taxes and spent as if there were no tomorrow, leaving a national debt that will have to be paid by our children and grandchildren for decades.
  • Fact Check; (Every president has that circumstance be part and parcel of their respective administrations]
The national debt by almost $7.8 trillion to $28 trillion during Trump’s four years in office, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The debt has kept growing since, but at a significantly slower pace.
As for the country’s economic growth, the U.S. economy under Trump grew by an overall 6.8%. By comparison, it grew by 8.4% in the Biden years.

On the jobs’ front, Trump left office with 3 million fewer jobs than there were when he entered the White House. Granted, that was largely because of the pandemic, but Biden has added nearly 16 million jobs since then.

Granted, inflation was lower under Trump than under Biden. The pandemic disrupted supply chains from China and made consumer prices soar in America in 2021 and 2022. But inflation has since fallen to 2.4%, close to its pre-pandemic levels.
Fact Check; (The coronavirus pandemic sent the annual deficit into record territory. In 2020, Trump’s fourth year, the deficit skyrocketed to $3.13 trillion, largely because of government stimulus payments, unemployment insurance expansions, business operation grants and increased funding for public health. Jobs were similarily affected and businesses have reduced their staffing since they found out during the pandemic they could get along with fewer employees. Many employees decided they would rather work from home too.)
On democracy, Trump undermined democratic institutions and the rule of law like no other American president in recent memory. He is the first U.S. president I can remember who tried to stage a coup d’etat to stay in power.
Fact Check; (Trump simply asked Pence to delay, not refuse to certify the cojunt until the allegations of voter fraud could be examined in open court)
Trump falsely claims to this day that he won the 2020 election, even after more than 60 courts and the conservative-majority Supreme Court found his objections to be unsubstantiated.
Fact Check; (The Supreme Court found on the immunity claims, and Judge Tanya Chuktan, a Barack Obama appointee from Jamacia, the one to adjudicate Trumps indictment over the election, not the Supreme Court.)
Then, he tacitly tried to incite rebellion on Jan. 6, 2021, when he waited for hours before trying to stop a pro-Trump mob from invading the U.S. Capitol in hopes of overturning the election result.
Fact Check; (he put out a video addressing those at the Capitol to remain peaceful and stop their movement towards the capital building. The video was removed witnin 5 minutes of his posting it by the video provider site, not by Trump. His Secret Service detail against his explicit wishes refused to allow him to go to the Capitol bulding to personally request his followers to stand down and stop what they were doing. Previous to the incident he authorized National Guard Troops to be stationed at the Capitol, those orders were rescinded by Pelosi and other prominent Democrats.)
He continues to praise the violent rioters who injured more than 100 police officers, calling them “patriots” and government “hostages.”
Fact Check; (Trump is calling them government hostages because the J-6 group has destroyed all the evidence and there have been very few trials as of yet. They are in effect hostages/po;itical prisoners of the Democrat administration.)
On foreign policy, Trump weakened America’s standing in the world by picking fights with the closest U.S. allies while at the same time embracing dictators such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.
Fact Check; (Trump was opening accords with out traditional enemies and attempting to maintain a Peace through strength position to stop their aggression, and it worked.)
Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord and threatened to abandon the U.S.-European NATO military alliance. Trump’s 'Threats to leave NATO'  significantly damaged the group’s unity and probably encouraged Putin to plan his 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
Fact check; (Trump had this perspective on the Paris agreement; that it was unfair to the US, leaving countries like India and China free to use fossil fuels while the US had to curb their carbon. His threat to leave NATO was designed to make the other members pay their fair share instead of epecting the US to pay the lions share.)

Trump deserves credit for the Abraham Accords to help establish diplomatic ties between Israel and some Arab countries. But if you look at the world in terms of superpower-led blocs, Trump left power in 2020 with a weaker Western alliance and a stronger China and Russia.

