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Some Things About Kamala found on the Internet

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/some-things-about-kamala-fou...

1. Kamala Harris is the offspring of two foreign-born college professors, and they provided Kamala a prosperous childhood (not struggling middle class from Oakland!) ensconced amidst the Ivory Towers of academia in Montreal and Berkeley..

2. Kamala Harris’ mother comes from the Indian Brahmin caste, which sits atop India’s horrifically backward and oppressive caste system. Her father comes from a family of wealthy Jamaican slave plantation owners.

3. Kamala Harris’ father was an influential Marxist economist.

4. Kamala Harris spent her formative teen-age years living in Montreal, Canada. At no time in her formative years did Harris ever live what is customarily referred to as “The African-American Experience”; or, for that matter, the American working class experience.

5. Kamala Harris failed the California bar exam.

6. Kamala Harris rose to political prominence in California thanks to the support of a much older, married and influential Democrat pol, Willie Brown, with whom she was having sex while he advanced her career.

7. As California’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris knowingly engaged in numerous unfair and unethical legal practices that wrongfully denied many, many unjustly-incarcerated black men their freedom and liberty.

8. As a Senator from California, Kamala Harris was ranked by many non-partisan political analysts as the most extreme Leftist in the Senate.

9. Running as a Democrat Presidential candidate in 2020, while being incredibly well-funded, Kamala Harris nevertheless polled at the bottom of all major candidates and was one of the very first to withdraw. This was widely perceived to be a function of her unlikeability and her inability to offer cogent campaign positions of substance.

10. Joe Biden explicitly stated that he hired Harris BECAUSE she is a black woman. Thus, it is entirely fair to label her a “DEI hire.”
11. Kamala Harris as Vice President has had an unusually high staff turnover rate exceeding 90%.

12. The media is extremely hard-pressed to recount a single accomplishment of Harris as VP. Quite the opposite, they have white-washed her title as “Border Czar” as she failed to do anything to stop open border allowing in 10 -12 million illegals; including known terrorists, cartels, thousands of criminals, drug and sex traffickers and the Chinese made fentanyl that has killed a quarter of a million American citizens. 

13. Prior to becoming the Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris had the lowest VP approval ratings of any VP since Spiro Agnew.

14. Kamala Harris knew that Joe Biden had dementia, and lied to us for 3 1/2 years, covering up his mental incompetency.

15. Kamala Harris, along with Barack Obama and other Democrat luminaries, engaged in some form of extortion to force Joe Biden to step aside as the Democrat Presidential nominee in 2024, so she could assume that mantle herself.

16. Kamala Harris never received a single primary vote in favor of the candidacy she seized from Joe Biden.

17. As the Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris was spurned by most of the Democrat party luminaries to be her VP candidate, and instead she settled for Tim Walz, an extreme leftist who has passed laws in Minnesota allowing for abortion up until birth and making MN. a "sanctuary city" for minors who opt for chemical castration or permanent life altering physical surgery; even without their parents permission.

18. Kamala Harris has been the Democrat Presidential candidate for approximately two months, and her only two policy prescriptions are communist style price controls and promising an illegal $25,000 government gift for first time home buyers. 

19. Kamala Harris has never worked in a private business in her adult life.

20. Kamala Harris has stated that she "hasn't changed her values" and we should believe her as she has a more than 20 year video record of being for; no border, abolishing ICE, government paid health insurance for illegals, gun confiscation, no bail policies, defunding the police, abolishing private health insurance, unlimited abortion and chemical castration and/or physical mutilation of minors in the name of "gender affirmation".


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