On abortion, Trump appointed three conservative Supreme Court judges who played a crucial role in overturning Roe v. Wade, a ruling that had made abortions legal in the country for nearly 50 years. As a result, some states banned abortions, and some women reportedly died because they could not get proper medical care to end their pregnancies.
Fact Check; (Trump did in fact appoint those Justices. However those justices simply put the issue back to the states themselves, which by the way both parties had talkd about doingt but never acted on it. As it is now, the states are responsible to their citizens for the decision on abortions.)
On crime, hate crimes increased by 28%  during Trump’s term and hate-motivated murders, mainly committed by white supremacists, reached their highest number in 28 years, according to FBI statistics.
Fact Check; (Hate Crime increase is largely due to the constantly expanding deinition of the "Crime" that is being used to censor the 1st amendment protections of free speech. Since the Obama administration, the Democrats have increasingly onsidered anything that goes against their social agendas a hate crime regardless if 87% of the citizens do not agree with those agendas. They are being pushed on American Society and when they are objected to by the actual vast majority that majority are called names like White Supremist, Racist, Hate Monger, etc. The statistice show the smallest portin of the violence was committed by the so called 'White Supremacists)
Trump has exacerbated racial hatred in the country since he started his 2016 campaign falsely declaring that most Mexican undocumented immigrants are “rapists” and are “bringing crime” to America. In 2017, he said that there were “very fine people” among white supremacists and the anti-racism demonstrators who were protesting against them in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Fact Check; (The Statistics show the majority of those crimes have been committed by illegal immigrants, due to the fact the Biden Administration has allowed and currently is allowing the largest numbers of illegals to cross our border ever!)

Trump’s racist statements have worsened since. He recently falsely claimed that Haitian immigrants are eating the pets of Americans in Springfield, Ohio. In an Oct. 7 radio interview, Trump said that unauthorized migrants who committed violent crimes have “bad genes,” a language reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s efforts to dehumanize Jews.

Also, in 2020, the last year of the Trump presidency, there was the biggest one-year increase in the number of murders since the 1960s, according the Politifact fact checking website. In addition to the pandemic and the George Floyd riots, Democrats attribute the 30% increase in murders to the relaxation of gun control laws under Trump.
Fact Check; (The allegations about pets being eaten have been corroborated by people in those areas as verifiable. The increase in those violent crimes totally ignores the rise in illegals entering America due to the Biden/Harris administration agenda on the borders.)
On immigration, Trump never completed the border fence nor got Mexico to pay for it, as he had promised in his 2016 campaign. Trump now claims to have built much of the current 654 miles of border wall, but most of it was already in place and repaired or upgraded during his years in office, according to Customs and Border Protection data.
Fact Check; (The new model border fenceing was built by trump and was constantly beset and in some cases even removed by the Democrats. The funding was repeatedly canceled by the Democrat controlled Congress,)
On the COVID-19 Pandemic, Trump scorned face masks and at one point asked Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant to fight the virus. Scientists say many of the 400,000 Covid deaths during his presidency could have been averted if he had exhorted people to get vaccinated.
Fact Check; (The face mask theory was debunked by the actual size of the C-19 virus being only 1 or 2 microns, making those masks useless except to criminals to disguise themselves, and are something akin to how passed gas penetrates underwear. The pandemic death and injury numbers have been associated with the untested Vaccine/Gene Modification shots, A Pharmacutical companmy has lost a court case and had to rescind it's falsehood about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquoine effectiveness, and the death numbers of the un-vaccinated were only a very very small percentage of the vaccinated.)
The list of Trump administration failures goes on and on. So if you are planning to vote for Trump because of something specific he has promised, and you are willing to believe a compulsive liar, go ahead. But please don’t tell me he was a good president: he was a disaster on virtually all fronts.
Fact Check; (The opinions listed can more easily be attributed to the Liberal Democrats IMHO!)

Don’t miss the “Oppenheimer Presenta” TV show on Sundays at 9 pm E.T. on CNN en Español. Blog: andresoppenheimer.com

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